One game is Destiny, the other is Halo
No that's not it.
Because Destinys gunplay shits all over Halo.
One game is Destiny, the other is Halo
Okay. We did a first timer VoG raid last week. Planning to do a Crota's End first timer raid this week.
Hawkian organizes newbie raids every week but he's doing IRL stuff so will probably not be able to do them for 1-2 weeks.
That said, if you're just looking to join a raid group and don't mind being coached about the mechanics and encounters, you'll find a group easily by just posting your psn/xbl and availability.
Today may not be the best day, at least not right now, and Trials of Osiris will start soon, so many people will be busy doing that over the weekend.
Anyway, if you're on PSN, add me: ruthlesbarbarian, I'll try and get a raid organised for you and other new players soon.
I can't really play the PS4 though. It's in the lounge room and my Xbox is plugged in to my pc monitor in my bedroom, so I can actually use it.![]()
No that's not it.
Because Destinys gunplay shits all over Halo.
Did anyone see this in the DeeJ update: "Were looking down the barrel of the largest arsenal of weapons and armor that Destiny has ever seen and that includes the original launch of the game."
That makes me real curious about how many new weapons we'll see the TTK, plus what's going to happen to all my current weapons. Also vault space, gonna need a lot more.
Also I want you guys to think as an item designer at Bungie, whose job is to constantly create new weapons for the community to play for. Now think of them creating a bunch of new weapons and seeing them all vaulted because the community sticks with the same loadout they've been using since the beginning of time. This must feel defeating and ultimately pointless and must be addressed.
I can tell you right now I would stop playing Destiny if I had to use Gjallarhorn exclusively in Year Two of Destiny, because when I see a new Exotic weapon drop I want that to feel like I gained something rather than feeling like I lost -1 vault space.
People want options. If I want to use my old weapons I should get to. If the new stuff is actually fun, different, and well thought out I might want to use those too. This game is still very low varied loot that's worth a damn. They could still make stuff that people want to use and not force you to not use the old stuff.
Or Gears Horde mode or Mass Effect 3 MP. Each was difficult but fun as hell to run over and over. PoE just misses the mark for some reason.
Vita TV using ethernet for remote play is your friend.
Panda-sempai did not notice me ;-;
Also I want you guys to think as an item designer at Bungie, whose job is to constantly create new weapons for the community to play for. Now think of them creating a bunch of new weapons and seeing them all vaulted because the community sticks with the same loadout they've been using since the beginning of time. This must feel defeating and ultimately pointless and must be addressed.
I can tell you right now I would stop playing Destiny if I had to use Gjallarhorn exclusively in Year Two of Destiny, because when I see a new Exotic weapon drop I want that to feel like I gained something rather than feeling like I lost -1 vault space.
So this horn nerf means Xur will sell it tomorrow right?
Also I want you guys to think as an item designer at Bungie, whose job is to constantly create new weapons for the community to play for. Now think of them creating a bunch of new weapons and seeing them all vaulted because the community sticks with the same loadout they've been using since the beginning of time. This must feel defeating and ultimately pointless and must be addressed.
I can tell you right now I would stop playing Destiny if I had to use Gjallarhorn exclusively in Year Two of Destiny, because when I see a new Exotic weapon drop I want that to feel like I gained something rather than feeling like I lost -1 vault space.
i blame DeeJ. he always talks about LFG groups.
But I already own Destiny on Xbox One.. I don't want to spend more money.
Wait. What the fuck are you talking about? Horn nerf?
Wait. What the fuck are you talking about? Horn nerf?
but over all, there is almost never a reason to exclude a person without gjallarhorn.
While you're right, it's not our fault that Bungie designs the weapons the way they do. If they didn't know that every one and their mothers would use it over everything else, then that is a bigger problem in itself
Going forward in TTK and future content, they must obviously be looking to avoid bullet sponge encounters thus an extremely overpowered weapon like Gjallarhorn could not co-exist with this new content and has to be toned down where it's still viable but not exclusively used by everyone and their aunts.
At this point, I'd take a ripoff of the VoG mechanics.
I was giving you an option.
But if you'd rather stay in Matchmaking land... ok.
Wait. What the fuck are you talking about? Horn nerf?
So I just picked up a salvation state in crucible. Where does the shadow drop and are these guns comparable?
No that's not it.
Because Destinys gunplay shits all over Halo.
Wolfpacks done nerfed.
Yeah. That and nerf re-rolling hard so that more perks are mutually exclusive, if the point is to get people to use new weapons.They have to remove ascending in TTK. They just don't have the room to keep making new stuff while keeping all of it relevant.
No that's not it.
Because Destinys gunplay shits all over Halo.
Yeah. That and nerf re-rolling hard so that more perks are mutually exclusive, if the point is to get people to use new weapons.
Idk what you are talking about but The gunplay of Halo and Destiny are very similar...
The only thing that old school Bungie Halo doesn't have is ADS but other then that it's the same thing. I have played Halo CE to Reach religiously ...
This thread since the update:
Those with Horn - Fuck this!
Those without - Awesome update!
They have to remove ascending in TTK. They just don't have the room to keep making new stuff while keeping all of it relevant.
If the new stuff is weaker than Gjallarhorn, people will use Gjallarhorn. This is not good.
If the new stuff is equivalent in power, people will either use Gjallarhorn or the new stuff and content will still have to be tuned around that power level, making everything else useless. This is not good.
If the new stuff is greater in power than Gjallarhorn, situation B occurs; only, Gjallarhorn isn't even viable. This is not good.
If everything were buffed to Gjallarhorn's level and the content not adjusted, (which would take way more work than just nerfing Gjallarhorn, so why bother?) content will be undertuned. This is not good.
If everything were buffed to Gjallarhorn's level and the content was buffed to compensate for the insane amount of damage everything would be capable of putting out.... you have the exact same situation a Gjallarhorn nerf puts you in.
In the new world Gjallarhorn is still worthy of its legacy as an exotic Heavy Weapon, but we hope it promotes inclusive behavior rather than exclusivity.
Did anyone see this in the DeeJ update: "Were looking down the barrel of the largest arsenal of weapons and armor that Destiny has ever seen and that includes the original launch of the game."
That makes me real curious about how many new weapons we'll see the TTK, plus what's going to happen to all my current weapons. Also vault space, gonna need a lot more.
Ascending Exotics was fine. What they shouldn't have done was tie light level to armor. That is the REAL problem with this game. You get stuck with shitty looking gear because of light.They never should have let us ascend our old gear. As much as it pains me to say.
Also I want you guys to think as an item designer at Bungie, whose job is to constantly create new weapons for the community to play for. Now think of them creating a bunch of new weapons and seeing them all vaulted because the community sticks with the same loadout they've been using since the beginning of time. This must feel defeating and ultimately pointless and must be addressed.
I can tell you right now I would stop playing Destiny if I had to use Gjallarhorn exclusively in Year Two of Destiny, because when I see a new Exotic weapon drop I want that to feel like I gained something rather than feeling like I lost -1 vault space.
Excellent post. I had also thought about this from the devs perspective, must be really disappointing seeing your weapons just shunned by the community.
Me too.
Destinys gunplay (with ADS) is better
Warnings: my opinion
That or remove it entirely.
No one knows by how much Wolfpack Rounds damage is being reduced. They refused to put down a percentage for that. Everything else that was getting reduced/increased (damage wise) had percentages to them.But I don't have a horn. I've been searching for one on Ps4 since forever. It's my white whale. Are you now telling me it's not worth it. This is complete and utter bullshit.
Well to be fair, I can't imagine a scenario in which I buy TTK unless Luke Smith personally confirms to me that lesbian bears (rip iRAWR) are in the new raid so it's all theoretical for me anyway.No no no. Fuck no. We're not paying 40 bucks to play a longer, re-skinned Vault of Glass.
Encounters and mechanics should be similar to VoG in the sense that they should promote teamwork and players taking the time to learn the mechanics, discover hidden stuff, etc.
I'd like to think that the horn nerf indirectly implies that TTK content will not have current bullet sponge encounters, but I'll be very, very skeptical.
Yeah, it'd make getting legendary drops in NF actually relevant again.That or remove it entirely.
But I don't have a horn. I've been searching for one on Ps4 since forever. It's my white whale. Are you now telling me it's not worth it. This is complete and utter bullshit.
Lol @ having to use Gjallarhorn.Also I want you guys to think as an item designer at Bungie, whose job is to constantly create new weapons for the community to play for. Now think of them creating a bunch of new weapons and seeing them all vaulted because the community sticks with the same loadout they've been using since the beginning of time. This must feel defeating and ultimately pointless and must be addressed.
I can tell you right now I would stop playing Destiny if I had to use Gjallarhorn exclusively in Year Two of Destiny, because when I see a new Exotic weapon drop I want that to feel like I gained something rather than feeling like I lost -1 vault space.