Mass Appeal
Need one for trials if anyone is willing. Psn j_rocca42
Still need one?
Psn thenal84
Need one for trials if anyone is willing. Psn j_rocca42
Haven't done the nightfalls yet this week on Xbox One. Anyone want to run it tonight? Tag is DX
You still running them or taking a break?I'm alone. Anyone wants to hop in and help with this dragon strike?
Edit: nevermind
There's no revives in Hard Raids. On your first time, you're bound to die in silly places because you don't know the map and spawn locations etc. It'd suck for you to spend most of the time during your first Raid just looking at your dead orb or spectating others. In Normal at least you can be revived and that way you keep participating. In terms of loot though, each Raid is different. You should do Normal first so you learn. After that:
Vault of Glass: No reason to run Normal + Hard. There's a chest in the Gorgon Maze which has a ~10% chance of dropping an Exotic weapon. If you run Normal first and then Hard, you get two chances at an Exotic from that chest. That's it. For everything else, just running Hard will get you the loot for a Normal+Hard mode (double loot is nice). So unless you're really keen on maximizing those exotic rolls from the gorgon chest, you can always just run Heroic directly.
Crota's End: Different beast. The actual loot tables are different so depending on what you're after you wanna run one or the other. Basically, Normal is where you get armor drops during the first 3 stages, and then Crota can drop Special or Heavy weapons. On Heroic, the Abyss can drop a Pulse Rifle; the Bridge can drop an Auto Rifle; Crota can drop a Scout Rifle or a Hand Cannon. So if you want the sniper or rocket, you wanna do Normal because it's the only place you can get it. If you want the Hand Cannon, you do Hard because it's the only place you can get it.
Thanks, perfect timing. Boarding flight in one hour
Have a safe flight and great trip, Ruthless. Take tons of pics.
Hit me up when you jump on, if I'm around will help out.Quoting because I was the last damn post on that page.
Gonna take a break and play more Rocket League.You still running them or taking a break?
Thanks for the detailed response, completely makes sense and I really appreciate it! I really need to hit people up on here tomorrow or after the weekly reset for stuff. I played a bunch at launch on 360 but we didn't have enough people to do the Raid (and LFG/GAF was dead for 360) which was right around where I quit, then when I came back on PS4 I had to start over obviously, but only one of my friends currently plays this on PS4. I have good time with the game but solo isn't the ideal way to play at all![]()
I have a Badger with Firefly. It wrecks. Highest impact in game with Gheleon's I believe. There might be one more that matches it now.
Going to be doing Dragon Strikes. Anyone up for it?
Doing PoE35 with ^this guy. Anyone up for it? Room for one more.
PSN: ShadowKayos
Send me a message on PSN when you're ready.I'm down to do a good amount for a bit. I just need grab my dinner real quick if you don't mind.
I'll do a hard VoG. PSN: RAIDERSfan_808Anyone down to do VOG hard?
Send me a message on PSN when you're ready.
Grats on the vision. I was there when you got it! It's my favorite primary by far... That is till I get a Fate Bringer.Need one more for a Skolas run. After snagging that Vision of Confluence, I need an etheric light. :lol
Thanks mate, hope you get your gjallarhorn before I get back![]()
I can help you raid tonight or tomorrow. We can get a group.
I have the low impact Pulse in Void. Took it out for a spin one day, was surprised to see it can stun Captains even while they're shielded so it's not half-bad as a perk even if the element doesn't match.Got the Wolves Leash II (void) just now. Yay, finally a void scout rifle, pales compared to the ToO one though. Low impact, but pretty high rate of fire with Triple Tap and rolled supress a captain's abilities (would have been better if it was arc).
That and my Six Dreg's Pride II (solar) round out my Primary weapon needs of all three burns with a Hand Cannon and a Scout Rifle. Not sure if I feel like going for the Auto Rifle and Pulse Rifle since one of the perks is basically useless.
Trials this week man... Not a fan of random. Went 8-1, both losses on Pantheon. One to a team that punched their ticket to Mercury and another we lost in the final round when a defender popped a bubble.
It was disgusting.
Sure, my PSN is MrDaravon, I'll be around until probably ~11pm EST tonight. I'm still a little under the weather so if we don't get anything going tonight it's not a big deal at all, just remember it'll have to be on normal since I don't have Hard unlocked but I don't care which one we do. In passing I've seen a lot of VoG described, but I know literally nothing about the Crota one.
Have a great time Ruthless! You're going to have the time of your life! Godspeed
I have the low impact Pulse in Void. Took it out for a spin one day, was surprised to see it can stun Captains even while they're shielded so it's not half-bad as a perk even if the element doesn't match.
Ok saw this thread come up in my Borderlands search. I'm a new Gaf member from NZ but would be keen to team up with anyone running raids on PS4. I have a 32 Warlock 29 Hunter and a 2 Titan if anyone wants to start a new toon.
I have done VoG 1.5 times and Crota 0.5 times (friend bailed), have not done POE and need to finish Skolas story to unlock.
My PvP is rubbish tho, don't even.
PSN: ll_J-0-N_ll
I can flick an FR out to anyone keen. Cheers.
Doing some now if u wanna join psn dyergramAnyone interested in some casual Dragon strikes?
It's a lazy Sunday evening.
I'd be willing to help if it's done later tonight say in 6 hours? That's when I'll be on and I wouldn't mind helping.
The Crota raid is done in 5 Steps:
1. The Abyss
2. The Bridge
3. The Thrallway
4. The DeathSinger
5. Crota
If you like I can explain it in more detail, or would you rather keep it as a surprise for when you do the Raid?![]()
OmwDoing some now if u wanna join psn dyergram
Send me a message on PSN when you're ready.
Need one more for a Skolas run. After snagging that Vision of Confluence, I need an etheric light. :lol