LOL no. The biggest problem with Blink shotgun wasn't just the high impact shotguns, not only is it disorienting as fuck and allows players to get out of situations where they have clearly been outplayed, but it also allows the bullshit combination of Blink+Quickdraw+High Impact Shotguns on Bladedancers, which allows them to blink and then have their shotgun ready to fire by the time they exited blink, allowing for instant kills. This bullshit alone is why Bladedancers are far and away the most used class in competitive play.
Nerfing shotguns alone won't change shit since blink will still let players get in range for instant kills, so Bungie need to sort it out Blinks mechanics, or just outright remove like some Bungie employees want.
I mean, let that sink in guys, you have Bungie employees asking for a skill upgrade to be removed from the game they created, if this doesn't show you how broken it is than I don't know what will.