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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun

Sooo I hope everybody is getting some of that purple stuff but please remember this is NOT a guarantee. I also just finished another run about an hour ago and it still works, got 2 legendary engrams and a BUNCH of blue/green ones. I guess some people were worried it'd be patched out.

Also here's some more detail on the whole thing:

First off make sure you've smoked the right amount of PCP.
Just kidding please don't smoke PCP.

The last run I mentioned I did it until I died about 150 times..about 2 hours worth of doing it.
The best advice I can give is DON'T kill the Knights...it seems the game registeres them as the biggest threat there so if they're dead the mission will most likely progress and you'll have to start over again (which is not THAT bad but please watch the end part of the video for more detail) Also you can restart the mission ANY TIME. You can go do whatever else you wanna do, even turn off the console and come back...you'll still be able to just restart and be one cutscene away from LOOT.

Activate your Black Wax Idols for maximum glimmer. This way every round you get an average of 80-100 glimmer so basically every 20 seconds.

USE that glimmer to buy green engrams from the cryptarch!!!

After I did the run I leveled up the cryptarch TWICE so that's 2 more chances for legendary engrams etc.

Please don't tase me if you don't get any purples while doing the run like I said it's NOT a guarantee!

And for anybody asking for the link here it is again:



Just tried this, engrams poofed on death.


PCP farm is legit.

I just got a legendary Ghost Helm from an engram there. It was actually for my class. That spot is great. I got 3 legendary engrams in 4 hours and enough blue engrams to level up the cryptarch a few times and get more from the postmaster. I also got 5 strange coins and a few mote of light from the blue engrams. Also maxed out glimmer.

That helm saves me a lot of tokens since for some reason helms cost like 2x as much as everything else.

24 now should be able to get to 25 or 26 tomorrow.
Just tried this, engrams poofed on death.

Did it for 30 minutes. Got a ton of greens and about half-dozen blues. Decided to switch to a subclass I hadn't used in a bit and unlocked two more skills. Also upgraded a few of my weapons. Broke down a ton of stuff for weapon parts, etc.. and was able to rank up the cryptarch nearly twice when I finally turned stuff in. And I did it all with the TV muted and listening to a news podcast.

This is a great run and I'll definitely do it tomorrow morning while listening to the news and having some coffee. Nothing like being productive :)
Dude lil off topic but where did u get your avatar, cause I'm very certain its from a kz wallpaper I made.

It was posted as a wallpaper by killzone official fb page.

All of my PS exclusive armor has just come from random strikes on vanguard tiger(level 24 strikes). They're just blues =/ As for the weapons, those can come from PVP and engrams. Also I haven't even seen or heard of a legendary/exotic drop in the strike rewards besides Nightfall, so I don't even think it's possible x.x If it is, then it's stupidly rare.

The way they advertised the deal made it sound like they were exclusive rewards than anyone with the PS version would receive regardless of their activity. :/

Welp, add another victim of someone getting their first legendary armor from an engram but it being for another class. Really put me off from playing any more today.

Same here, received a titan piece for my hunter :(


In PvP, if hand cannon A has a 5 round magazine, and hand cannon B has an 11 round magazine, do they each do the same damage per shot?

I've had a handcannon with a clip of four that 2 shot headshots people in pvp. No other handcannon did that.


I really can't believe a game designer thought it would be a good idea to make blues drop from legendary engrams. I really can't believe a lot of this game exists, design wise really. It's infuriating.
Holy shit.

Me and Somewhat Groovy and Chaos Muffin just...

We beat the Weekly. Took us HOURS.


I ended up with two Rare and one Legendary Engram.

Rare 1: rare weapon
Rare 2: Strange coin


I honestly can't believe it. I was so scared. 3 AM and I like yelled out loud when I opened it.

Of all.


Have you beaten the mission on hard before? I think that is the issue.
You have to at least beat it once on level 9 hard for the loot to stay there but I am NOT 100% on this

I don't think that makes a difference since death doesn't affect loot anywhere. Even during patrol it just sticks around?
^I think it's because they want people to play longer than one month.

Got the depleted Thorn exotic bounty. Now I have to kill a ton of people with void in crucible with my Hunter. RIP in peace K/D ratio, RIP.


2AM (PST) Raiding Party

As soon as the Raid is unlocked were going to have a group ready and be in the same clan so we can all receive the Raiding Party trophy.

What will I need to do?

Aside from being ready in less than 2 hours you can join the temporary clan here and set it as your PlayStation clan.


How can I join?

Quote this post and send me a PSN friend request, Neverendin. If you're not on and ready at around 1:45AM, we'll move on to the next person.

How long is the list already?

Also: 2am PST = in 1,5 hours, right?

^I think it's because they want people to play longer than one month.

Got the depleted Thorn exotic bounty. Now I have to kill a ton of people with void in crucible with my Hunter. RIP in peace K/D ratio, RIP.

Damnit. Tried that last challenge (kill Xyor) with twodifferent teams for hours, couldn't do it.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member

Sooo I hope everybody is getting some of that purple stuff but please remember this is NOT a guarantee. I also just finished another run about an hour ago and it still works, got 2 legendary engrams and a BUNCH of blue/green ones. I guess some people were worried it'd be patched out.

Also here's some more detail on the whole thing:

First off make sure you've smoked the right amount of PCP.
Just kidding please don't smoke PCP.

The last run I mentioned I did it until I died about 150 times..about 2 hours worth of doing it.
The best advice I can give is DON'T kill the Knights...it seems the game registeres them as the biggest threat there so if they're dead the mission will most likely progress and you'll have to start over again (which is not THAT bad but please watch the end part of the video for more detail) Also you can restart the mission ANY TIME. You can go do whatever else you wanna do, even turn off the console and come back...you'll still be able to just restart and be one cutscene away from LOOT.

Activate your Black Wax Idols for maximum glimmer. This way every round you get an average of 80-100 glimmer so basically every 20 seconds.

USE that glimmer to buy green engrams from the cryptarch!!!

After I did the run I leveled up the cryptarch TWICE so that's 2 more chances for legendary engrams etc.

Please don't tase me if you don't get any purples while doing the run like I said it's NOT a guarantee!

And for anybody asking for the link here it is again:



Haha. This is no joke. Just did it for about 30 minutes and got a ton of loot, Grimoire entries and exp to advance my Warlock abilities.

Gotta go to bed now, but I hope this doesn't get patched before tomorrow night.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.

There is legitimately a wall you smack into, where things like the nightfall strike and the raid are not even selectable. It didn't take long at all to reach this point either.

All of my armor(head, arms, chest, legs) are 15 light which is the highest this will go, and fully maxed. You can't get beyond midway into 24 without legendaries and exotics, so I'm now stuck here until I get anything. And I've been stuck there, since every legendary engram has become worse gear. I'm somewhat close to grinding out this annoying Exotic bounty and getting a weapon, but that won't actually help me level up more.


I'm gonna sit down and do another run right now and gonna start recording from orbit so everybody can see how to get there etc. and I will point out some stuff you need to do and not do cya guys in about 2 hours or so? lol


What it's like to get all the Golden Chests and never have that nagging feeling of non-completion.
^I think it's because they want people to play longer than one month.

Got the depleted Thorn exotic bounty. Now I have to kill a ton of people with void in crucible with my Hunter. RIP in peace K/D ratio, RIP.

I have to do that, too. FYI, a Kill is +4, a Death is -2. When you reach +500, then you'll complete the bounty.

Do Rumble (free for all) if you're soloing the Crucible. I've played two matches so far, and am at +51. I just equipped a Void damage Shotgun and ran around. It's super annoying, because I don't have a fusion rifle so I have to run in to get into shotgun range, while everyone is using an AR.
^I think it's because they want people to play longer than one month.
Well, if leveling up all 3 classes and get good loot for them only takes you a month you may reconsider the purpose of your life. ;-)

That said, I'm glad it only takes 1-2 days to get to level 20. Diablo 3 was a snoozefest for me after the first character - granted, I did everything solo.


Holy shit.

Me and Somewhat Groovy and Chaos Muffin just...

We beat the Weekly. Took us HOURS.


I ended up with two Rare and one Legendary Engram.

Rare 1: rare weapon
Rare 2: Strange coin


I honestly can't believe it. I was so scared. 3 AM and I like yelled out loud when I opened it.

Of all.

The loot gods shined upon you.


^I think it's because they want people to play longer than one month.

Got the depleted Thorn exotic bounty. Now I have to kill a ton of people with void in crucible with my Hunter. RIP in peace K/D ratio, RIP.

If you have a good void Fusion Rifle, just play some Rumble and try to camp with it. I got that part done after around 6 matches.


so why do people think shingen-c is so great? understand the clip size and recoil but it does so little damage i seem to be losing the same gun fights i was winning before when using a higher impact ar. enlighten me
What it's like to get all the Golden Chests and never have that nagging feeling of non-completion.

not really because there isn't even a trophy for grabbing all of them lol. I got so pissed at least I got a strange coin I guess.

so why do people think shingen-c is so great? understand the clip size and recoil but it does so little damage i seem to be losing the same gun fights i was winning before when using a higher impact ar. enlighten me

Because shingen-e is better lol
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