Newbies need some support gaf, help them with the jumping puzzle.
Im going to go back to putting the finishing touches on the new Subclasses and trying to figure out how I can make Blink less frustrating to fight against. People keep showing up at my desk asking me when Im going to remove Blink from the game, and I dont want to do that, so back to the drawing board!
I totally agree. The awesomeness is about to get a whole lot awesomerRed Death already rules the Crucible. The thing was basically the Anti-Thorn.
Necrochasm and NLB will become the most OP weapons.
Wait, you think people feel the BH is a lower drop rate than the Foil? Here is the thing: You won't find many sane people that hold that viewpoint.
I mean, we can take a headcount. Does anybody who has significant time spent in both raids think the Foil drop rate is actually higher than the BH?
Look on any thread in any forum on the internet and you will see a mass consensus: The Foil is extremely, extremely rare. More so than any other raid legendary.
So, are the survey results perfect? Obviously not. There are clearly bogus responses and the sample size is not huge. But there is a wide gulf in that data between the BH and Foil responses. That's an enormous disparity if we assume the null-hypothesis. That, coupled with the overwhelming anecdotal evidence that is basically uniformly oriented in one direction leads to one highly probable conclusion and many other not so probable conclusions.
Newbies need some support gaf, help them with the jumping puzzle.
Over 200 raid completions, and many more not counted.
Foil drops remarkably less than Black Hammer.
The medium damage Pulse Rifles are getting a 2.5% damage nerf, and I think Red Death is among them. Very interested in how Scout Rifles will fair in the new meta...
Insert sine wave picture here, with us trending towards the bottom but (hopefully) ready to rise again when they reveal more TTK details.
Also, this is where I encourage people to focus discussion on the game itself, not each other (or the people that make the game). Criticize the update, but try to explain why it deserves criticism. If you disagree, try to explain why without complaining about their complaining. And let's not talk about each other's asses unless it's complimentary or shard-related.
Just a suggestion, as someone who's been through all the DGAF ups and downs.
I wonder how Unstable will take the BH news...
Scouts are the only silver lining from the update. A straight buff with no catch.
I used to be a Scout guy until Fatebringer came into my life.
The extra ammo for Scout and less for HC will make this a tough choice. Gonna go for broke on a top tier Shadow roll. Got tons of Scouts to play with now.
Mida could be the new PvP hotness.
I'm down as I still need it, but was not planning on doing anything til the early morning EST.If there are enough people around that need flawless for PS4, I'd be happy to help.
Im going to go back to putting the finishing touches on the new Subclasses and trying to figure out how I can make Blink less frustrating to fight against. People keep showing up at my desk asking me when Im going to remove Blink from the game, and I dont want to do that, so back to the drawing board!
Will the shotgun 10% nerf for pve be a real problem ? Now,with a maxed out Found Verdict, you can kill a 34 yellow bar servitor in 5 shots. How about after the nerf ? will it take 6 shots to down him ?
I would be ok with this.I really hope Xur brings a Horn with him tomorrow.
So Machine Guns are untouched? Im mostly ok with the changes. Aside from Black Hammer, that one is a bummer.
Now this I'm happy with! ^_^OMG I don't know how I missed this part of the weekly update. BLINK IS GOING TO GET NERFED!!!!
I really hope Xur brings a Horn with him tomorrow.
I really hope Xur brings a Horn with him tomorrow.
I couldn't fucking care at this point. It's the next phase of the massive Ghorn troll on the playerbase.
10% isn't gonna make it that bad.
I like these changes.
That is all. Carry on.
Haha yeah, it actually eased the pain a bit to be honest.Of course us NON-Ghally guys are ok with the changes!
Btw i am reaching that 900 mark now too without one. I will soon see you at a thousand!
I hope so, shotguns buff in that old balance update made my Destiny experience much more enjoyable.
I like these changes.
That is all. Carry on.
No. Acceptance.Denial
I like these changes.
That is all. Carry on.
No. Acceptance.
Mr. Unstable your progress astounds me.No. Acceptance.
Mr. Unstable your progress astounds me.
*bows*Crazy to think, I went 1700+ hours and 4 characters without one.
I feel like it needs a buff for PVE and a nerf for PVP. Not sure how they would do that so it'll probably be nerfed across the board.Well idk what to think about messing with blink, I missed that part of the update. Hope they don't nerf it too badly.
I never got to experience the true power of the Horn and never will. I gave up on the chase shortly after House of Wolves was launched and I realized it was pointless because it would essentially be nerfed with the release of The Taken King. Crazy to think, I went 1700+ hours and 4 characters without one.
I feel like it needs a buff for PVE and a nerf for PVP. Not sure how they would do that so it'll probably be nerfed across the board.
I feel like it needs a buff for PVE and a nerf for PVP. Not sure how they would do that so it'll probably be nerfed across the board.