I haven't gotten any so far. But 2 people have gotten one.Let us know how often you get legendary equipment and when.
Let us know how often you get legendary equipment and when.
They're great if you can consistently land headshots.What's the consensus on Hand Cannons as a whole? I enjoy using them, I just want some thoughts.
For 2 days in a row? Bungie is trolling.I think they added that bounty by mistake.
What's the consensus on Hand Cannons as a whole? I enjoy using them, I just want some thoughts.
Good and fun. But I always come last with kills with it and it's a purpleWhat's the consensus on Hand Cannons as a whole? I enjoy using them, I just want some thoughts.
C. Don't farm at all and play the game to have fun. You'll get your drops naturally.Hmm..farm for engrams, or farm for marks.
Yea man, I'm just shilling it up!!
I've known Luke for ten years, but NOW is the time to start sucking that D for a job. Give me a break dude.
Any tips on how to take on the Nightfall strike? Or should we just pray for mercy?
C'mon GAF, we can do this! Raishin, get our team together!I have 31 Strange Coins, I am SO ready for Friday.
Edit: Just saw the Bungie Bounty posted now, this looks pretty cool.
Equip void weaponry.Any tips on how to take on the Nightfall strike? Or should we just pray for mercy?
What's the consensus on Hand Cannons as a whole? I enjoy using them, I just want some thoughts.
first legendary drop, decrypted into a legendary helmet. fuck yeah, feels good.
For 2 days in a row? Bungie is trolling.
we should play this weekend. ill be around.
Any tips on how to take on the Nightfall strike? Or should we just pray for mercy?
I wasn't even commenting about how much you suck up to Luke, but it's funny that you think that's the first thing someone would criticize you for. I was commenting on the "you can spawn with the OP thing too, might as well exploit that" attitude that 343 also had for Halo 4.
Woooo!! Beat the first Raid Boss and got past the Labyrinth. Now it's just the second boss in our way for the moment.
So I was at "the cave" farming for a while when this happened https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABnRG8GdIgA&feature=youtu.be
Make sure you and your teammates are in a place you can't get surrounded. funnel the enemies your way and take the ultras out one by one. Doorways are a great place to set up.
Equip void weaponry.
Just like last weeks, find spots where the mobs wont chase you and fight them from there. Which is usually the doorway before you found the mobs, or maybe a little bit further back and fight them from there. Make sure everyone has a secondary weapon of all three damage elements to remove shields. Being that one of the modifers this week is juggler, you are probably going to want ammo replenishment consumables, its definitely doable without but it will speed things up.
Anyone besides me waiting to buy Legendary Gear on Friday just to see what the Exotic merchant is selling?
It's not like you can get sell your legendaries to get your marks back...
Any tips for the 2 kills with 1 shot fusion bounty?
Woooo!! Beat the first Raid Boss and got past the Labyrinth. Now it's just the second boss in our way for the moment.
I'm hoping to have the video of that shortcut up soon if the Share Button worked properly.kicking ass and taking names. was a good run. will post some of those screenshots shortly.
Thanks, that's the farming spot too right?The Temple of Crota has a huge number of enemies that run out of the door, that's where I got. I am usually able to get it in one go.
Cool cool. I wonder if anyone else has found it. I'll look around.I'm hoping to have the video of that shortcut up soon if theShare Button worked properly.
Thanks, that's the farming spot too right?