if all Suros weapons sound like they're made of tin cans, i'm out
Regime sounds like it's shooting tennis balls.
EDIT: Top o' the page.

if all Suros weapons sound like they're made of tin cans, i'm out
Suros is da bes and you know it
I never promised such a thing!All the proceeds will go towards Nami's Necrochasm post after the weapons 2.0 update.
4 rounds just means larger magazines, doesn't mean you'll have to reload every fourth shot. Unless I'm misunderstanding you?
With that said, this sounds dumb. Why would you want to use a gun where you are less likely to get the critical shots you need to land?
There has been some pulse rifles that could shoot 4 rounds randomly (VoG one for example), Its just the way I play shooters I guess. If its like the VoG one than I am sold.I'm weird I know.
Random maps for Trials will be great.
Thanks for not shoving Thieves Den down our throats..
Classes based weapons? This says "Legendary" all over it. I dig it.
Sorry, re-reading what I wrote, it sounds like I'm calling your idea dumb, when I actually was commenting on the design choice by Bungie. Apologies.
Always wanted to be on a widely successful destiny podcast? Your chance has finally arrived! The Mythocast wants you!
When is the next recording nami?
Nami: Its this saturday!!!!
Whats the topic fig?
Fig: The topic is the future of Destiny <3
There you have it folks.
The time will be set once I can talk to everyone who wants to join us.
Random maps for Trials will be great.
Thanks for not shoving Thieves Den down our throats..
Could get REALLY ugly for PvP though.
Why is Commander Jane Shepard and Garrus on the picture?!
Could get REALLY ugly for PvP though.
I for one do not welcome our Pantheon overlord tomorrow.
Still need one? Psn prezhulioNeed one for PoE 32
Always wanted to be on a widely successful destiny podcast? Your chance has finally arrived! The Mythocast wants you!
When is the next recording nami?
Nami: Its this saturday!!!!
Whats the topic fig?
Fig: The topic is the future of Destiny <3
There you have it folks.
The time will be set once I can talk to everyone who wants to join us.
I would have loved Pantheon though...
Need one for PoE 32
good god
has to be 6est for me Todd
every weekend should be Pantheon
I'm in if theres still a spot.
Shiiiiit. Bungie had better not introduce a weapon that buffs blink. I hate blinkers...
I'm trying to get the people who have been wanting to be on the podcast in on this episode fig. So the time might be different than usual. You might have to sit this one out. Not sure yet.
every weekend should be Pantheon and Cauldron
*closes browser*
*closes Destiny*
*deletes Destiny*
*lies down*
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If you give it to us, well give you nine Strange Coins. If you already gave it to us, youll also get nine Strange Coins. Think about that before you take our Coins, only to opt out of letting us send you fanmail. We read yours. Ours contain presents, as well as challenges and some other fun stuff.
Heres how this works: * Visit your Bungie.net Profile page * Access your Settings * Select Notifications and Email * Scroll down, make sure it looks like this:
Coins will be granted on Fridays batched and rewarded. You have until August 30th to benefit from our seedy little bribe. We just want to keep in touch. And make sure you never leave us. Ever.
They're planning to nerf blink, so for the love of fuck they can't.
That's fine, I'll let someone else do the talking.![]()
I'm down. Psn j_rocca42Want to start a new Poe 32 run with me?
no, i like your voice too much.
I'm down. Psn j_rocca42
Ok that makes 3. Hold on guys let me just finish this match.
Always wanted to be on a widely successful destiny podcast? Your chance has finally arrived! The Mythocast wants you!
When is the next recording nami?
Nami: Its this saturday!!!!
Whats the topic fig?
Fig: The topic is the future of Destiny <3
There you have it folks.
The time will be set once I can talk to everyone who wants to join us.