Need a 3rd for nightfall. Join silvertonguebr or macello.
I'll be on in a sec
Need a 3rd for nightfall. Join silvertonguebr or macello.
Does anyone need 1 for a couple night falls?
Yes.unless macello got somebody
Edit: nvm. Deadly_tacoz joined.
All good, still looking for nf
Need one more for nf?
So, turns out the Ogre towards the end of Shrine of Oryx doesn't count as an Ogre kill lol. Why is this a thing? No wonder I haven't got the grimoire yet. How ridiculous.
Just put everyone who backs out of a match have to wait 5-10 minutes before joining a new one. People will quit far less and this chances of joining a match in progress go way down.
Any of you amazing reset warriors save a gorgon checkpoint?
Nah it's cool i'll play anther couple of games if i can!
Just put everyone who backs out of a match have to wait 5-10 minutes before joining a new one. People will quit far less and this chances of joining a match in progress go way down.
Bungie needs to removed the ability to matchmaking already started matches.
I want to play a new one and not enter in one with 6000 x 2500 score.
If it has a yellow bar (major) they don't count. But I could of sworn I farmed that spot for my Ogre kills on the lowest difficulty
I'll join.Well, that explains it. Still dumb.
Anyway, I'm doing Nightfall now if anyone wants to join.
anyone have the stats on the hunter armor piece Variks is selling this week?
Congratulations!Better late than never!
Well, that explains it. Still dumb.
Anyway, I'm doing Nightfall now if anyone wants to join.
Discipline 157
Special Weapon Ammo
Auto Rifle Ammo
Armor + Melee for Cabal
anyone up for three quick nightfalls? I have no headset so I won't be able to speak nor hear, but shouldn't be a big problem
PSN: Deniz093 (add or invite me to party)
I've kind of given up on platinuming this game. Flawless raiding sounds like a soul-crushing chore. Plus the broken-ass weapon upgrade trophies don't pop for me (because I completed the requirements only after DLC2 hit).
Finished in Style![]()
Still looking?
Ok. I need 1 more nightfall. I'll join you.
Still looking?
Same is happening entering in the middle of the battle.No they don't. Ever play Halo? It's awful whenever any of your teammates leave because then you're playing with a disadvantage for the rest of the game. I remember when CoD4 came out and they had join in progress matches. It stomped all over Halo 3s matchmaking system.
What you described is happening right now a lot of times when players entering in the middle of the match
I prefer to have a new match than that bullshit.
Because when I enter in the middle of the battle everybody has supper, rocket launchers, etc... I don't know how to change the pace from 6000 x 2000 to win the match at 10000.
In a new match even if I'm losing I know the flow of the battle and can change it even alone.
I've kind of given up on platinuming this game. Flawless raiding sounds like a soul-crushing chore. Plus the broken-ass weapon upgrade trophies don't pop for me (because I completed the requirements only after DLC2 hit).
Pest Control Matrix with outlaw, crowd control and extended mags.
Roll on 2.0
Same is happening entering in the middle of the battle.
It is just how it works... so I prefer don't have resume matchmaking because at least I can start a new match and solo if needed.
Well a better response that I posted in
Well, I haven't raided once in this game.Joking, right?Dr Drizzy took people through Crota in less than 30 minutes. If I can do it, anyone can do it!
Nvm. Looks like you're for one in nf
I have one of these in the vault waiting for the auto rifle re-balance. Haven't reforged it yet though.
Better late than never!
This is my first ever Platinum (and i've been on playstation for like 20 years) I want to thank this awesome community we have here on GAF for Destiny as without you guys i wouldn't have been able to achieve this! This is the first GAF community i've ever properly been involved in and i think we have some amazing helpful people along with seriously talented gamers too.
A special mention goes to Drizzey though for being an awesome sherpa in the flawless raider with us yesterday, i had been chasing that for a long long time!
So yeah thanks everyone!![]()
Nvm. Looks like you're full.
Anyone up for NF?