Sooo... That weapon balancing update. Lots of stuff to digest. Some are obviously good (Necro buff, Final Round nerf), some obviously bad (Icebreaker and Black Hammer nerfs) but mostly "to be determined." It's impossible to judge the balances until we get our hands on them, especially for unquantified changes like the GHorn nerf.
It says Wolf Pack damage is reduced but that doesn't mean much until we know the exact amount. Even so, I'm a bit disappointed they finally went that route instead of making encounters less DPS-dependent. The best solution to their Horn problem was always more mechanically complex encounters. They really dropped the ball with Crota and then launched HoW with Solar burn Skolas which exacerbated the LFG elitism they talk about in the update.
Edit: Top of page! For Driz.]
Lol holy cow that's funny. I saved a bunch of videos from that 16-0 undefeated Salvage streak we went on with Wicked. I can find that match which shows my suicide followed by me spectating Wicked as he fell off right after me.
You don't get to be top 1% in Suicides without some clutch plays like that!