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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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Pretty much. I was level 24 two days ago, and I'm still level 24 today despite putting in at least 15 hours in those two days. Zero progression for the time spent is pretty annoying; it's especially bad when you consider that just about everything you do in the game iiss supposed to be progression focused too.
Progression isn't just about lvl. Grimoire bonuses, class progression, weapon and gear progression, etc.
If you followed this thread then you should have noticed that the gear you get is purely luck based - like it was to be expected. Some people seem to hit level 26 very quickly while others struggle with it. It's just like in any other similar game. I really don't see the problem here.

You can generally improve the odds by completing more difficult content, though. That doesn't seem to be the case here; I got more loot last night doing the PCP run for an hour than the previous 2 days of strikes.
So, if I go to the cryptarch and buy all his useless engrams and have him decrypt them, this will level up my rep with him and he'll eventually sell me more tantalizing loot?
So what Tower actions give XP. I know bounties are a great way to get XP (I always make sure to equip gear that needs leveling before turning them in) but today it seemed that doing a 50 Spinmetal exchange also gave me XP. Buying from the Cryptarch doesn't seem to give XP but I feel like getting things decoded does? Anyone know all the Tower tasks that yield XP?
If you followed this thread then you should have noticed that the gear you get is purely luck based - like it was to be expected. Some people seem to hit level 26 very quickly while others struggle with it. It's just like in any other similar game. I really don't see the problem here.

Problem for me is that I've played for 58 hours and 8/10 purple engrams I've received for my titan were blues. My Titan is almost level 25 and I still don't have the gear for the one raid. That is a problem. Maybe not for you, but for most. Get over yourself.


I jumped from 20 to 23 pretty quickly. 23 to my current 24 and a half has been an absolute crawl.

24 seems to be where most people, including myself, are stuck at. It's where the level 20 upgraded blues cap out at. I have enough to buy two legendaries from the vendors but my reputation isn't high enough.


It's almost impossible that you had zero progression.... did you earn marks and rep?

Capped on marks and yeah I'm earning rep I suppose (I would argue that gaining rep isn't really progression but for this conversation I'll just say it is). I mean, I figured that RNG wouldn't be kind to me so the option was either cap marks and stop playing till next week or cap marks and play anyways hoping for a nice upgrade before having to rely on vendor legendaries but it didn't pan out.

For now I plan to hit rank 2 with Vanguard and FWC ASAP to get my right side legendaries, and then spend the rest of the week upgrading them. Maybe I'll tackle the raid next week since I have other raids to do this week in other games.

Progression isn't just about lvl. Grumpier bonuses, class progression, weapon and gear progression, etc.

Sunsinger maxed. Right side gear is maxed (and going to get replaced anyways since I can't use it for raid), and I'm passively leveling left side weapons but have a max primary I need to replace too. Actually, I don't even like the secondary and heavy weapons I have now so I'm looking to replace them as well.


So what Tower actions give XP. I know bounties are a great way to get XP (I always make sure to equip gear that needs leveling before turning them in) but today it seemed that doing a 50 Spinmetal exchange also gave me XP. Buying from the Cryptarch doesn't seem to give XP but I feel like getting things decoded does? Anyone know all the Tower tasks that yield XP?
Don't sell materials to the tower vendors. Those are all used to upgrade legendary gear.
Ah turds, I just realized those 100 Spinmetal I turned in at level 17 was not the best idea. Should have waited until 18. Oh well, they are easy enough to get. Seems shitty that your marks are building in the background and then they don't show you until you are at level 18. So much convoluted bullshit in this game.


The Cryptarch's Bane
You can generally improve the odds by completing more difficult content, though. That doesn't seem to be the case here; I got more loot last night doing the PCP run for an hour than the previous 2 days of strikes.
Strikes earn both rep and marks, though

The "more loot for more difficult content" aspect appears to come in with the weekly nightfall and the Raid itself.
Are you sure it just wasn't the crucible earning you legendaries? Patrols are basically farming as much as the next activity, and I don't have any luck with those either. Crucible on the other hand seems to give much better gear than strikes. Getting the Cryptarch to level up and get a gift from him is the only way I can consistently get purple engrams. Unfortunately they turn blue or become an item for a different class.

Right now I'm a Hunter without any Legendary gear; however, if I start a Titan, I'll have a Legendary helmet and armor.
Positive. The only things I found from Crucible are my Legendary Boots and an Engram which turned into strange coins or motes of light (I forget).
The rest of the pieces I found/bought elsewhere. And only one piece was from respawn farming.

My theory is that Bungie knows when players are trying to manipulate the RNG by finding/decrypting so many engrams at once, so your chance of getting an item you want is lower than it should be. As I've said before I only farmed for a total of 20 minutes, and I've had a legendary engram turn into a blue a SINGLE time...


Neo Member
god damn why do i have to be at work today.....

i'll wipe instantly anyhow... need to farm some rep and engrams
Don't sell materials to the tower vendors. Those are all used to upgrade legendary gear.

Huh? I thought the mats like Spinmetal, Helium Filaments, and Spirit Bloom were just collectibles that were only used to exchange when you get 50 of each. I have never seen them used for weapons. All my other materials I keep for upgrades. You get a decent chunk of XP with each 50/50 exchange, not to mention rep, glimmer, and marks.
Don't try the raid at lvl 24 it won't work. I'm not joking dudes, your damage output is 1/3 of what it should be. In fact I wouldn't try it at 25 but I've been at 25 for 3 days so yeah. Fuck Bungie. Fuck them so hard.


Performance is rewarded =p

It's not, but nice AR :)

Don't try the raid at lvl 24 it won't work. I'm not joking dudes, your damage output is 1/3 of what it should be. In fact I wouldn't try it at 25 but I've been at 25 for 3 days so yeah. Fuck Bungie. Fuck them so hard.

I must agree. Even at 25 it seems dodgy when looked at our groups few 25's. If my eyes and brain didn't lie to me too much it seemed that 25's were a lot more prone to dying than 26's. There is after all few hundred defence difference between 25 => 26.
Strikes earn both rep and marks, though

The "more loot for more difficult content" aspect appears to come in with the weekly nightfall and the Raid itself.

Eh. Still, I should be able to get more/better stuff for more difficult content, even if it's not the *absolute most* difficult content the game has to offer. Level 9 farming runs producing more useful stuff than level 22 strikes is just messed up.
Any squads forming for a raid around 7-8 UCT tonight? Got a maxed out hunter to chip in here. Well equipped with full legendary/exotic armor and can do about 4 hours if needed. If we don't beat it I can be back the same sorta times until we do. Any takers?


Huh? I thought the mats like Spinmetal, Helium Filaments, and Spirit Bloom were just collectibles that were only used to exchange when you get 50 of each. I have never seen them used for weapons. All my other materials I keep for upgrades. You get a decent chunk of XP with each 50/50 exchange, not to mention rep, glimmer, and marks.
The highest lvl upgrades in legendary gear need those materials. Some are for weapons and some for armour.


3 legendary engmrams and all fucking shitty blue! Who at bungie thought this was a good idea??

And the load times...jesus.

Having to deal with loading to get back to Tower to find out your Legendary is shit is quite a miserable experience.


Is it just me or is the Destiny Companion App not 100% accurate in some ways? From things like it telling me that my armor needs Spin Metal to upgrade defense when it's actually Spirit Bloom; to my level showing higher in the app, etc.
The highest lvl upgrades in legendary gear need those materials. Some are for weapons and some for armour.

Yeah, I am no where near any of that type of gear. Until then they are a solid source of income on several fronts. Farming them is easy with all the chest loops out there.
Yo have I mentioned how much I hate this game. I've dedicated a fucking week of my life to this shit, every moment I can spare, and because of the RNG being so random I'm now officially behind a dude who's played half as much as I have. The fuck is that, the last game I spent 5 hours grinding anything in was WoW and I dropped that as soon as I realise what it did to me. Destiny is coming close to being traded the fuck back in for something less stressfull, and abhorrently annoying. Fuck, I would have been soothed by the legendary weapon I could get from running the moon strike but these fucking fucks made it an unmatchmade lvl 26 instance now I have to find 2 guys to drag into this shit, which will take hours that won't get anything out of it. What is this shit? Who made this shit. FUCK.
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