So ... I was thinking of "collecting" complaints about Trials of Osiris and "offer" it to Bungie. Might post it on Reddit for the community managers to see. But when I think about doing it ... I got this feeling that it will be acknowledged and that'll be the end of it.
Had some rough games in Trials. People showing up out of nowhere. Others were sitting in a corner and when trying to shoot them they'd just get up and kill you. Wouldn't take any damage. Which is frustrating, to say the least. If you are 8-0, with no more loss-boons ... you want that 9-0. But when you face a lag-switching team for the second time you just want to smash your controller to bits and smack a Bungie employee across the face. There's NOTHING you can do about it except sit it out. When 3 of your enemies can't be killed and rely on capturing the zones to win you feel like shit.
I'd rather fucking lose 5-4 than come up against a team of cheaters/laggers. There's an increase in these kind of players every week. Has Bungie EVER acknowledged they are doing something about this?
They only thing I noticed so far is that there are far less of these people on PS4 compared to XBONE. I've seen Unstable play with randoms and he barely encounters them. But when looking at XBONE livestreams ... man.
One thing they could do is swap spawns per round. Depending on map I think certain spawns offer better advantages.