Yo have I mentioned how much I hate this game. I've dedicated a fucking week of my life to this shit, every moment I can spare, and because of the RNG being so random I'm now officially behind a dude who's played half as much as I have. The fuck is that, the last game I spent 5 hours grinding anything in was WoW and I dropped that as soon as I realise what it did to me. Destiny is coming close to being traded the fuck back in for something less stressfull, and abhorrently annoying. Fuck, I would have been soothed by the legendary weapon I could get from running the moon strike but these fucking fucks made it an unmatchmade lvl 26 instance now I have to find 2 guys to drag into this shit, which will take hours that won't get anything out of it. What is this shit? Who made this shit. FUCK.