Goddamnit why doesn't the outfitter ever get new shader colors?
I want that super black shader but I doubt it's ever gonna be for sale.
Goddamnit why doesn't the outfitter ever get new shader colors?
Okay, so on Strikes, do you guys try to kill everything, or focus on the boss? I primarily focus on the boss since once he's done, the minions are done as well. If I'm getting low on ammo, I'll focus on the minions briefly before targeting the boss again.
Seems like whoever gets the most kills is the one that gets the best loot in Strikes, and that just seems odd. I guess there's no better way to do it though.
So for people watching the Raid, is there anything fundamentally different?
The Raid isn't going anywhere
And why get butthurt over drops (from chasing the exploit of the day) when you could go and just buy what you want?
People are shortcutting themselves out of what they actually want.
Can you only be invited to a Fireteam? I want to join someone but cant see an option.
Unknown. Random I assume.Anyone?
Reading this makes me wonder on how people would react it they actually got all those items they want.... You'd probably be complaining that you get it that fast.
Can't believe it... The game is barely available for a week now and people complain that they don't get the best gear possible...
Holy hell! Just beat Summoning Pits on heroic level 24 without dying.
what's your PSN ID?
Alright. Sending you a friend request.Hydruxxo
What's the point of joining the factions? Is it to get whatever shit they're selling? Is it better stuff than vanguard?
Yeah... so? I also got a few blue drops yesterday that ended up being worse than the gear I already have. But I ain't upset because of that. There isn't that much content available now anyway so what' the point in getting to the maximum now? Just to complain that you are there already? People are weird at times. Doing the same content over and over may be exhausting but that shouldn't be anything new for people who have played MMOs. I played FFXIV for only 3 months and swear to god I could sketch you most of the lower level dungeons with my eyes closed because of how many times I've done them.Well the point is when you get 5 of the same legendary engram in one day for a piece you need, it's a bit frustrating. I've put a lot of time in this game already and worked for the gear I have right now.
The guy I was quoting is already level 26.People are not complaining that they don't get the best gear posssible.
People are complaining because there seems to never drop entry level raid gear. They're complaining they can't even experience the raid content because of rng.
Getting to Level 20 doesn't take long at all. Do the story mission and a few bounties and there you go. I easily leveled my Titan to 20 over the weekend - and I am a really slow player. Bounties give you an insane amount of EXP.One character is already one big time sink to me.
Do the Crucible guy and the Vanguard guy sell the same exact shit?
Well, I'm now level 27 and fully decked out in exotic/legendary armor.
That's a good point, why don't story missions give you vanguard marks? Seems like an oversight to me. Actually the Vangaurd rep and marks system seems to need some fixing. With patrols earning more rep per hour than Strikes, doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
Honestly, I'm starting to think farming is fucking up your decryption chances - I've had a legendary turn into a blue a single time and I never farmed until last night (for 20 minutes total).
Doing patrols, Strike Playlists and Crucible earned me rare/legendary drops on a regular basis and made my vanguard/crucible ranks go up to be able to BUY legendary armor in case nothing was dropping.
But hey, keep farming and ending up with blues I guess.
The guy I was quoting is already level 26.
Yeah... so? I also got a few blue drops yesterday that ended up being worse than the gear I already have. But I ain't upset because of that. There isn't that much content available now anyway so what' the point in getting to the maximum anyway now?
The guy I was quoting is already level 26.
Getting to Level 20 doesn't take long at all. Do the story mission and a few bounties and there you go. I easily leveled my Titan to 20 over the weekend - and I am a really slow player. Bounties give you an insane amount of EXP.
Anyone got any tips to get Ascendant Shards? I need a fuck ton.
Just hit level 20 last night. Apparently it's gonna be a nightmare from here on out? :/
Because you can't buy what you want since there's a weekly cap on reputation marks. I'm not in their position because I'm pretty much spending my time in PvP and I don't care much about gear in there, but there are pretty undeniable design flaws in the loot system . It relies too heavily on rng both in PvE and PvP. I've been playing with two friends, and them a few more hours than themselves on my own, and I'm full blues while one of them is pretty much decked in purple gear,
Anyone got any tips to get Ascendant Shards? I need a fuck ton.
If you followed this thread then you should have noticed that the gear you get is purely luck based - like it was to be expected. Some people seem to hit level 26 very quickly while others struggle with it. It's just like in any other similar game. I really don't see the problem here.Then it is not "people". It's the guy you were quoting.
There are legit complains about it.
Just hit level 20 last night. Apparently it's gonna be a nightmare from here on out? :/
I'm still in love with this game despite it being super bitchy against me, loot wise. I have no idea why I like it so much.
Gold tier on public events gets them sometimes
The other factions needs an option to buy with vanguard marks. The game is already heavily slanted towards pvp as it is.
Three of my exotic/legendary pieces I bought after attaining Crucible and Vanguard rank 2 and buying the exotic gear during the weekend.Legendary loot is too common.
What is your purple ratio of how you got them?
dropped vs crucible vs strike, etc.
Getting to the maximum is the whole point of the game. Getting better gear. And it's more of an issue with the system to begin with. It's vanilla Diablo 3 all over again. The whole point of playing is to get better gear and play higher level strikes/raid. If you don't get the gear, you can't do that. There have been people stuck for days not getting new stuff to advance and then are locked out from playing higher level strikes/heroics/etc.
Upgraded the Cryptarch to level 8 and he's gone back down to selling all whites. What.
How do you get vanguard marks? I see that you can earn them through vanguard strikes, but I haven't done any, yet I have 20 marks. Are they awarded another way as well?
It's almost impossible that you had zero progression.... did you earn marks and rep?Pretty much. I was level 24 two days ago, and I'm still level 24 today despite putting in at least 15 hours in those two days. Zero progression for the time spent is pretty annoying; it's especially bad when you consider that just about everything you do in the game iiss supposed to be progression focused too.
There have been people stuck for days not getting new stuff to advance and then are locked out from playing higher level strikes/heroics/etc.
Did you just continue with strikes and mission stuff? I hit 20 and am avoiding grinds.I got a Legendary engram from a loot chest last night. Actually got four drops out of it in total.
Turned into a legendary rocket launcher. It makes me laugh at everyone trying to cheat the system, when all you need to do is just play the game, have fun and eventually you'll get the gear. Chests, purchasing from vendors, mission rewards, bounty rewards, crucible rewards, random drops from slain enemies... Just play the game.
I have two pieces of legendary, one from the chest above and one from a vendor. Loving the game, it's a blast.