Member can start up the raid solo. I just tried it.
I died.
Yes. It latches onto a enemy and explodes twice.
Man, I should have rolled a fucking titan...My hunter looks way more boring visually, and her grenade are fucking shit ( haven't tried bladedancer spec yet )
I'm coming on now if you're still looking.
Rare is an understatement. I really can't imagine doing one of these without dying, or somebody on my team dying.
Seems pretty fun though.
Got a legendary sniper rifle called Broken Truth. Shame that I can't really make snipers work in pvp.
I'm very much the gamestop of @DestinyTheGame , The trade in values are awful.
You need to be level 26 to join, sorry.
Still looking for people, we have a really solid core group of players who communicate and play well together, just need a couple more to start this party.
PSN JoeFenix
You need to be level 26 to join, sorry.
Still looking for people, we have a really solid core group of players who communicate and play well together, just need a couple more to start this party.
PSN JoeFenix
I assume because the strikes are designed for bad players?
I did some 24 strikes last night with people who were beyond dreadful, I guess the raids are designed to avoid letting those people in, while the strikes are designed for bad players.
This is the one I'm watching too. This looks like a bitch.
What's a good mission for fallen ultra/major?
Sword of Crota on heroic is good for hive. Haven't been able to find an equivalent
Nope they drop loot for your level.I know this has been asked a million times but I can't seem to find an answer online. Do higher level enemies drop better loot, or is it simply just an XP bonus?
What's a good mission for fallen ultra/major?
Sword of Crota on heroic is good for hive. Haven't been able to find an equivalent
At least two people in the stream I'm watching got legendary snipers immediately after the boss was down. They probably all got it but I only heard two on the stream.Did the first raid boss drop anything?
I'll be ready in 4 hours. Any other level 26 people around?
Nami? Raishin?
Hi guys I almost always play only Crucible and Strikes. I'm in the top 4% in the world at k/D ratio and #5 overall at average kills per game I'm not bragging but for fuck sake would anyone who wants to do some weekly hard-core strikes and the Vault of Glass just add me already it's been a week since launch.
I don't care if you suck at this game or die a lot and I have to carry you I just want to play with anyone who plays this game for the weekly/daily challenges and Vault of Glass.
PSN ID : serby666
Did the first raid boss drop anything?
An ode to the Cryptarch, to the tune of Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
I grabbed an engram and the cyptarch came near
It was lovely and purple and shined like a mirror.
If anything I could say that this engram was rare.
And he said 'I'll decrpyt it - don't worry I'm fair'
I waited, bated breath for about 7 or 8
and I yelled to the cryptarch 'It had better be great'
I looked at my gear, it was finally there
a shitty green gauntlet, thats it, I don't care
I'm always down to run things with more GAF. I'll add you now and we can play sometime bro-man.
Has the crucible/vanguard mark counter reset?
I added ya too.Finally thank you for adding me I just want to play with anyone man xD
There's no way the people I play with will have the patience for the raid lol
Oh and the partis fucking crazy! i love itafter you defeat the first boss (the stealth part)
Finally thank you for adding me I just want to play with anyone man xD
I googled it when I got them. I found a site, I think it was one of the wiki's, and it listed the weapon reward and the steps for like 6 different bounties.I just got 3 exoctic bounty leads and I have to choose one. The options are shattered memory fragment, a voice in the wilderness, and Toland's legacy. By any chance does anyone know what type of weapons they are and which would be the best to choose?
Hi guys I almost always play only Crucible and Strikes. I'm in the top 4% in the world at k/D ratio and #5 overall at average kills per game I'm not bragging but for fuck sake would anyone who wants to do some weekly hard-core strikes and the Vault of Glass just add me already it's been a week since launch.
I don't care if you suck at this game or die a lot and I have to carry you I just want to play with anyone who plays this game for the weekly/daily challenges and Vault of Glass.
PSN ID : serby666