Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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This game has too Many currencies it's no wonder everyone is confused .

Motes,XP,crucible ,vanguard,spindle,factions ,coins .

I get they want to extend its life by forcing ppl into specific modes over and over but there has to be a better way.
Hmm I didn't know this:

So how do I know when I've killed enough enemies? I just go around grinding patrol missions and then eventually I'll get some message on my screen?

Yup. Just like if you get a certain amount of kills with a particular enemy or with a specific weapon, you get a notification. I fully agree with that reddit post as I am only at rank 2 Dead orbit but that allowed me to get 2 pieces of legendary gear and when I hit the cap for crucible marks I can get another one.

Farming helps but not for trying to get legendary or exotics. It helps by getting you parts, materials and glimmer.

This game has too Many currencies it's no wonder everyone is confused .

Motes,XP,crucible ,vanguard,spindle,factions ,coins .

I get they want to extend its life by forcing ppl into specific modes over and over but there has to be a better way.

It's actually very simple. XP, spindles and factions aren't really currency. The only currency you worry about is Motes, coins, vanguard and crucible marks. Motes and coins have extremely limited use, so you will only worry about van and cruc marks for the most part. You get the van marks for solo and crucible marks for MP play.


Formerly Gizmowned
Today is going to be a good day. Today I will get Legendary I know it.

Also posted on Reddit for events on Earth. Will be handy for those Vanguard Marks.

Holy fuck! Got to the second boss in the raid. We were making it harder then it actually was. Will continue tomorrow night. The raid so far is AWESOME!
the loot system is slowly killing my enjoyment of the game. after 30+hrs ive got 1 legendary scout rifle and an exotic armor for another class. (worst moment of the game). the last 10 hours i havent had a single item upgrade (lvl24). i dont even have a lvl 20 AR. :(

same i actually stop playing it..kinda got demotivated seeing all the raid people get stuff lol


For those looking to farm to raise their light, I've done a couple of hours Nexus with ok luck and thought I'd try something else.

I spent from 12pm to 12am (on and off) at the Crota Farm. Had a day off sick so just stuck on Netflix on my ipad and went to it. Was curious.

I know it's luck based, but if you're looking to raise your light level or score a specific slot legendary armour then don't do this. In the time I spent I could have raise my Vanguard rep high enough to buy that specific piece.

I found 6 legendary engrams and scored around the same from Cryptarch levels.

1 was The Comedian shotgun and another a Hunter Cape (I'm a Titan). Half or so were mats and the rest were redundant blues.

I got tonnes of blue engrams and hundreds of greens, my Cryptarch is almost level 11, and I have 20-30 strange coins/motes, but I didn't raise a single light stat which is what I really hoped for.

Drops aren't quite frequent enough for the farm to be worth it if you need something specific, especially as legendary engrams are so RNG based themselves.

Farming isn't a solution unless you luck out or are farming something that isn't entirely luck based (ie: your Cryptarch level, or mats from chests, etc...).

This has ways been true in any game that allows it, and as Destiny gives you the solution to grind something specific I'd take that if you're frustrated with your item drops.

Farming might make you happy with a lucky item, but it will likely just frustrate you more.

Level 24 Titan, if you're curious.


Weekly heroic strike, anyone? PS4? No voice chat pls :)

Thats a new one, i've never seen someone request not to have a mic :p

EDIT: Does the game try to connect you to the same instance as a friend? I saw Hawkian on the Moon in the patrol area, but never ran into him in game.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Drops aren't quite frequent enough for the farm to be worth it if you need something specific, especially as legendary engrams are so RNG based themselves.

Farming isn't a solution unless you luck out or are farming something that isn't entirely luck based (ie: your Cryptarch level, or mats from chests, etc...).

This has ways been true in any game that allows it, and as Destiny gives you the solution to grind something specific I'd take that if you're frustrated with your item drops.

Farming might make you happy with a lucky item, but it will likely just frustrate you more.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! post above should be considered absolute truth. seriously guys don't burn yourselves out. it's a fun game.
I have had a full legendary/exotic setup since yesterday, I bought a couple of the pieces. But I have been doing the dark beyond mission for hours and hours just farming engrams. My cryptarch is lvl 15, and I still have the stuff that I started farming with. I cannot get anything better. I think I am done farming and I am just going to start a new character or something. I dont have anyone to play the raid with on 360, so there is really nothing left to do on this titan I guess.

Only thing I really want anymore is a better primary, because the thorn is a piece of shit
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! post above should be considered absolute truth. seriously guys don't burn yourselves out. it's a fun game.
I only farm, because I have too. I need materials for upgrades. The game itself does not provide it. I want blues, greens and glimmer. I had more fun farming that spot then anytime during this game.

Weird, I know. But it felt like I was actually getting something for my work.

Getting a legendary is just the icing on the cake.


I only farm, because I have too. I need materials for upgrades. The game itself does not provide it. I want blues, greens and glimmer. I had more fun farming that spot then anytime during this game.

Weird I know. But it felt like I was actually getting something for my work.

Getting a legendary is just the icing on the cake.

I agree. But I love Crota. :)

It's very visceral to stand there and watch enemies running headlong into lead salad auto rifle fire. They know they have to run at me. I know they have to run at me. But I have more bullets than they have heads, so I win. (until I let myself die on purpose, I guess)


formerly Oynox Slider
Thats a new one, i've never seen someone request not to have a mic :p

EDIT: Does the game try to connect you to the same instance as a friend? I saw Hawkian on the Moon in the patrol area, but never ran into him in game.

Well I can if you really must, but I've not slept!


Well got through the first 2 (easy) parts of my Exotic Weapon bounty for a hand cannon. I now have to kill 500 players with void damage. That is going to suck.
Well for through the first 2 (easy) parts of my Exotic Weapon bounty for a hand cannon. I now have to kill 500 players with void damage. That is going to suck.

I did that the other day, its not exactly 500 kills. I was jumping up almost 50 points per match. I think it counts assists, kills, and I think u get more for streaks and stuff


What's the fastest way to earn Vanguard Marks? Honestly looks 10x harder to amass than Crucible Marks :|

Doing level 24 strikes.

You get 6 vanguard marks for each strike completed.

You also can get 5 vanguard marks for each daily heroic, a few from completing public quests and 5 from turning in 50 of any resource from a planet.

Strikes are definitely the best way to go though in my opinion.


Formerly Gizmowned
14 minutes until the Guardian Outfitter refreshes stock.

Please have a white/red or white/orange shader.
Really? I just picked up Light in the Darkness exotic bounty since I wanted a handcannon lol. :(

it holds six shots and reloads extremely slow. Not good at all unless you are only up against a few enemies, which I seem to never be.

Also, its special skill or whatever is very weak and essentially pointless.
Best thing about this method is that if there's other people doing it you can just down, go do something else and walk into the cave occasionally lol. Had some dude do that with me yesterday, he went AFK and I kept farming. Solo'ing that cave gets annoying from time to time though.

If you get lucky you get a faction war between fallen and hive, they will spawn in the room to your left. We sorta broke the game with 3 people and got into this superloop where one super would give enough orbs for other people's super. It was amazing lol.

Wish I was there.

So did you get any good loot?


it holds six shots and reloads extremely slow. Not good at all unless you are only up against a few enemies, which I seem to never be.

Also, its special skill or whatever is very weak and essentially pointless.

Darn, wonder if I should even bother with it.

I should have gone for the Shotgun. :(
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