What strategies? There are no strategies except to put a million bullets in the bosses. And I can't see that Bungie does something else with their Raid-Bosses than with their Strike-Bosses.
Yeah, that tweet was...1-2 hours after the update? I don't even think Bungie knows what they're doing.
Where do i get this? I'm always dying from it
so why do people think shingen-c is so great? understand the clip size and recoil but it does so little damage i seem to be losing the same gun fights i was winning before when using a higher impact ar. enlighten me
Yeah, I set my expectations to green.I've found that If I try not to get excited when I get new engrams, it makes the pain less when I get dem bad drops.
Update was posted 2:43 PSt. Tweet was 4:16 PST.
What am I missing here?
What incorrect information is posted on the bungie page, or on twitter?
Did you cap your marks? I'm in all blues right side but I'm going to rely on vendor purples.
I hopefully will be able to fill out my right side with all purples after capping marks this week.
Nice. Screenshots?Lol I actually got a legendary Sniper Rifle called the Final Boss.![]()
That they say you have to be level 26 to do the raid, but also say you can do it below level 26.
Yeah...I'm being a bit optimistic![]()
I don't see that on twitter or the Bungie page.
What are you talking about?
Bungie Specialists have confirmed that, while you may be able to access the Raid before you reach Level 26, such acts would be very foolish.
I just got a Legendary auto rifle (Shadow Price) from farming for engrams.
Whoever posted that video about farming engrams on the first story mission of the moon is brilliant!
Huh,got a random letter containing the polar oak shader. Looks awesome. Green and white.
i'm starting to think bungie's decision to open the raid a week after the game launched is prematurely killing the game. everyone's grinding to gear up for the raid and it's compounding the flaws in the loot system. as i mentioned a while ago, the state of the game really depends on the quality of the raid. if it's good, people will be able to level up when the weekly caps are lifted and try their hand at it. it'll be a slow burner, but the community will stay loyal to it until bungie patches up the holes in the game. however, if the raid ends up disappointing, i anticipate many people abandoning ship. and to be quite frank, i'll probably be in one of the lifeboats. is not that i don't enjoy the game, but i'd be lying if i wasn't trying to justify the $600 i spent on it so far.
If that's the case, the mobs are going to be immune if you are under level. I can almost guarantee that.
SSSSHHHHH! don't talk about it. I don't want bungie to patch it before I get in tonight.
Just out of curiosity what level did you play the mission at?
I was running with polar oak for a few levels. Probably the best shader I've seen so far.
i'm starting to think bungie's decision to open the raid a week after the game launched is prematurely killing the game. everyone's grinding to gear up for the raid and it's compounding the flaws in the loot system. as i mentioned a while ago, the state of the game really depends on the quality of the raid. if it's good, people will be able to level up when the weekly caps are lifted and try their hand at it. it'll be a slow burner, but the community will stay loyal to it until bungie patches up the holes in the game. however, if the raid ends up disappointing, i anticipate many people abandoning ship. and to be quite frank, i'll probably be in one of the lifeboats. is not that i don't enjoy the game, but i'd be lying if i wasn't trying to justify the $600 i spent on it so far.
i'm starting to think bungie's decision to open the raid a week after the game launched is prematurely killing the game. everyone's grinding to gear up for the raid and it's compounding the flaws in the loot system. as i mentioned a while ago, the state of the game really depends on the quality of the raid. if it's good, people will be able to level up when the weekly caps are lifted and try their hand at it. it'll be a slow burner, but the community will stay loyal to it until bungie patches up the holes in the game. however, if the raid ends up disappointing, i anticipate many people abandoning ship. and to be quite frank, i'll probably be in one of the lifeboats. is not that i don't enjoy the game, but i'd be lying if i wasn't trying to justify the $600 i spent on it so far.
Can you DM me the video please....
so why do people think shingen-c is so great? understand the clip size and recoil but it does so little damage i seem to be losing the same gun fights i was winning before when using a higher impact ar. enlighten me
Anyone know how much more material is produced from dismantling guns/armor that's fully upgraded vs. partially upgraded vs. not upgrade?
If that's the case, the mobs are going to be immune if you are under level. I can almost guarantee that.
Cryptarch @TheCryptarch · 15m
Have issues with my work? Please tweet it with #engramproblems
Although if you think my decrypting is bad, my customer service is worse..
Well seeing as how the Raid level is level 26...dunno why you're trying to dissuade me. I already did Nightfall, and they were 3 levels above then ._. And that wasn't too hard.
Need one more!2AM (PST) Raiding Party
As soon as the Raid is unlocked were going to have a group ready and be in the same clan so we can all receive the Raiding Party trophy.
What will I need to do?
Aside from being ready in less than 2 hours you can join the temporary clan here and set it as your PlayStation clan.
How can I join?
Quote this post and send me a PSN friend request, Neverendin. If you're not on and ready at around 1:45AM, we'll move on to the next person.
SSSSHHHHH! don't talk about it. I don't want bungie to patch it before I get in tonight.
Just out of curiosity what level did you play the mission at?
I was running with polar oak for a few levels. Probably the best shader I've seen so far.
Thank you sir.In the official site you can see your stats.
Need one more!