Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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Do we know how many raids we are going to get? Is there more than one in the base game or will we need to wait for expansions? It's a bit of a funny one eith Bungie holding content back to release as 'events'.


Do we know how many raids we are going to get? Is there more than one in the base game or will we need to wait for expansions? It's a bit of a funny one eith Bungie holding content back to release as 'events'.

At destinydb there's a Raid listed for the Moon and for the Reef. There's also 5 Raid Activities Grimoire cards too.

Take that as you will.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Strikes will get you up to 24 guaranteed, the 24 strike drops l20 armor.

For legendaries etc, see this post:
This is like exactly word for word what I was going to type up. Might still try and make a nicely formatted/easy to follow version tomorrow.
People really need to learn that farming public events is very beneficial to them. I currently have 171 Vanguard marks. In fact if anything I am a little behind on reputation. I'm only slightly in to Vanguard rank 2.
well, 2 is all you need to gear up
The really fucked up part is, that Engram doesn't even say Rare is a possibility.
This is not correct. they all do.


I don't think grinding is ever particularly necessary unless you're particularly impatient. If you use your time well - bounties, daily mission, daily PvP match, weekly strike - you get a long way.

It asks for specific materials lile spirit bloom and ascendent shards...those things come from grinding



I'm so stoked. I know its not an exotic or anything, but holy shit. Loving it. Its doing 18 more base dmg then my fully upgraded blue ar

Awesome congratz..Wish it looked better though.


what areas do you generally hang around to farm? or just run around the entire planet looking for chests/material points?
I am on my phone so I can not link it, but there is a list showing approximate times for the public events on several planets. Once you know the timing they kick off every half hour approximately. I did the devil Walker 4 times today and numerous other bounties like defend the war sat. Etc. you get end game materials occasionally as well as for marks for successfully Gold completing the event. You get a letter in the mail with two more marks and other goodies for the first public event you complete that day.


Finally got to level 25 tonight after being stuck on 24 for two days. Still no luck with legendaries this week, only two I have are from Nexus farming on Friday. And those came from blue engrams. Purple engrams are useless.
I played around 35-40 PVP matches today. From 9:30 AM to 6 PM. I have earned 185 Crucible Marks since the release in which 130 were spent today on 2 pieces of Legendary armor and a third will be purchased tomorrow after 4-5 matches.

3 pieces of Legendary armor in 24 hours. Don't rely on the RNG gods, put your work in, which is quite fun and rewarding. A fellow Gaffer and I had a blast playing PvP today. I haven't put that many hours in a row into a game since I was a teenager. I take great pride that I earned every bit of my armor.


I played around 35-40 PVP matches today. From 9:30 AM to 6 PM. I have earned 185 Crucible Marks since the release in which 130 were spent today on 2 pieces of Legendary armor and a third will be purchased tomorrow after 4-5 matches.

3 pieces of Legendary armor in 24 hours. Don't rely on the RNG gods, put your work in, which is quite fun and rewarding. A fellow Gaffer and I had a blast playing PvP today. I haven't put that many hours in a row into a game since I was a teenager. I take great pride that I earned every bit of my armor.

and best of all, the legendary armor you earn via marks feels prideful I say :), its like your baby


Okay so apparantly, the bit I got up to in the raid is
the final area. Once the portal part is done you are onto the last boss. I hoped there was even more but I'm happy with that


Level 27 hunter, Wednesday (today) at about 6:30 PM CST, I'm going to be on doing the weekly strike, I think I'll need two GAFers, my friend is at level 24 with not many legendary equips, can't handle it (tried today). I'm on PS4 my name is arekkusu77. Just PM if interested so I'm not shifting through the topic. Thanks!
should say a 3rd character slot

wow why is bungie so obsessed with the number 3 4 was the perfect balance in halo and they had to mess that up i mean we have 3 weapons slots but why not 4 there are 3 races buy why not 4 theres 3 classes but why not 4 the destiny logo has 3 extrusions but why not 4 what is next bungie will you say 3 comes after 2 no bungie why do you focus on 3 so much 4 was where its at bungLe pls


I think the Dust Palace strike is my favourite piece of content in the whole game, it really reminds me of Syndicate's co-op mode. Several smaller bosses at once is a lot more fun than the single behemoths in the other strikes.


I am on my phone so I can not link it, but there is a list showing approximate times for the public events on several planets. Once you know the timing they kick off every half hour approximately. I did the devil Walker 4 times today and numerous other bounties like defend the war sat. Etc. you get end game materials occasionally as well as for marks for successfully Gold completing the event. You get a letter in the mail with two more marks and other goodies for the first public event you complete that day.

Ahh okay, thanks. I'll look for that list then, sounds much better than doing strikes.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I played around 35-40 PVP matches today. From 9:30 AM to 6 PM. I have earned 185 Crucible Marks since the release in which 130 were spent today on 2 pieces of Legendary armor and a third will be purchased tomorrow after 4-5 matches.

3 pieces of Legendary armor in 24 hours. Don't rely on the RNG gods, put your work in, which is quite fun and rewarding. A fellow Gaffer and I had a blast playing PvP today. I haven't put that many hours in a row into a game since I was a teenager. I take great pride that I earned every bit of my armor.
and best of all, the legendary armor you earn via marks feels prideful I say :), its like your baby
this attitude will get you far in this game's lifecycle. :)

you also get exactly the (legendary) items that you want rather than a random one that may be an upgrade, sidegrade, or even slight downgrade for the light. Then you can hold out for certain exotics to buy from Xur on the weekends or gamble on class with the Exotic Engram (which unlike legendary engrams are ALWAYS exotic items). Then there are Exotic weapon bounties, and Vanguard/Crucible/Faction rank upgrades, many of which we haven't even seen yet because no one has them. RNG should not be considered the primary method of gear progression in this game. It takes a lot of getting used to but it just isn't.

Bold One

wow why is bungie so obsessed with the number 3 4 was the perfect balance in halo and they had to mess that up i mean we have 3 weapons slots but why not 4 there are 3 races buy why not 4 theres 3 classes but why not 4 the destiny logo has 3 extrusions but why not 4 what is next bungie will you say 3 comes after 2 no bungie why do you focus on 3 so much 4 was where its at bungLe pls

Well, there are only 3 Classes


Just got the Monte Carlo from a engram. Finally a fucking exotic. Also got an exotic weapon bounty for a heavy machine gun.


So, I'm in a few clans now, and this has had absolutely no effect on the game. I can't see who's in my clan, what my clan is doing, what clan I'm in etc.
Am I missing something here? What's the point of being in the clan?


What's this I'm hearing about the raid end bugging out for teams who have managed to complete it? Not getting raid loot or whatever? Sucks if true.

The tower feels pretty small so a hangar would be nice. A bit weird that it exists on the disc.. if they try to sell us that there will be an uproar.
So, I'm in a few clans now, and this has had absolutely no effect on the game. I can't see who's in my clan, what my clan is doing, what clan I'm in etc.
Am I missing something here? What's the point of being in the clan?

Clan integration is basically an in-game tag and nothing else.

You have to organize everything offline/forums to get anything accomplished.

As much as Bungie is pushing this as a social game it really isn't.


So, I'm in a few clans now, and this has had absolutely no effect on the game. I can't see who's in my clan, what my clan is doing, what clan I'm in etc.
Am I missing something here? What's the point of being in the clan?

So you get a clan tag and can see who is in your clan on the website or mobile app.

Yes. It is fucking pointless. It's why I'm not in one of the several hundred GAF clans. I'd still have to ask for weekly strike members here and add them to PSN. If it was any good there would be a clan list in game (like the friends list or game list) that you can invite/join directly and have an option to set a flag of some kind (LFG Weekly Strike, LFM Crucible etc).
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