Are you a Trials maven on the XBone?! Well, friend, if you are I'm thrilled to offer a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!
For one time only you can be part of the team that helps me finish off my Trials armor set by making it to 5 wins and getting the Titan helmet. I'm not terrible at PVP and have all the dirtbag weapons and Trials coins anyone could ever want, so I'm not completely helpless. I've also already been carried kicking and screaming to Mercury by the most honorable Unstable and Lima, so please don't feel like I'm asking for perfection (although the Jewel is also my most desired weapon from Trials-- just saying).
I'm at work for the next 18 hours so tonight is out, but will probably be on tomorrow (Monday) night at 9 or 10 eastern time. My GT is Ev0lved1.
Help me DGAF, you're my only hope.
1). Ev0lved1
2). ?
3). ?