Brolic Gaoler
formerly Alienshogun
Sooo I hope everybody is getting some of that purple stuff but please remember this is NOT a guarantee. I also just finished another run about an hour ago and it still works, got 2 legendary engrams and a BUNCH of blue/green ones. I guess some people were worried it'd be patched out.
Also here's some more detail on the whole thing:
First off make sure you've smoked the right amount of PCP.
Just kidding please don't smoke PCP.
The last run I mentioned I did it until I died about 150 times..about 2 hours worth of doing it.
The best advice I can give is DON'T kill the seems the game registeres them as the biggest threat there so if they're dead the mission will most likely progress and you'll have to start over again (which is not THAT bad but please watch the end part of the video for more detail) Also you can restart the mission ANY TIME. You can go do whatever else you wanna do, even turn off the console and come'll still be able to just restart and be one cutscene away from LOOT.
Activate your Black Wax Idols for maximum glimmer. This way every round you get an average of 80-100 glimmer so basically every 20 seconds.
USE that glimmer to buy green engrams from the cryptarch!!!
After I did the run I leveled up the cryptarch TWICE so that's 2 more chances for legendary engrams etc.
Please don't tase me if you don't get any purples while doing the run like I said it's NOT a guarantee!
And for anybody asking for the link here it is again:
Just tried this, engrams poofed on death.