Neo Member
Any tips for the 2 kills with 1 shot fusion bounty?
First moon mission. you'll know what I mean. Just let them kill you after you blast all the thrall. Super easy
Any tips for the 2 kills with 1 shot fusion bounty?
First moon mission. you'll know what I mean. Just let them kill you after you blast all the thrall. Super easy
Aahh!Cool cool. I wonder if anyone else has found it. I'll look around.
Edit: on that note!
I was hoping we were first.
Thanks for the tips.
I've got a fully upgraded void fusion rifle and a legendary lmg with void damage. Should probably go to tower and buy some ammo packs too.
What's the name of the gun?
oh my god THE JELLY
First moon mission. you'll know what I mean. Just let them kill you after you blast all the thrall. Super easy
Than you very much dudesif you pop a black wax idol you can bring in a ton of glimmer as well
What's the consensus on Hand Cannons as a whole? I enjoy using them, I just want some thoughts.
Got off at the third checkpoint.Lol we avoided the entire jumping area. By finding a way to jump onto a ledge that was on the other side. We win Bungie
This. Is. Hard. But fun.
People who think they can do this with randoms have another thing coming to them. You need so much cooperation it's not even funny.
if you pop a black wax idol you can bring in a ton of glimmer as well
Dude, I love your farming videos. Spent last night completing bounties, leveling and looting up thanks to your video!
What's the consensus on Hand Cannons as a whole? I enjoy using them, I just want some thoughts.
Yeah agreedthe objectives themselves are fun, if not a bit overbearing (screen-blocking debuffs on top of flashy explosions; there's so much happening on screen it's nauseating at times). the bosses are also still kinda lame but the progression and team element is great.
I'm going to wait till i hit 28 before i start parting with gaffers.. 1.8 levels to go!
Man people are taking that cave farming seriously, I just walked up to where they were standing and a Titan put a bubble over me so I wouldn't be able to shoot lol
look at all those... upgrades...My sniper rifle from the raid:
FUCK YOU SAVE!! D:<<<My sniper rifle from the raid:
Nice! I myself have the Final Boss Sniper Rifle though I would prefer to have yours due to void damage.My sniper rifle from the raid:
Just got my second exotic weapon bounty. Working toward the fusion rifle and the pulse rifle now.
purg3, you up for trying the Nightfall strike tomorrow around noon?
look at all those... upgrades...
I didn't get jack
My terrible luck turned around, exotic weapon bounty! Going for thorn. I was dreading the pvp part but doing immensely better than I thought I would do.
If anyone on PS4 wants to do daily/weekly strikes "now" and in the future, feel free to add me on PSN, just add "GAF" somewhere in the message so I know it's from here: InternHertz
Anyone besides me waiting to buy Legendary Gear on Friday just to see what the Exotic merchant is selling?
It's not like you can get sell your legendaries to get your marks back...
Ok the Vault of Glass is a lot more fun when you get passed the first boss. And there is no lag..
The one that sounds super useful, Oracle Disruptor, is 2nd to the last upgrade as well.
We all got 2 ascendant shards.![]()
word!So strikes on Vita (non-heroic) are awesome. Just got my first Legendary Engram...And it was a helm! Level 24 achieved!
word. ascendant shards no joke. thanks for the report backThe one that sounds super useful, Oracle Disruptor, is 2nd to the last upgrade as well.
We all got 2 ascendant shards.![]()
I didn't come to Destiny at all for PvP, but I'm finding it one of the best parts. I'll be stuck with this game for a while; it's way too addictive.Man, I love, love, love the PVP. I usually hate and suck at shooters, but I'm dominating in this one. Throw in the RPG stuff and I could be playing this for a long while.
Any tips for the 2 kills with 1 shot fusion bounty?
Are we using this thread to find groups? Because I'm hoping a raid group will be happening on Saturday and it's kinda difficult to figure out if folks know about it when we have pages and pages of this thread and nobody's PMing anyone
Also, I want back into the GAF NA East clan. How do I do it this time? I was in it during the beta, but no idea what happened. Something tells me that Clan thread is backed up worse than a toilet.
We got to the final boss last night. 6 hours of madness.
We're at the part with the 2 portals. How did you get past this area? And how far is it to the end from there?