But you DONT have to use Gjally if you don't want to. That's the thing. It was nice to have if you wanted to get through a piece of content that you've played a million times and just wanted to get to the loot drop. Their level designs brought this on. If they made something that was fun to look at, shoot, had a unique perk, and was effective in a decently (and not as good as Gjally) a lot of people would use it If they were playing content that was fun or entertaining every time you played it. They wouldn't be rushing through or feeling like they just need to get it done.
People would have be excluded in game, the outsourcing got nothing to do with it.
Even here at the beginning of Hard Crota and Fire Burn Skolas, people were requesting the Horn.
As an owner of 3 of this bullshit weapon, I welcome the nerf, it will bring more variety in PVE loadouts.
I'm up for raiding. Been slacking off on Destiny this week. That was the best 5 hour nap ever.
Normal DS/Crota x3?
Oryx is gonna be a bulletsponge and have some stupid Skolas-like gimmick.
Oryx is gonna be a bulletsponge or have some stupid Crota-like gimmick.
LOL at Final Round scrubs. Trials is going to be interesting now.
Bungie recognizes that some people are being excluded from end game content because they do not possess a Gjallahorn. The proposed solution is to nerd the Gjallahorn. Wouldn't it be easier to simply sell the Gjallahorn ?
Don't forget, we'll be under-leveled as well.
Oryx will have a new type of shield that is immune to all elemental damage, so you have to use old primary weapons.Oryx will be lvl 40
Because they don't want you to cheese PvE content. lolDa fuck... they just killed The Black Hammer. :/
Why? Why? Seriously, why!?
Oryx will be lvl 40
Lol @ having to use Gjallarhorn.
Unless you're doing a solo Crota run or something it's not required anywhere. Hell it doesn't even make that big a difference.
Sometimes I feel my Horns are somehow worse than the ones you guys have. It's neat to use 2 rockets instead of 3 against a given enemy but what's the big deal? I don't get it.
Da fuck... they just killed The Black Hammer. :/
Why? Why? Seriously, why!?
I've thought a Kinetic shield would be cool for a long time. Small Arms achieves most of what I thought that would do though.Oryx will have a new type of shield that is immune to all elemental damage, so you have to use old primary weapons.
Oryx will have a new type of shield that is immune to all elemental damage, so you have to use old primary weapons.
I don't mind them putting something in place to fix just emptying the clip, but it ducks that they made that perk 100% useless on my spear.
Me too.
Destinys gunplay (with ADS) is better
Warnings: my opinion
Kinetic only weapons
I guess that's true. Although Small Arms still lets you use Fatebringer, so... lolI've thought a Kinetic shield would be cool for a long time. Small Arms achieves most of what I thought that would do though.
They should really release 2.0 in August. Just gives us something to work with while we wait for TTK.
This is my gear. Someone tell me what primary is better?
But I don't have a horn. I've been searching for one on Ps4 since forever. It's my white whale. Are you now telling me it's not worth it. This is complete and utter bullshit.
No one knows by how much Wolfpack Rounds damage is being reduced. They refused to put down a percentage for that. Everything else that was getting reduced/increased (damage wise) had percentages to them.
Well to be fair, I can't imagine a scenario in which I buy TTK unless Luke Smith personally confirms to me that lesbian bears (rip iRAWR) are in the new raid so it's all theoretical for me anyway.
If the new hard raid has enemies that are one level higher than the level cap, I know for sure I'm never playing Destiny again.
In preparation for TTK, let's do something. I'm not being sarcastic or snarky at all.If TTK turns into more bullet sponge slogfests, I am done.
BH and Horn were not a crutch, it was about efficiency. They allowed me to more quickly complete activities in the very limited time I have to play the game.
If this nerf means I complete less and take even longer to progress, I am ddone.
Oryx will have a new type of shield that is immune to all elemental damage, so you have to use old primary weapons.
Because they don't want you to cheese PvE content. lol
You know, I feel bad for the people playing through Destiny for the first time when TTK comes out, because they'll have to deal with bullet sponges but without any of the weapons to offset that terrible design.
I actually do enjoy the current pvp but that could also be because I'm not constantly killed by everything that everyone hates.I find it hard to believe that anybody actually enjoys current PVP and doesn't cheese with a Hand Cannon and/or Shot Package Shotgun.
I'm sorry, but PVP in its current state is a pile of steaming turd no matter how fun Unstable's streams are to watch.
If it still ends up being better than whatever exotic is coming with TTK even with the nerf, I want the pic updated and the text to read "Still the king, bitches!"
What shotgun should I be using for PvP? Tough choice:
If it still ends up being better than whatever exotic is coming with TTK even with the nerf, I want the pic updated and the text to read "Still the king, bitches!"
It's not even something you need to test. Just do Sepiks without blackhammer or icebreaker and see how long it takes for you to kill the devil walker.In preparation for TTK, let's do something. I'm not being sarcastic or snarky at all.
Let's group up tomorrow and try to speed run a spongy Strike like Valus with a Horn and Black Hammer. Then we'll speed run it again with literally any other rocket launcher and high impact sniper.
I'm honestly curious to see what difference it'll make in total time.
The Final Round nerf is gonna make Trials soooo much better. No longer having to deal with scumbags will be blissful.
So you want to use Gjallarhorn exclusively until the end of time? Why? You might as well stop playing the game right now because any future exotic weapons you acquire most likely won't replace Gjallarhorn, so why bother playing?
I don't know why some people are against the idea of balance. Having the same loadout forced on you is terrible design and was inevitably being addressed. This is why balance patches exist in every game of this type.
The Final Round nerf is gonna make Trials soooo much better. No longer having to deal with scumbags will be blissful.
So....you missed my other post I guess Ive had my HORN for a long time prob 9 months or something I still use leg RL all the time in pve and pvp... I think they need to balance the weapons lol I understand bungie wanting us to use the new hottness... but completely abandoning to OG weaps because they are """"better"""" ""Newer""" weapons well I think there isnt a reason to play if thats the case. they need to make ALL weapons poeple have spent there time with useful... not just waiting down the road for us the give them more money for better weapons and completely forgot the old ones.
If the new stuff is weaker than Gjallarhorn, people will use Gjallarhorn. This is not good.
If the new stuff is equivalent in power, people will either use Gjallarhorn or the new stuff and content will still have to be tuned around that power level, making everything else useless. This is not good.
If the new stuff is greater in power than Gjallarhorn, situation B occurs; only, Gjallarhorn isn't even viable. This is not good.
If everything were buffed to Gjallarhorn's level and the content not adjusted, (which would take way more work than just nerfing Gjallarhorn, so why bother?) content will be undertuned. This is not good.
If everything were buffed to Gjallarhorn's level and the content was buffed to compensate for the insane amount of damage everything would be capable of putting out.... you have the exact same situation a Gjallarhorn nerf puts you in.
The Final Round nerf is gonna make Trials soooo much better. No longer having to deal with scumbags will be blissful.
The difference is, they're trying to get people to buy an expansion pack and all we have to judge them on is the current content in the game which is, well, pretty average at best.Wow this thread is giving me flashbacks to my Wow days where each class change would cause people to freak out and threaten to quit lol
you missed my other post I guess Ive had my HORN for a long time prob 9 months or something I still use leg RL all the time in pve and pvp... I think they need to balance the weapons lol I understand bungie wanting us to use the new hottness... but completely abandoning to OG weaps because they are """"better"""" ""Newer""" weapons well I think there isnt a reason to play if thats the case. they need to make ALL weapons poeple have spent there time with useful... not just waiting down the road for us the give them more money for better weapons and completely forgot the old ones.