Streaming this VoG run @
I wish I had this type of discipline to go to bed so early. Night!Closing the night off with a VoG, should have been grinding Grimoire but who could turn down a VoG invite....
Nighty night DGAF, see you'se tomorrow.
Got the helm!
Now my titan doesnt look like an airplane any more
Thanks ej and tears!
Once i get better at trials and move to Europe, i can join the SoM!
No ones posted it in slow motion. Looks so goodHas this been posted yet? Shadestep looks better than I imagined.
Alright, anyone up for Trials or PoE 34/35?
Will shadestep become the new blink? I wonder if it has a cooldown.
I'm still happy to help with this run if we can find people. Unfortunately not many people around here bother with Normal anymore and there aren't a ton of folks willing to run "just for fun."
We'll just have to agree to disagree. I didn't say anything about being carried. When I said good group, I simply meant fun, patient, and competent. If he feels comfortable in a NF at 32, he should feel more than comfortable in a lvl 30 raid.
You know what you need to do.Guardians, my vault is full. What the hell do I do with all these weapons, is there any rule of thumb you guys are following for it? Most of my weapons are vanilla Destiny ones to boot.
Probably same colddown as blink, which isn't a lot. Still doesn't seem quite as OP as blink. I am thinking you could probably melee him in the middle of that animation if he goes in the direction you're swinging.
Yeah that seems likely. It will probably only be good for trolling, unless it has invincibility frames.
You know what you need to do.
Unless you have some sort of attachment to the weapons. Ask yourself do I really use these on a daily bases? If no, It's time for some spring cleaning.
Need one more for fun run trials with me and LT.
Pretty much every evasive roll in real action games have i-frames. This is going to be awesome in certain situations. Imagine rolling through Crota's sword swing. lol
Need one more for fun run trials with me and LT.
Alright, anyone up for Trials or PoE 34/35?
Anyone need a Red Bull code? First person to quote this with a semi original comment gets it.
Anyone need a Red Bull code? First person to quote this with a semi original comment gets it.
I rolled this Party Crasher + 1, it any good? I intend this gun for PVP.
Smooth Ballistics
Accurized Ballistics
Soft Ballistics
Close And/Or Personal
Flared Magwell
Luck in the Chamber
You know what you need to do.
Unless you have some sort of attachment to the weapons. Ask yourself do I really use these on a daily bases? If no, it's time for some spring cleaning.
English dub? Gross.
But you're right a lot of stuff should be tossed out. I'd wait till we know more about feeding guns to other guns.
Anyone need a Red Bull code? First person to quote this with a semi original comment gets it.
Is there a way to "poke" someone in Destiny?
I think people get too used to playing with experienced players, it's easy to forget how hard some of this content can be. If there is a good group available to help run a newbie, then it's still better to do a low-key, low-stress normal raid as an introduction (like the group we just ran through NM VoG).
YEEEEEESSSSSS, I got the last exotic I need to complete my collection. 4th Horseman was waiting for me at the postmaster.
Avatar the movie, the one with the blue people.
Last 5 people I've messaged on xb1 checked my stats and was like, nope. LOL lfg.
Last 5 people I've messaged on xb1 checked my stats and was like, nope. LOL lfg.
He already hates us though. We are so far gone that we have no hope of changing his mind. I say we keep digging that hate hole! SHOVEL KNIGHT I CALL UPON THEE!
Has this been posted yet? Shadestep looks better than I imagined.
Last 5 people I've messaged on xb1 checked my stats and was like, nope. LOL lfg.
Last 5 people I've messaged on xb1 checked my stats and was like, nope. LOL lfg.