I had an lfg match with 2 guys that barely started playing Trials today and 1 was his very first time, even though he was looking for a Flawless run or 5 wins at least. I didn't know that or care but decided to check after we disbanded especially after we only lost 1 whole ticket (0-4) he said "yea this isn't working out". His complete trials record, 0-4 haha.
Edit crap too late hahaha
I'm really torn about Trials - I had initially written it off as something that just wasn't for me as I've not really been in to PvP over the first few months...but then I've had 3 fun runs grinding through iron banner, and have generally improved to being "only a bit below average".
I've enjoyed learning the maps, and also the Thorn bounty helped me learn how to spend my time trying not to die rather than trying to get kills.
I was also playing in a full fireteam with other players who were good so we were getting matched against some pretty good teams. When I went in on my own I usually did much better (in terms of KD) as I was getting matched against my own skill level.
Anyway - I think when Trials launched I was really hyped to see Mercury, and all the loot that was dropping. Then I tried it (once) and realised how hard getting wins was, never mind a flawless....I would have been up for practicing it, and trying to get better over time with a consistent fireteam, but I can't get online consistently enough, and all the guys I PvE with weren't interested in it enough to try.
Maybe LFG works for Trials, but I haven't tried it as doing well seems to be a lot about team work and call outs etc rather than individual gun skill (unless you are in the 1% or the 1% within the 1%).
TL;DR I'm glad Trials exists, I'm glad it's "elitist" in that it really rewards the best players and teams, but boy is it driving me a bit crazy knowing it's there and I can't really get there.... I need to hang out in twitch chats and try to win a raffle for a carry or something..
....The devil bit of me would also like to hear the reactions of my buddies when they see the emblem...