They cant the wolves out, theres bounties tied to it
I had a whole game plan to beat 3 games before TTK, that went right out the window about a week ago.
Far Cry, batman, and the witcher are crying.
Destiny addiction is strong.
Had to use a different Ron Swanson gif cause that one from your link is huge.
The defensive capability is too strong. I can't hold fire on you while you blink, because you literally zap from one position to another. This makes using Blink the absolute best ability for evading damage in PvP. Then there's the fact that it also allows safely closing distance between you and your opponent, giving you a crazy offensive advantage.Honestly, blink is a good jump, but I'd rather play with normal jump sometimes. It's not that bad if the shotgun is taken away.
2.0 is a week before, IIRC. The content for TTK will be included; a small patch to activate it will land on the 15th.
I'm hoping it brings out the Taken public events early, as the other pre-expansion updates brought out the Blades and Wolves.
Here + an extra one:
That's assuming those bounties stay.
I'm betting they won't and the wolves will be gone with them.
I could see the ones that don't require waiting for an event to trigger to still be there, but the pack of wolves ones will definitely be out. It wouldn't make any sense for them to stay.
The defensive capability is too strong. I can't hold fire on you while you blink, because you literally zap from one position to another. This makes using Blink the absolute best ability for evading damage in PvP. Then there's the fact that it also allows safely closing distance between you and your opponent, giving you a crazy offensive advantage.
I've never really been killed all that much by blink shotgun. Like, when it happens it's more the shotgun having bullshit range than blink having made it worse.
But the fact that you can close so much distance so safely makes it too far removed from the other options, defensively and offensively.
Dude...Destiny is the only game that I have played for basically a year straight. Despite the fact that I've bought and had plans to play every major game that has come out in that timeframe.I had a whole game plan to beat 3 games before TTK, that went right out the window about a week ago.
Far Cry, batman, and the witcher are crying.
Destiny addiction is strong.
That's my guess. The public events go, but the minor bounties stay. That, or they drop entirely. I think that would retire Petra as a faction/rep character unless they do something else with her. Maybe Queen's Wrath can come back periodically if they get rid of Wolves entirely.
Hello all~ Hope you're well - I don't post in here often!
Bungie has triggered my OCD with the Moments of Triumph thing and I -need- to complete it before TTK is released. I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me get through some of the Crota stuff on hard sometime this week? Maybe from 7pm(GMT) Tuesday or Thursday/Friday?
Here is how I'm doing so far;
Apologies if this isn't where I should be discussing this.
You've come to the right place.![]()
I'm kind of sad I lost so many exotics because I didn't realize items in the postmaster were overwritten if you run out of room there too. Lost so many good stuff. I decided to F it and get rid of a couple dozen legendaries, only keeping exotics.
I set out to beat Far Cry 4 before Taken King. Like you, Destiny kept a strong hold on me. Now I'm not sure if I'll beat it before the year's end with MGSV and TTK right around the corner and Fallout 4 in a few months.I had a whole game plan to beat 3 games before TTK, that went right out the window about a week ago.
Far Cry, batman, and the witcher are crying.
Destiny addiction is strong.
Postmaster overwriting cost me a backup Gjallarhorn in the days of pre-HoW Engram madness.What exactly is the limit of items you can have at the Postmaster? You've made me paranoid now D:
I set out to beat Far Cry 4 before Taken King. Like you, Destiny kept a strong hold on me. Now I'm not sure if I'll beat it before the year's end with MGSV and TTK right around the corner and Fallout 4 in a few months.
I've been wanting to do it for a while anyways, the only downside is I lost my golden chest part of the triumph.
Urk mentioned there are quest kiosks now. I would bet the old stuff (vanilla, tdb, and how) quests can all be acquired here for replaying those missions and petra goes away (for now). Doesn't make HoW useless as the missions will still be there.. I just would not expect the wolves bounties/etc to stay there. I'm failry certain wolves are going away like the swords of crota did in prep for HoW.Makes petra useless then. And with it, the how expansion. It completely cuts off a part of the game that new players have paid for. Seems like an odd decision to me. Especially since its required for ttk
Dave, congrats on the solar jewel last night! I was watching you guys play for a bit on wicked's stream.
I just noticed the feed at the bottom left Lol.
Tears of Blood dances with Grimlock33
Grimlock33 died
I'm kind of sad I lost so many exotics because I didn't realize items in the postmaster were overwritten if you run out of room there too. Lost so many good stuff. I decided to F it and get rid of a couple dozen legendaries, only keeping exotics.
Thanks Hay! I was so pumped too, couldn't believe that's what popped when I opened the chest! Rubenov, Drizzay and Wicked are top notch! In ~24 hours I got a Messenger, Scholar and a solar Jewel. Still can't believe it.
BTW, sorry I missed getting in some Trials with you and Spyder yesterday. I left the game running a couple times while I stepped away to do some things and missed the message.
Are Public Event packages worth 2,500 XP or 5,000 XP?
Can't believe my Thorn in a garbage bin GIF actually got made lol. Props Nami, good stuff.
Next challenge for any bored image editors out there: casket burial for Gjallarhorn and/or Ice Breaker, forever kings of pre-2.0 Destiny.
Are Public Event packages worth 2,500 XP or 5,000 XP?
Pretty sure it's 2500, not 5k.
Whatever Bungie does they should not make blink less fun to use. They just need to make it punishing to use carelessly.
And the quickdraw perk on Bladedancers needs to be replaced.
Pretty sure it's 2500, not 5k.
2.0 is a week before, IIRC. The content for TTK will be included; a small patch to activate it will land on the 15th.
I'm hoping it brings out the Taken public events early, as the other pre-expansion updates brought out the Blades and Wolves.
F&^% Batman and it's shitty ass reveal.I had a whole game plan to beat 3 games before TTK, that went right out the window about a week ago.
Far Cry, batman, and the witcher are crying.
Destiny addiction is strong.
Are Public Event packages worth 2,500 XP or 5,000 XP?
No I'm just answering his question. I'm pretty sure they're only worth 2500 xp. Not really worth starting an argument over.*shrug* people also said the other way around in other threads across the net.
Or by me saying something that has had mixed results and inputs you going to call me out again?
Omnigul? DESTROY HER!Final three NFs before TTK is launched: (since we have another wheel):
August 25th
The Will of Crota
Angry / Juggler / Void
September 1st
Cerberus Vae III
Arc Burn / Brawler / Solar Burn
September 8th
The Summoning Pits
Void Burn / Solar Burn / Juggler
Thank you for the VOG run guys.
Had some fun.![]()