I know everybody is really excited for this Twitch stream or whatever it is coming up but I feel like I have to express an unpopular opinion...
Why do we want all this info, really? Why is it good to have as much information about a game you're getting as possible, before it comes out?
Now, if you're approaching this from the angle of making a decision as to whether or not you will purchase it- informing you as a consumer, to be able to gauge whether or not it's worth the money you haven't yet spent- I totally get it. It makes sense to consume as much media as it takes and get as much information as needed to be confident about your decision.
But I know for a fact that many if not most of you are already buying The Taken King. Wherefore cometh the desire to know as much as possible about it before getting to play it? Is it the concept that having a "headstart" (not having to learn as much when you actually first play) is more valuable than being surprised? Or is it more of a compulsion, like you can't not learn as much information as is available, whether or not you want to?
It's totally not unique to Destiny by any stretch of the imagination. I run into this all over the gaming world with games I'm invested in, and in movies too to some extent, and it always baffles me.
I know I can't be that much older than the average age in this thread- does anyone else remember what it used to be like when a game you were interested in came out? Before gaming was the kind of industry that could command video interviews with developers and users didn't expect full spec sheets (how many levels? how many weapons? how many maps? how long will it take to beat?) to be standard fare even months before release. To this day I still love the feeling of sitting down with something new to explore and having barely any idea of what to expect. I feel like we stopped chasing that feeling- in fact, you'll have gamers get seriously upset and feel like it reflects very poorly on a game if you don't have an incredibly clear and detailed idea of what's coming before you play it- and even though I understand a lot of things about the industry, I don't understand this one.