You aren't allowed to play Trials yet, you have to grind Rumble wins for me! Kappa
But seriously I thought you didn't have PS+? I'd love to have help in Trials whenever possible. There are a lot of people asking and I'm just not good enough without a strong 3rd.
Ah, thanks again, and sorry, I didn't mean to pester you too much. I've been trying hard with as many people as I can find and the best we've gotten is 4 - 3(4). It's hard to get practice in because of lack of matchmaking and the reality is that ToO is really competitive and my skills aren't up to snuff yet. I haven't gotten a good shotgun yet, but I maxed my sniper and Chest of Alpha Lupi and a Last Word, but I need more practice with it.
Yeah, like we were talking about the other day you have the right attitude to want to learn and get better, which is all it takes plus lots and lots and lots of practice
Trials is tough because the skill ceiling is so high for "normal" or newer PvP players. If the other teams are too far above your teams' average skill level there isn't much learning you can do, it will just be a massacre. Just keep working at it and things will come together, seems like you've already made a lot of progress in the short time since starting Trials.
edit: also, don't ever worry about pestering me too much. I'm always happy to help when I can