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Destiny |OT28| Nolan Beyond


It's really funny to me how upset people can get about some virtual items being changed.
I think everything else they announced was super cool. Losing some Exotic armor though? It takes away from the game. Terrible decision. Still, I'm excited and feel positive overall about the upcoming expansion.

Also, I'll keep every single year 1 Exotic for the inevitable "guess what we're thawing the ice!!", they'll let us upgrade them with 2016 Etheric Superlight or whatever to drive excitement for the next DLC.

EDIT: top of page TTK hype :) can't wait.


You can add one more to the list.



It's really funny to me how upset people can get about some virtual items being changed.

Errrr ... right.

Let me put it this way. Most of us spend a year to collect Exotics. Most players really loved hunting those Exotics. Was a reason for them to keep coming back. Hawkmoon, Gjallarhorn were the Exotics hunted the most. The joy when players finally received those items.

Gjallarhorn hunt came to an end last friday. People were screaming with joy and Reddit/GAF exploded. Why? Because the BEST exotic could be bought. Finally people could use the wonder that is G-Horn. But ... how would you feel if that one Exotic eluded you for so long ... And then the day arrives that Xur brings it only for the weapon to NOT go to Year 2 .. and get NERFED to shit?

Same goes for the VoG and Crota's End. Two Raids which will become redundant once TTK launches. Old Legendary gear people played hard for becomes absolutely useless.

People have been screaming for content since october 2014. The game LACKS content. With House of Wolves everything became "relevant" again. VoG gear could be upgraded to 34 ... weapons could be upgraded to the latest attack level. Now TTK comes ... and everything becomes redundant again. Not only gear ... but previous locations aswell.

They add content ... and cut content. Why? And that's 40-fucking-dollars.
On the exotics, did they actually say some weren't going forward? Deej is possibly the worst person ever to use as he hardly has any, hence why his exotic vault was empty

I'm betting he never even bought a Gjallahorn

I remember him (or the guy to his right) saying something that in the end, all exotic guns will go forward to year 2. Just not from the beginning. Or am I completely misremembering this shit?

Well, I'm off TTK hype-train. Yesterdays stream left me gutted about the "change" in Exotics. The news that some Exotics would be left behind really "hurt" my feelings.

So much questions Bungie ... so little answers.

Crucible connections have been SHIT the last few days. Tradekills all over the place, Blinking Titans and Warlocks who pull a goddamn David Copperfield and teleport through walls. Radar going bonkers ... meh.



There has been so much information flying around today, and I am not sure if I missed any. However, I rewatched the stream and have read Bungie comments up to this point that I have seen. I wonder if the ability to mark exotics, shaders, ships, and emblems in your collections is based on what you have on your characters and vault on 9/15.

Unless I am mistaken, does Bungie really maintain a history of every shader I have gotten and dismantled due to lack of space, whether I tried it on or not? Same thing with ships and emblems.

I really do wonder if that is the reason for not wanting us to dismantle anything. I want to give Bungie the benefit of the doubt here though, and say that if that were the case, they would have explicitly stated so in the stream to avoid everyone going out and dismantling all of their seemingly unimportant shaders and ships.



Old gear shouldn't beat new gear, all hail the reboot. Y'all will be alright, there will be new exotics to make stories with.
Exactly my feelings. Whilst I have a close affinity with some exotics such as Hawkmoon and MIDA I'm also stoked about the idea of trying out new exotics in year 2.


On the exotics, did they actually say some weren't going forward? Deej is possibly the worst person ever to use as he hardly has any, hence why his exotic vault was empty

I'm betting he never even bought a Gjallahorn
For armor when he was at the year 1 exotic page you can see he obtained 2 helms out of 5 (or 6 for warlocks) and 1 chest piece, but on the year 2 page there are only 3 blueprints for helms, one of which had not been discovered yet. They didn't specifically say that some were not going forward, only that they've taken some of the more popular ones for revamp into year 2. But if that list of exotics is final, you can be sure some armor pieces aren't going into year 2. Not that big a deal I suppose, I mean when was the last time you saw someone use the helm of ahamkara?

I remember him (or the guy to his right) saying something that in the end, all exotic guns will go forward to year 2. Just not from the beginning. Or am I completely misremembering this shit?
For weapons DeeJ asked if they are "only bringing some of them forward" and the dude on the right replied that "only some of the weapons are coming forward right now". So I guess the answer isn't particularly clear.

My only gripe is still with relatively fresh ToO gear will be getting left in the dust. Also while existing year 1 legendaries can still be reforged, it looks like year 2 legendaries won't be. Also since infusion requires you to sacrifice a better weapon, it would mean that existing year 1 legendaries would probably be safe to shard now. Also etheric light wasn't mentioned at all, I'm guessing it'd be phased out.


Errrr ... right.

Let me put it this way. Most of us spend a year to collect Exotics. Most players really loved hunting those Exotics. Was a reason for them to keep coming back. Hawkmoon, Gjallarhorn were the Exotics hunted the most. The joy when players finally received those items.

Gjallarhorn hunt came to an end last friday. People were screaming with joy and Reddit/GAF exploded. Why? Because the BEST exotic could be bought. Finally people could use the wonder that is G-Horn. But ... how would you feel if that one Exotic eluded you for so long ... And then the day arrives that Xur brings it only for the weapon to NOT go to Year 2 .. and get NERFED to shit?

Same goes for the VoG and Crota's End. Two Raids which will become redundant once TTK launches. Old Legendary gear people played hard for becomes absolutely useless.

People have been screaming for content since october 2014. The game LACKS content. With House of Wolves everything became "relevant" again. VoG gear could be upgraded to 34 ... weapons could be upgraded to the latest attack level. Now TTK comes ... and everything becomes redundant again. Not only gear ... but previous locations aswell.

They add content ... and cut content. Why? And that's 40-fucking-dollars.
No content is being cut. New activities are higher level and give higher level rewards.

Honestly: unless you started playing a month ago, it's extremely unlikely that you'll be running VoG for the gear today, even if it's "relevant". Besides, even if Fatebringer could reach the new attack cap...screw it, it's been a year.

There's new weapon models and archetypes and perks coming. Why should I mind that my VoG chest piece is no longer "relevant"? Vendor gear will have elemental buffs cmon. Imagine how nice the new Raid things will be.

Vault of Glass is still more interesting and fun to play and easier to get a group for than Skolas. And it isn't because of the loot because everyone and their mother has what they want from there vs. maybe like 10 guys here have at least one elemental primary of each kind from Skolas.

I'm bummed about some Exotic armor getting left behind (most weapons are so samey on this game that I can't mind terribly, TLW is in so I'm good). But overall? The game looks like it'll take a huge leap forward and arguably resemble, at last, what it should have been at launch.

The money thing is totally subjective, can't argue value with someone as it's a personal evaluation. But I think a day's worth of work at minimum wage doesn't seem like a bad deal for something I'll play for months :p


Unless I am mistaken, does Bungie really maintain a history of every shader I have gotten and dismantled due to lack of space, whether I tried it on or not? Same thing with ships and emblems.

We don't know 100% for sure if they have a historical record of shaders you've gotten to this point. It's technically possible though, since the shader/emblem you were wearing is permanently recorded in game states.

I really do wonder if that is the reason for not wanting us to dismantle anything. I want to give Bungie the benefit of the doubt here though, and say that if that were the case, they would have explicitly stated so in the stream to avoid everyone going out and dismantling all of their seemingly unimportant shaders and ships.


Better safe than sorry. Unless you're pressured for space at the moment, there's no downside to waiting to dismantle anyway, even if you're not buying Taken King.


Kinda funny seeing these mmo virgins getting their cherries popped on their first expac gear reset.

Reactions are pretty priceless.


There has been so much information flying around today, and I am not sure if I missed any. However, I rewatched the stream and have read Bungie comments up to this point that I have seen. I wonder if the ability to mark exotics, shaders, ships, and emblems in your collections is based on what you have on your characters and vault on 9/15.

Unless I am mistaken, does Bungie really maintain a history of every shader I have gotten and dismantled due to lack of space, whether I tried it on or not? Same thing with ships and emblems.

I really do wonder if that is the reason for not wanting us to dismantle anything. I want to give Bungie the benefit of the doubt here though, and say that if that were the case, they would have explicitly stated so in the stream to avoid everyone going out and dismantling all of their seemingly unimportant shaders and ships.

99% sure that it won't add stuff you've deleted to Collections.

They said something like "now you can delete ____ and still have access" and some people totally missed the context and thought he meant "now" as in "right now as you're watching this stream".

But it's as if he had shown a new armor piece with elemental buffs and said "now we're letting you chose armor tailored to each encounter". Now, obviously, meaning "with TTK" in this context.

Kind of surprised there was so much confusion about it, I thought it was pretty clear they meant now as in with TTK, on top of having warned long ago not to delete anything, and Datto confirming it just afterwards.

We blame Bungie for lots of misunderstandings, but a ton of confusion is born in forum echo chambers where a completely obtuse interpretation of a tweet or sentence can get repeated enough to become a storm :p
This stream just created more questions than answers.

The exotic situation is now more confusing than ever. Maybe all weapons will be upgraded eventually? Who knows for sure.

Legendary gear is totally useless but we keep being told not to dismantle anything yet. Why?

What happens to vog or crota now when even the exotics they drop don't matter anymore?

This expansion is coming out in less than a month but the secrecy around it is so ridiculous right now. We're not talking about showing off new maps or content. We're just talking about basic functionality. There's no reason for this lack of transparency.


Errrr ... right.

Let me put it this way. Most of us spend a year to collect Exotics. Most players really loved hunting those Exotics. Was a reason for them to keep coming back. Hawkmoon, Gjallarhorn were the Exotics hunted the most. The joy when players finally received those items.

Gjallarhorn hunt came to an end last friday. People were screaming with joy and Reddit/GAF exploded. Why? Because the BEST exotic could be bought. Finally people could use the wonder that is G-Horn. But ... how would you feel if that one Exotic eluded you for so long ... And then the day arrives that Xur brings it only for the weapon to NOT go to Year 2 .. and get NERFED to shit?

Same goes for the VoG and Crota's End. Two Raids which will become redundant once TTK launches. Old Legendary gear people played hard for becomes absolutely useless.

People have been screaming for content since october 2014. The game LACKS content. With House of Wolves everything became "relevant" again. VoG gear could be upgraded to 34 ... weapons could be upgraded to the latest attack level. Now TTK comes ... and everything becomes redundant again. Not only gear ... but previous locations aswell.

They add content ... and cut content. Why? And that's 40-fucking-dollars.

Most of the stuff people wanted,they didn't want cause it's fun to play with,they wanted it cause it's OP and dumb.

Gjallarhorn isn't "fun". It's literally a point and click way too high damage gun. There is nothing "fun" about shooting it after about the 5th time unless you really really enjoy trivializing content.

Thorn? PvP weapon that's all. Again,not fun, just a handcannon with DoT.

The list goes on.

This is an MMO style loot game. They will never and should never keep all loot around till the end of time. Breaking up the stale meta, adding new stuff while taking old and busted options away is absolutely fine.

Also, to cheer you up a bit, they did say we might see more exotics being remastered for year 2.
I imagine they still have worth. I mean, there's still a game here that has to support 1-40 now, so they fit in somewhere along the path (lvl 20-35).

Also, multiplayer.

I don't think going from 20 to 40 will take more than a few days if the past is any indication. That's gives you one or two runs at best before you're too good for it.


Kinda funny seeing these mmo virgins getting their cherries popped on their first expac gear reset.

Reactions are pretty priceless.

I completely love it and embrace it.

I don't think going from 20 to 40 will take more than a few days if the past is any indication. That's gives you one or two runs at best before you're too good for it.

Maybe there will be quest lines that send you into the vault or to crota and you get appropriate rewards for it?
I'd rather have 3 raids than 1. Hopefully all the older end game activities are brought up ideally with different gear rewards that reflect the new meta.

This game doesn't have the content of an MMO and probably never will. Kicking old content to the curb won't work.
Edit And I know i'm contradicting myself and yesterday said it was fun not knowing whats going to happen but, fix fucking Crota sometimes its late and you just want to get it done. He was pulling out all his tricks last night, including a new one (for me) where he took no damage on his enrage kneel

Sadly that's just Scrota being Scrota. It will never be fixed unless they stop worrying about cheaters and take his immune shield response off their server side and put it back onto the P2P host. They originally changed it to stop cheaters from unplugging their internet cable and they tried a half-assed fix already (he won't attack until fully standing! This accomplishes nothing!).

I doubt they'll bother addressing it again. They still have the Hobgoblin platform kill volumes in place for VoG, many months after that cheese strat became irrelevant. We just did two flawless Crota runs that should have both been team 1st try, but the second one was Scrota-fied. Only took another two attempts but it always reminds me what a remarkable letdown CE was after VoG.


I don't think going from 20 to 40 will take more than a few days if the past is any indication. That's gives you one or two runs at best before you're too good for it.

Fair point. I don't know, I feel like Bungie could find a spot for the Year 1 stuff, like, rearrange them so they drop more frequently as you're going through SP or something, level 1-30, and then 30-(60? at some point?) being Year 2 stuff.

That's what I'd like, anyway.


mornin Dgaf o/

The day after the stream... I feel like we need the Addon right now :S

Someone willing to carry my 29 Titan in the NF? :3


Hmmm ... I look at this way to negative. But I have this relationship with most of my hard earned gear.

O well ... I'm pretty sure none of the Exotics get cut though. We'll see.


Also will say:

Part of the .. "thing" around high end gear is the hardcore busting their ass to acquire it and be maxed out early on after the release. Your reward for being hardcore is being at the top, early on, above all other players.

You can't sit on your throne forever though, and they can't balance stuff around accomodating people getting high end gear right before the game moves on again.

If you want to be hardcore level, you have to put in the hardcore investment.

The nice thing is from this point forward there's barely any RNG about acquiring hardcore gear. You'll be properly rewarded for direct efforts. That's where the base Raids messed up, it's technically possible to have run them every week and never hit the max level off their gear (I've ONLY ever gotten Dogged Gage for my Hunter for the light door drop on Crota)
I know. Overwhelming majority of people playing VoG here every week have the drops they want. Zero bearance on whether it's fun to play or not.

Overwhelming majority of people here playing this game probably have thousands of hours and duplicates of everything 10 times over. This is about the average joe who mostly does it for that sweet loot.

I've been in a lot of groups and almost every group is full of people who are there for something they want or need.


Haven't watched the stream yet but did they explain what exactly Light does now? Something about how powerful you are...?

Light is the average of all your armor's Defense and all your guns Attack value.

So if you have all 190 Weapons and all 190 armor, your light is 190. Your Ghost (and artifact?) are also part of the calculation. Ghosts are now part of your Armor rating


Haven't watched the stream yet but did they explain what exactly Light does now? Something about how powerful you are...?

Moring everyone. Yes the light level is your damage/defense output, previously you had 34 light level so being a level 33 made you deal 30% less damage to certain mobs. Currently the light level cap is unknown but lets assume its 300 so if the max activity will be at that level and your guardian level is about 295 you will still be able to enter it just like before but you might be dealing for example 5% less damage. The level cap 40 is purely for accessing some activities and giving you info what gear and armor you can equip.


Haven't watched the stream yet but did they explain what exactly Light does now? Something about how powerful you are...?

level gates the content and any playing of the game can get you there (like sub 20).

Light is power, but granular and taken from an average of your gear, no big jumps. Which means we might not get bosses 30% above us, it might be just 20% now ;)

Edit: beaten.


Hmmm ... I look at this way to negative. But I have this relationship with most of my hard earned gear.

O well ... I'm pretty sure none of the Exotics get cut though. We'll see.
Look at it this way. Several years down the line, when Bungie introduces Transmogrification, you get to transmog all your then-current gear to look like (now possibly unobtainable) old-school gear. The scrubs will harass you endlessly. "Waldini", they will say, "Waldini where did you get this?"


Hello Destiny GAF...

Have had a break from Destiny of late and only caught parts of yesterdays stream and was wondering if anyone here could clarify the whole level / light system that is being introduced with Taken King.

So character level is being detached from light level and the new cap will be 40... what does character level do, does it still modify the damage you do/take depending on enemies or is it now simply a entry requirement for accessing content?

Light level in the old way has gone away, and instead replaced with a calculation based on your total attack + defence stat... what does this new light level do, is it just there to indicate how high your attack/defence is to other player?


Haven't watched the stream yet but did they explain what exactly Light does now? Something about how powerful you are...?
Yes, like I've been saying and assuming before this reveal its just like Item Level in WoW. Each item gets a rating, and the average is your light (ilvl).
What's the best way to farm glimmer?

gatekeeper checkpoint on normal or exclusive zone on the first hard difficulty

Hello Destiny GAF...

Have had a break from Destiny of late and only caught parts of yesterdays stream and was wondering if anyone here could clarify the whole level / light system that is being introduced with Taken King.

So character level is being detached from light level and the new cap will be 40... what does character level do, does it still modify the damage you do/take depending on enemies or is it now simply a entry requirement for accessing content?

Light level in the old way has gone away, and instead replaced with a calculation based on your total attack + defence stat... what does this new light level do, is it just there to indicate how high your attack/defence is to other player?

normal level is like your age. you need to be a certain "age" to have access to activities and gear. this level can be reached by doing anything in Destiny (except being a lobby warrior).

light level shows how strong your weapons are and how much damage you can take. i don't think there will be any light level restrictions. it's for your reference and that of others.

perhaps there's more to light that i'm missing though. there must be a reason why players would want to have a higher light level besides "being stronger".
Also will say:

Part of the .. "thing" around high end gear is the hardcore busting their ass to acquire it and be maxed out early on after the release. Your reward for being hardcore is being at the top, early on, above all other players.

You can't sit on your throne forever though, and they can't balance stuff around accomodating people getting high end gear right before the game moves on again.

If you want to be hardcore level, you have to put in the hardcore investment.

The nice thing is from this point forward there's barely any RNG about acquiring hardcore gear. You'll be properly rewarded for direct efforts. That's where the base Raids messed up, it's technically possible to have run them every week and never hit the max level off their gear (I've ONLY ever gotten Dogged Gage for my Hunter for the light door drop on Crota)

Gauntlets is the only armour that drops from the abyss, boots and chest from bridge and helmet from Crota

What's the best way to farm glimmer?

In a group gatekeeper, solo exclusion zone (pop a consumable for both)


I noticed the Frontier ghost shell from the old LTD Edition has a defence rating of 3.

Looks like getting a new ghost shell is a priority early on.


Gauntlets is the only armour that drops from the abyss, boots and chest from bridge and helmet from Crota

Was that a later change? My Titan got his Chest and Gauntlets from the abyss.

Either way I've run the entire raid multiple times since the Abyss Launch era and never got boots, so if I had depending on that raid to get me to 32, I'd be boned :v
PSA: DON'T make any major changes now to your current gear or inventory!

Why? - essentially pure logic:-

1. There's nothing you can do now that you can't do 1 day before TTK drops.
2. Right now we don't have all the info we need to make the best decisions.
3. We *might* get more info before TTK drops so that we can make better choices.

Here's an example:-

1. Using current marks to buy planetary mats makes sense BUT nearly all new Year 2 Exotic and Legendary content is gated behind the new marks (of which you'll start with 0).

2. All faction packages drop a guaranteed year 2 legendary of some sort (assuming they update the loot tables for factions from Year 1 to Year 2...would seem cruel otherwise).

3. Current marks essentially convert into faction packages and therefore Year 2 legendaries...but at an unknown, and possibly fairly low, conversion rate.

So...we don't really know what the best course of action is because:-

We don't know the conversion rate.
We don't know what materials are available on-board the dreadnought.
We're not sure how quickly you can grind legendary marks versus mats.

Sure you probably want a pile of mats ready, so you don't have to go patrolling right away, but at the same time you may well want quite a lot of marks, to get packages and therefore "instant" legendaries.

Another more speculative example is that Xur is rumoured to sell a "three of coins" that boosts the chance of an exotic drop. IF that exists you might want to spend a bunch of your strange coins on those, rather than heavy ammo to get faction rep (and by extension legendaries).

PSA 2: I'd recommend levelling the gunsmith to level 1 on all 3 characters a.s.a.p. In the stream those were the only legendary guns I saw that could be bought for glimmer rather than legendary marks.

They weren't at all clear on timings but potentially you could level him on launch Tuesday put in your order and get the gun the next day on arms-wednesday. It *might* not work like that though and it might be the next Wednesday after the reset in which case you'd have a week to level him.

Note that his white guns he will loan are better than your current legendaries (in terms of attack value - mileage will depend on perks, weapon type etc etc).

Apologies for the wall of text but there are some quite subtle things to think through in the new economy/mechanics.


Moring everyone. Yes the light level is your damage/defense output, previously you had 34 light level so being a level 33 made you deal 30% less damage to certain mobs. Currently the light level cap is unknown but lets assume its 300 so if the max activity will be at that level and your guardian level is about 295 you will still be able to enter it just like before but you might be dealing for example 5% less damage. The level cap 40 is purely for accessing some activities and giving you info what gear and armor you can equip.

I think the most important thing about getting to level 40 is for the year 2 exotics. It's almost equivalent to unlocking legendaries when we got to 20 in year 1.
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