Take a minute to sign up for DGAF's
the100.io. This is a grouping tool that hinges on scheduling activities in advance (i.e. a day or more) with people who can be free at that time, rather than starting to
look for a group at the moment you decide you want to run something. It's very effective as a posting board for a substantive group like us. Bear in mind, and this isn't really a concern yet but I want to mention it just in light of our "to clique or not to clique" discussion yesterday, only the first 100 to sign up will get into this group. Now, of course we can create a second group and particularly we can keep in mind the idea of an XB1 only group if there is demand. But for now, we want to focus on hitting 100 in any way possible, so please sign up. Even if you think you're not likely to ever use it, it will be helpful in this initial phase- if you never touch it again, you'll be automatically removed from the group in 30 days.
We're currently at 37/100. Also, gmrtom7 and Frostburn are looking to run stuff in just a few hours and I'm sure would like people to sign up, lol
The site has an "Online Playing Now" section and a chatroom:
Individual games/activities also have their own chatrooms for pregame discussion:
While I, personally have no problem with groups forming up solely using this thread and doing so has served me well, a system like this will help to alleviate the issue of people feeling "passed over" or missing out by not being at-the-right-time-at-the-right-time. It also doesn't require "upkeep posts" or reminders on the part of the host the way a manually set-up group does. In the interest of helping more GAFers get more groups, please give it a shot! Thanks again ichabod for the great idea to set it up.