Yep, easily.VoC can hit the oracles in the far back?
The Ash Factory is mine!
Name is so fitting, thing is a beast. Rolled:The Ash Factory is mine!
It can hit that one too if you know where to stand.VoC can hit everything but the "hidden" one.
Out of the 63 Exotic armor pieces and weapons in the game:
- 8 are Exotic Bounties (Super Good Advice, Invective, Pocket Infinity, Thorn, Bad Juju, Queen's Bow, Lord of Wolves, Dreg's Promise)
- 3 are PlayStation exclusive until September (Hawkmoon, Monte Carlo, 4th Horseman)
- 2 are Raid drops (Vex Mythoclast and Necrochasm)
Out of the remaining 50 items:
- Only The Ram and Bones of Eao have not been sold ever. Weapons? All of them have been sold.
- Only Gjallarhorn and Thunderlord have been sold less than 3 times on the weapons front
I seriously don't get how people can be disappointed with Xûr. He's sold everything except two of the new DLC exotics, and we know they'll inevitably be sold in the next 2-3 weeks.
So sure he doesn't have anything new for us. That's frankly not a disappointment when you consider that you have 90%+ of the Exotics you want, of course it'll be rare for him to have something you want.
Are the shader, class item, nameplate and buff all bought from Lord Saladin?
Nice, I'll see who's on, probably looking at 8-9 EST, though Grip I still have some beef with you for your rocket league shenanigans.
I want those boots too, but I totally understand them wanting to space out the DLC so you don't feel like you got everything at once. It's been 2 months since HoW launched and 7/9 new Exotic armor pieces have been sold. The remaining 2/9 will inevitably follow.
As for "it was week 2 so it doesn't count"... I don't know man. I passed it up when I had a chance and it's a shame we've had No Land Beyond 4 times and Horn once, but to say "he may as well not have sold it" is a bit much.
Tons of people got it that day. Gjallarhorn is super coveted, but it's not super rare. Even being sold just once made it a weapon far more people had than, say, Thunderlord until it was finally sold. Sure, the regret stories get more attention but the fact is it was sold on week 2, and by then the vast majority of launch players, even with one character, had the coins and either got it or knowingly passed it up.
Still, I 100% believe it should be sold again because too many launch players with hundreds of hours still don't have it (even though they're probably a minority of launch players, they're a large enough group to deserve their shot at this).
I was just remarking upon how strange it is that no matter what he sells people still say it's crap when in reality he's sold every single weapon and 34/36 armor pieces![]()
I think it's 7000 for gear, and 5000 for etheric lights?Anyone know what the current cost of armor, light, and weapons are from Iron Banner? I can't remember. Googling...
Fuck, I don't have any of those armor pieces. Don't want em but now I gotta grind coins for em.
Lol what did I do?! Is it because I suck at RL?
Lol what did I do?! Is it because I suck at RL?
I thought you were good at it! *shrug*
Ha I was doing pretty bad the entire time. I think I only scored in like 2-3 games that we played. It was still fun, though.
I'm up for it.Need 1 more for Trials.
PSN: ethomaz
Look at the thread for that week. Week 2 was probably OT3 I think? Posting speed was ridiculous, I think OT1 lasted a day once the game launched. Don't remember.Think about how many strange coins people had back then. You were lucky if you even had 17. I think a very small percentage of people with Gjallarhorn got it from Xûr. Probably 99% got it from rng.
Anyone for a quick 34 PoE? Starting it up solo now.
They're a lot cheaper than they used to be. I might be a little off but I think:Anyone know what the current cost of armor, light, and weapons are from Iron Banner? I can't remember. Googling...
We got rektI should be on tonight/tomorrow night dmh.
We had some brutal salvage matches after you left last night. Nothing was working for me, it was quite frustrating.
They're a lot cheaper than they used to be. I might be a little off but I think:
Etheric Light: 5,000
Armor: 5,000
Weapons: 7,500
Or something close to that? I remember weapons used to be outrageously expensive before, like 12kish.
Lmao. xur has titan alpha lupi. Of course. I didn't bring my vita on this trip. Goddamn fucking damn fucking fuck.
Both of these are wrong...It's the Hunter one
Request sentNeed one more for PoE 34. At round 3. Just join.
Join me or Ghaleon.
PS4 DekuBleep
What gear is Trials selling?
Request sent
I'm getting it also Xbox one![]()
Are you guys getting this or Am I the only one?
Dammit, just need Exile gauntlets for my Warlock. Maybe I'll get it from a gold package.