Hm. The idea that people on LFG were excluding people from raids because they didn't have the Gjallajorn doesn't sit right with me. Bungie, people were excluded because they had to go to an outside source to find people for the raid.
I'll wait to see how the changes effect the game before passing judgment. Hopefully it's all for the best and they know what they are doing.
I'm an optimist.
People would have be excluded in game, the outsourcing got nothing to do with it.
Even here at the beginning of Hard Crota and Fire Burn Skolas, people were requesting the Horn.
As an owner of 3 of this bullshit weapon, I welcome the nerf, it will bring more variety in PVE loadouts.
You won't be able to 2 shot people with Pulse rifle anymore, for people saying they will be the new meta. They got a subtle nerf in the update.
I've got the feeling they want to reduce the TTK at long range (except for precision hit snipers), and that's a good thing.
Even with 10% damage nerf, shotguns will still be absurdly powerful in PVE, no big deal.
Ice Breaker and Black Hammer got hit hard, but I felt as soon as black hammer and Gjallahorn got nerfed, the IB would be in every loadout, so it makes sense.
Pretty good balance patch overall, I really wish it would come sooner.