Hello everybody. 1st post here after lurking for some time, account only activated today. I signed up here because this community seems like a great place and I really don't want to resort to the LFG sites where you have people who don't even meet their own requirements.
Trials is my favourite content to play in this game but my IRL friends have pretty much given up on that because they don't enjoy it so have nobody to play it withI'm certainly nowhere near as good as Unstable/Nghtly(and never will be even half as good as those guys) but can certainly hold my own most of the time.
Will probably be looking at joining one of the many clans here. I'm based in the UK if that even matters.
Welcome! It's nice to see a lot of newcomers and past lurkers joining in on the DGAF goodness.
What's your psn so people can add you?