It never has been part of the credits
I remember hearing it in-game.
It never has been part of the credits
Haven't sales suggested that Xbox Destiny continues to move more copies than PS4? I'm surprised the Xbox folk are in such a minority. But I guess GAF is a self-selecting group that isn't necessarily indicative of the larger Destiny community?
I was tempted to buy a One and Destiny to make new characters, but ended up making a sub account on PSN and going that route. Still, if there's a good bundle/sale a while after TTK, I might bite.
Probably because 3/4s of the population has never even seen one. I know I haven't. How do you get one?
You get one by turning in bounties. It's RNG and some people say you're more likely to get one if you turn in a bunch of bounties all at once.Probably because 3/4s of the population has never even seen one. I know I haven't. How do you get one?
It is already doneDude you should save the last alt for TTK to experience the game again in remixed form
Thats what Im gonna do anyways
I'm sure you could scrub them out fairly easily. But I do recommend snapping screenshots from time to time. This was just a moment from the beginning of our (failed) flawless attempt the other night. I saw them both aiming down their sights, so I did the same for the depth of field effect. It looks rad.
Here's a link at the original resolution. Won't post in the thread since it's huge.
DestinyGAF is more tilted towards PS4 than other Destiny communities, the population is far more balanced on places like Reddit and
Play a lot, do a lot of bounties. After 500 hours of gameplay I've gotten about 9 or 10 exotic bounties.Probably because 3/4s of the population has never even seen one. I know I haven't. How do you get one?
How do I upload a picture from my phone to GAF? Do I have to be hosting it somewhere else first?
How do I upload a picture from my phone to GAF? Do I have to be hosting it somewhere else first?
How do I upload a picture from my phone to GAF? Do I have to be hosting it somewhere else first?
You get one by turning in bounties. It's RNG and some people say you're more likely to get one if you turn in a bunch of bounties all at once.
Dusted off Bad Juju for IB last night and that gun is legit. Not sure how it would work for Trials or 3v3 but it's great for a chaotic mode like Control.
Gotta get that bounty done ASAP.Ficking hell. Everyone kept pushing for A on Blind Watch.
How do I upload a picture from my phone to GAF? Do I have to be hosting it somewhere else first?
Places like reddit and is usually chaos
DestinyGAF is more tilted towards PS4 than other Destiny communities, the population is far more balanced on places like Reddit and
So, things to do in Destiny before TTK releases would be:
- Getting marks (or at least get in groups of 50s until Sept 14).
- Earn rep on your favourite faction.
- Get your rep level close to finish on factions before Sept 15.
- Weekly for Strange Coins
- Running Nightfalls / Raids / Prison / whatever that has an opportunity to drop an exotic item.
- Buy Exotic gear from Xur that you don't have.
- Shard exotic duplicates for exotic shards.
- Buy planet materials
- Triumphs
- Getting grimmoire 3000+
- Have fun.
That's the side effect of having a ridiculously large community and the shitty site layouts don't help lol.
What GAF needs is its own LFG setup page
DGAF LFG system
Much like 100 just for all GAFfers
What time on 9/15 will TTK open up?
I'm asking for a friend who took the week off from work and wants to start playing as soon as it drops because I have an unhealthy obsession.
But how we will get to keep bragging about how fast moving our community is if we can't pad those numbers with LFG posts?!
What time on 9/15 will TTK open up?
I'm asking for a friend who took the week off from work and wants to start playing as soon as it drops because I have an unhealthy obsession.
What time on 9/15 will TTK open up?
I'm asking for a friend who took the week off from work and wants to start playing as soon as it drops because I have an unhealthy obsession.
So is there a 100 thing for XB1 players? Put me on the list of someone that would join that if we need more people to make it happen.
So is there a 100 thing for XB1 players? Put me on the list of someone that would join that if we need more people to make it happen.
You are now a DestinyXboxGaf mod... Don't ban me.
Other Lonely Xboners join here:
I really do since I have to play MGS GZ before Tuesday. After Tuesday, I'm taking just an hour of my time each day to do public events for packages and then off to Phantom Pain.Gotta get that bounty done ASAP.
The one thing I want to do before TTK is accumulate the shaders and emblems that I won't be able to get once the DLC comes out. Bungie presented the kiosk like a list to help us hunt what's missing, so I have no idea what they are going to do with unobtainable shaders and emblems or which ones will be unobtainable. You can't just hoard them because there just isn't the vault space at this point. I'm hoping a reddit thread (or something) on this gets more traction before the release.
What time on 9/15 will TTK open up?
I'm asking for a friend who took the week off from work and wants to start playing as soon as it drops because I have an unhealthy obsession.
I really do since I have to play MGS GZ before Tuesday. After Tuesday, I'm taking just an hour of my time each day to do public events for packages and then off to Phantom Pain.
I really do since I have to play MGS GZ before Tuesday. After Tuesday, I'm taking just an hour of my time each day to do public events for packages and then off to Phantom Pain.
And to check Eva, right? ;P
FUCK! I knew I forgot something. I'll stop by before I raid.And to check Eva, right? ;P
The real question is when are the SERVERS going to work? There's at least a 50% chance that it's a complete shit-show on 9/15.
I got Igordennis on my FL. Just have to send friend requests to the other 5 later
FUCK! I knew I forgot something. I'll stop by before I raid.
thumbsup.jpgHost it on
I did all the non-exclusive side ops. Just need to take the two targets alive in that one side op mission.But that's not enough time to 100% GZ and bring everything over to MGSV!
Eva is dead to me until she has what I want.Nami has forsaken eva.
I did all the non-exclusive side ops. Just need to take the two targets alive in that one side op mission.. Besides, I ain't never gonna platinum the MGS games. I always get caught. Always.I killed them didn't know they were part of a trophy
Destiny didn't have issues with vanilla, TDB, or HoW launch.
I wouldn't expect any problems this time.
There's a pic of what carries over to PP in that Ground Zeroes thread on gaming side. Use that to see what it is you're missing. Those two guys are the only thing I'm missing.I've done hardly anything in GZ. I revisted MGS4 a couple weeks ago and did a no kill / no alert run but I've never done anything like that before. Also I had to reload my save many many many times.
Not getting caught in GZ seems a lot harder.
Try againthumbsup.jpg
Good roll, bad roll or mixed roll? Worth rerolling?