Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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noo I'm sorry man... you can look up which quest was for which exotic ;_; It's not random, you could have picked which one to go after.

Which shotgun did you get anyway

Oh i know specific quests give specific items, it's random in game because you can;t tell because nothing in the quests say anything. If you have to go outside of a game to get information that is bad design.

and I got this piece of shit

Edit: and I can't wait to shard this piece of shit gun as soon as I can get another one


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
How? you mean the 65/140 token ones or?

just work on your rep with a faction (or not) and save up your marks to buy whichever legendary you want without completely wasting your time and effort praying to a RNGod that does not love you


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Exploit? I didn't know there was one. We were just running around killing everything. I had the job of shooting the shields off of the wizards cuz my friends got "Resist" while shooting them. That wasn't fun.
There's a rock to the far left of the entrance that if your group just camps there you don't get anymore adds after the first ship wave.

Is there any point to glimmer in the end game? You don't buy legendaries with it, right?
I'm using spare glimmer to buy crap engrams to bump my cryptarch rank. You get a set of engrams in the mail every time you rank it up, once you reach rank 5 he starts mailing you legendary engrams.


Why the fuck is there no match making?! Fucking insane they wouldn't put it in. It's great seeing a bunch of level 20+ dudes while I'm level 4 but this is fucking stupid.


Finished a round of control. The Galahad-E is a fantastic weapon. My first time using it. The lesser known of the "E"s possibly.


Why the fuck is there no match making?! Fucking insane they wouldn't put it in. It's great seeing a bunch of level 20+ dudes while I'm level 4 but this is fucking stupid.

Heroic is really really hard, they want people to communicate and chat. I know its a pain but understandable, you dont wanna spend hours on a mission when it could be communicated better and done faster.


The Cryptarch's Bane
The amount of tears that would be saved if people realized this.
yeah... I'm gonna try and put together a post tomorrow with some info.

during the weekly heroic, my new legendary gauntlets (which I bought) unlocked two upgrades. I could afford both, but I'm gonna need more helium filaments to completely max it (not that I need to to hit 26, but I want to) so I'll be spending some time on the moon soon :)

10 more vanguard marks and I can afford my second legondary armor piece and I'll be right on the border on 26. :)

I'm confident in saying that I'll be little-to-no grinding/farming in this game. I hate that stuff. Either I come across gear just by having fun or it ain't happenin'.
the game is made with this playstyle in mind more than the other one.
the exploit is from reedit .Apparently if you stand behind the rock in the far north west corner, after clearing the first wave of adds, the future waves don't aggro and phogoth can't hit you.
This is mostly true. Phogoth can hit you if you move and the trall and sword knight will attack you.
most importantly is the wizards who spawn will just chill like asshats on the other side of the room. Then with focus heavy/special fire on the boss he actually goes down pretty fast... can't wait to have legendary/exotic weapons. I was concerned that there was no Elemental bonus like last week but it really didn't take too long on the actual victory run.


formerly Oynox Slider
Just had a blast doing the Archon strike with a fellow Gaffer (who I'm not sure posts in this OT or not).

I still have some questions! Sorry....

My cryptarch is level 4 - does this actually mean anything? I still have never had a legendary engram (or any legendary item, for that matter).

How do I get an exotic bounty?

This game is so mysterious.


Still farming to get my level up, but caught a little bit of raid streaming just to get some idea of what it will be like. It'd be cool to see some of those mechanics throughout the rest of the game.


We just got finished with our first raid session. It's a lot of fun IMO. To those of you that have done it or watched a stream, we made it past the
jump puzzle and into the Vault
. So how far along are we? We tried to do the
relic portals or whatever
but ultimately I don't think we're geared enough to do it. We went in with one 27, three 26, a 25 and a 24 and not everyone has legendary weapons. We're gonna try again this weekend.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Just had a blast doing the Archon strike with a fellow Gaffer (who I'm not sure posts in this OT or not).

I still have some questions! Sorry....

My cryptarch is level 4 - does this actually mean anything? I still have never had a legendary engram (or any legendary item, for that matter).

How do I get an exotic bounty?

This game is so mysterious.
No one knows much about the cryptarch.

Eye him with much suspicion.


No one knows much about the cryptarch.

Eye him with much suspicion.

He's a real douche when it comes to decrypting. I think he flunked from the Cryptarch school of wizardry and got a job at the Tower because of connections to the elite.

Oh well, I'm off to speak with my teacher about my studies and when that's over, i'm gonna start farming!


We just got finished with our first raid session. It's a lot of fun IMO. To those of you that have done it or watched a stream, we made it past the
jump puzzle and into the Vault
. So how far along are we? We tried to do the
relic portals or whatever
but ultimately I don't think we're geared enough to do it. We went in with one 27, three 26, a 25 and a 24 and not everyone has legendary weapons. We're gonna try again this weekend.

You got to the same point we did. Nearly managed to do that bit but failed.. we have our strategy down now at least. I'd also like to know without too mucj detail roughly how far this is in.


You got to the same point we did. Nearly managed to do that bit but failed.. we have our strategy down now at least. I'd also like to know without too mucj detail roughly how far this is in.

Yea. We basically just got to that area and figured out what we needed to do exactly. It's getting late so we decided to call it quits and pick it up later since it may (probably will) take a while to get past that particular part.


What do you use to take down elemental shields for Ultras, etc.? Sniper?

Honestly I don't even know what elements work well on what. The game doesn't really give any info about it and I haven't bothered to look it up. Usually I just use my Sniper or Rockets, Scout/Auto Rifle if I don't have anything else.


pip pip cheerio you slags!
You got to the same point we did. Nearly managed to do that bit but failed.. we have our strategy down now at least. I'd also like to know without too mucj detail roughly how far this is in.

I wanted to keep going but they were all too scared of the challenge.
We just got finished with our first raid session. It's a lot of fun IMO. To those of you that have done it or watched a stream, we made it past the
jump puzzle and into the Vault
. So how far along are we? We tried to do the
relic portals or whatever
but ultimately I don't think we're geared enough to do it. We went in with one 27, three 26, a 25 and a 24 and not everyone has legendary weapons. We're gonna try again this weekend.

I'm part of this group and for reference I was the level 24. It was surprisingly easy to survive and stay alive. I was running Defender Titan so I was mainly using my shield to protect from bosses popshots.


Neo Member
Well, I'm a level 25 Defender Titan, about to unlock my last ability. Should I shoot for better gear and get to level 26 or try to join a raid group atm?


Unconfirmed Member
I wanna do the Heroic Weekly at the second or third hardest difficulty on XB1. GT = kittens dx.
That Oryx mission on the moon is super cool. The gothic environment on the moon is amazing. Reminded me of Alien a bit, too.

Also, got my badass ragged cloak for my Hunter. Hell yeah. Look like a proper gunslinger now.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
It's been said a thousand times, but leveling past 20 is really frustrating. While I'm actually doing patrol missions and playing crucible to up my reputation and earn marks so I can buy legendary gear, friends of mine farmed earth and moon using exploits and are now at level 26 while I'm still stuck at 21. And even if you do succumb and choose to go down the path of the repetitive and boring exploits, it's so random that you could be doing it for hours before you see a legendary (while others get multiples in minutes). As for drops during strikes/crucible, rewarding the worst players is just dumb.

As someone who doesn't have much time to play as is, this flawed leveling system makes the temptation to move onto something else much stronger.
better gear, you won't be any help at 25

'Phew, finally. I have wasted dozens of hours on becoming Level 25.

'I must be ready to confront the raid and such' 'Let me ask on GAF!'

*Asks on GAF*

'Nah. You won't be any help on that level'


That is kind of how I see Garland reacting right about now.


I'm seeing mixed messages online but.. if I hop into the raid as leader of a new party, will I start where my old team left off or will it be back to the beginning?

Also, you can do this raid once a week and get all rewards right? It's a pretty good way to get guaranteed legendaries.


Grinding only becomes important when you have to upgrade those legendary and exotic items though. Unless you dont care for such things.

I don't think grinding is ever particularly necessary unless you're particularly impatient. If you use your time well - bounties, daily mission, daily PvP match, weekly strike - you get a long way.


People really need to learn that farming public events is very beneficial to them. I currently have 171 Vanguard marks. In fact if anything I am a little behind on reputation. I'm only slightly in to Vanguard rank 2.


I was just last in a match and got this.

Do Want

Finally reached level 21, seemed to take as long as reaching 20 and I had to cheat and use worse gear with +light stats. :( I might take a bit of a break and just do daily heroic missons for a bit. I don't want to burn out.


People really need to learn that farming public events is very beneficial to them. I currently have 171 Vanguard marks. In fact if anything I am a little behind on reputation. I'm only slightly in to Vanguard rank 2.

what areas do you generally hang around to farm? or just run around the entire planet looking for chests/material points?


It's been said a thousand times, but leveling past 20 is really frustrating. While I'm actually doing patrol missions and playing crucible to up my reputation and earn marks so I can buy legendary gear, friends of mine farmed earth and moon using exploits and are now at level 26 while I'm still stuck at 21. And even if you do succumb and choose to go down the path of the repetitive and boring exploits, it's so random that you could be doing it for hours before you see a legendary (while others get multiples in minutes). As for drops during strikes/crucible, rewarding the worst players is just dumb.

As someone who doesn't have much time to play as is, this flawed leveling system makes the temptation to move onto something else much stronger.

Strikes will get you up to 24 guaranteed, the 24 strike drops l20 armor.

For legendaries etc, see this post:
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