I took that as the win % of each spawn.
Ah I see.
Well only because the A team knows that it has to run for C in maps like Blind Watch and Shores
I took that as the win % of each spawn.
Considering this is the overall crucible stat and not a stat from a personal POV.
I don't understand about the spawn, wouldn't it be 50-50 always? lol
Because there's always a team that is at A and one team at B.
Josh logging onTwo peeps for a nightfall on XB1?
I thought it was a stat for which team won. Could have not been paying attention lol.
Both towns are really cool; if you have any question on Paris, don't hesitate to ask me, been living there for more than 10 years now...
Yeah, he seems to have two sets, with Lightswitch coming up every other week. This is a skip week, but level 34 looks very doable.
So step one: keep on keeping on?
Usually have this as my theme song though:
Thorn, Hawkmoon and Messenger combo from enemy team was annoying
Well, I don't know the finer details, but I'm pretty sure that if you come work in France you benefit from the French healthcare, which is one of our best assets here. I understand that having to start looking for a surgery all over again in another country could be a bit bothersome, though. ^^I've been given it some thought, but... If it is long term, Paris with spanish salary = bad, They are both helpdesk positions (It's a downgrade in my career) and I am in a waiting line for surgery with public healthcare(Which I will lose). I may take it if it is something temporary such as covering for somebody during vacations, which is something pretty common in the company, but no way I want to be a full time helpdesk / support tech again hauling computers and breaking nails while telling people to restart their computers.
But heck. Single, no family ties, no pets, no responsibilities and I was already on the reserve list for Prague. No wonder they asked.
I finally leveled up Pocket Infinity after all these months to unlock it's exotic perk. Wish I had a chance to use it back in it's heyday, because it seems kind of crappy now. It's like using a 4th Horseman, but w/ way less damage. At least that's what it feels like. Am I missing something w/ this weapon? Should I not go for the extended mag?
Skolas himself without lightswitch is probably my favorite boss fight in Destiny. It requires good team work, coordination and communication.
But it's my least repeated final hard mode encounter in the game. Here are my problems with the whole Skolas PoE:
1) it takes way too long to get to Skolas, and the first five rounds never change so they're boring. It is easily the longest end game PvE content in the game (Even when people were on level with the old content).
2) Even though it take the longest to get there even without wipes, Skolas has no checkpoint even though it is a raid level boss encounter on the same tier as Atheon or Crota. This is Bungie really not respecting players time commitment at all.
3) Skolas has horrible low drop rates for elemental primaries, and making the burns random means that you have a very low chance of getting the gun you want with the burn you want on it.
So the TLDR of it is that even though Skolas is a great encounter by itself, the time commitment required just to get to Skolas is way too high, and the loot drop chances are way too low, and the game doesn't respect your time by giving you any type of checkpoint.
Skolas himself without lightswitch is probably my favorite boss fight in Destiny. It requires good team work, coordination and communication.
But it's my least repeated final hard mode encounter in the game. Here are my problems with the whole Skolas PoE:
1) it takes way too long to get to Skolas, and the first five rounds never change so they're boring. It is easily the longest end game PvE content in the game (Even when people were on level with the old content).
2) Even though it take the longest to get there even without wipes, Skolas has no checkpoint even though it is a raid level boss encounter on the same tier as Atheon or Crota. This is Bungie really not respecting players time commitment at all.
3) Skolas has horrible low drop rates for elemental primaries, and making the burns random means that you have a very low chance of getting the gun you want with the burn you want on it.
So the TLDR of it is that even though Skolas is a great encounter by itself, the time commitment required just to get to Skolas is way too high, and the loot drop chances are way too low, and the game doesn't respect your time by giving you any type of checkpoint.
Skolas himself without lightswitch is probably my favorite boss fight in Destiny. It requires good team work, coordination and communication.
But it's my least repeated final hard mode encounter in the game. Here are my problems with the whole Skolas PoE:
1) it takes way too long to get to Skolas, and the first five rounds never change so they're boring. It is easily the longest end game PvE content in the game (Even when people were on level with the old content).
2) Even though it take the longest to get there even without wipes, Skolas has no checkpoint even though it is a raid level boss encounter on the same tier as Atheon or Crota. This is Bungie really not respecting players time commitment at all.
3) Skolas has horrible low drop rates for elemental primaries, and making the burns random means that you have a very low chance of getting the gun you want with the burn you want on it.
So the TLDR of it is that even though Skolas is a great encounter by itself, the time commitment required just to get to Skolas is way too high, and the loot drop chances are way too low, and the game doesn't respect your time by giving you any type of checkpoint.
The issue with how long it takes to get there and Skolas himself also stems from the fact that you're dealing with artificially difficulty being underleveled.
The issue with how long it takes to get there and Skolas himself also stems from the fact that you're dealing with artificially difficulty being underleveled.
Took the words out of my damn mouth lol
I hate this about Bungie, it's such a cheap way of making encounters hard.
anybody up for Nightfall 3x??
Add/chat invite me
PSN Godless_Pagan
At least you ended up killing the teabagger.Ugh. Lost by less than 100 points.
Ugh. Lost by less than 100 points.
anybody up for Nightfall 3x??
Add/chat invite me
PSN Godless_Pagan
Still need 1?
Invite psn: definityxmg
I'm down Verano. Once my PS4 stops freaking out that is.
PSN: OwensboroEsq
YouTube finally uploaded my 2v3 Trials video.
Anyone up for some poe34? Preferably on several characters. Gf going to bed shortly= play time in aprox 10-15 minutes![]()
Last chance to jump in, @ Omnigul now.
Nightfall x3 anyone? Just join.
Crucible weapon data usage. Pretty cool.
Still need 1?
Invite psn: definityxmg
damn! well lemme finish this quick one.sorry
I'd be up for one or two. No mic. PSN raindoc
As Dinklebot would say...I'm starting to sense a pattern.
Beat Skolas on first try. Pretty nice fight.
I'm in soloing one right now, Just join on me when you can. FR sent to both of you.
3) Skolas has horrible low drop rates for elemental primaries, and making the burns random means that you have a very low chance of getting the gun you want with the burn you want on it.