Both are considered shitty. There's a reforge guide on Reddit.High Caliber Rounds or Skip Rounds on the BTRD-345?
EDIT: Fake top of page. TheTylerDurden whiff!

Both are considered shitty. There's a reforge guide on Reddit.High Caliber Rounds or Skip Rounds on the BTRD-345?
High Caliber Rounds or Skip Rounds on the BTRD-345?
I'll be down for Trials on either ps4 or xb1!
I don't have anyone on for xb1 yet except ToVenusAndBack (who is this on Gaf?!)
So probably start Trials on ps4
Welcome to GAF!
I mean, welcome.![]()
Welcome. That's a huge k/d jump. Congrats.
Welcome! I'm always looking for chill folks to do Trials. I'm not yet very good at PvP, but have a lot of fun learning. Feel free to hit me up for some low expectations fun! (Or anything else for that matter.) PSN = dorssom.
Welcome! I'm always looking for people to run trials with. It's really the most fun part of Destiny for me now. Haven't managed to find a consistent group to run it with either. Got a couple of real life friends that I do well with, but it's rare we're all on at the same time. Add me on PSN if you want, always willing to play a card or two if I have time. I'm also usually up for just regular crucible as well.
PSN same as GAF
Lol just let me on your team and scrubbiness will happen.
Rotating maps? Yes!!
Can't wait to scrub it up this weekend.
Both are considered shitty. There's a reforge guide on Reddit.
EDIT: Fake top of page. TheTylerDurden whiff!
You guys around tonight?
I'll run with u on Xbox this weekend. GT is dmh33.
I'll be down for trials in 15-20 minutes if anyone needs a third.
Finally had my membership confirmed
I've been following these threads since OT1, Ive played with a few of you and friends with a couple, I even joined SEXY clan because who doesn't want to be SEXY. I'm just gutted I never looked to join whilst my personal sine wave was at its peak (i'm middling somewhere round the middle at the moment)
Anyway looking forward to playing some more and hopefully now I'm confirmed Ustable may notice me annoying him in his chat and let me win the raffle :kappa: As I neglected PvP until six-weeks ago (got my K'd from .25 up to .96) I've managed to get up to 6 wins but the struggles been real trying to get a consistent team together
I'll run with u on Xbox this weekend. GT is dmh33.
Same for XB1 GT?
added PSN: TheTurboFD
I'm irrotational on xbox but only scrub level in PvP... Im keen to do trials but it would be to learn/practice as I'm not 9-0 material. Happy tomoisten to instructions and give call outs etc.
Have done all the raids and PoE quite a bit so I can be a handy 5th or 6th person if you need to make up numbers
I'll be on in 2-3 hours for 2-3 hours.
I am ready any time.
I'll be down for trials in 15-20 minutes if anyone needs a third.
Have a third already? I'd love to get in on some trials. Psn same as gaf.
I'll be down for trials in 15-20 minutes if anyone needs a third.
Room for 1 on a fun trials run!
Still need a 3rd?
Out of the 63 Exotic armor pieces and weapons in the game:
- 8 are Exotic Bounties (Super Good Advice, Invective, Pocket Infinity, Thorn, Bad Juju, Queen's Bow, Lord of Wolves, Dreg's Promise)
- 3 are PlayStation exclusive until September (Hawkmoon, Monte Carlo, 4th Horseman)
- 2 are Raid drops (Vex Mythoclast and Necrochasm)
Out of the remaining 50 items:
- Only The Ram and Bones of Eao have not been sold ever. Weapons? All of them have been sold.
- Only Gjallarhorn and Thunderlord have been sold less than 3 times on the weapons front
I seriously don't get how people can be disappointed with Xûr. He's sold everything except two of the new DLC exotics, and we know they'll inevitably be sold in the next 2-3 weeks.
So sure he doesn't have anything new for us. That's frankly not a disappointment when you consider that you have 90%+ of the Exotics you want, of course it'll be rare for him to have something you want.
All of this talk of taking breaks... I need to take a drinking break after last night.
Have a third already? I'd love to get in on some trials. Psn same as gaf.
Any good source of etheric light apart from PoE 34? I want to update some old weapons I kept, as vision of confluence.
PS: I'm on PS4
The skill level of our opponents increased each match... But I'd prefer to blame it on the lag lol.I should be on tonight/tomorrow night dmh.
We had some brutal salvage matches after you left last night. Nothing was working for me, it was quite frustrating.
You guys around tonight?
I'm going to do a card with Tyler and Teasing. After that though I'm down if your third drops and you guys want to do another run.Hammon join us!
You guys around tonight?
UnstabieOk, so who is streaming some trials?
Ok, so who is streaming some trials?
Lmao. xur has titan alpha lupi. Of course. I didn't bring my vita on this trip. Goddamn fucking damn fucking fuck.
Unstabiehe is playing with Zoba.
I need to find a team yet![]()
Ok, so who is streaming some trials?
Wait, Zoba is back?! WHAT?! Sicne when!?
Also, Widow's Court again? Really?
He is not back... just play with Unstabie some times.Wait, Zoba is back?! WHAT?! Sicne when!?
Also, Widow's Court again? Really?