Shiera Seastar
Okay, quick question before I finally start leveling up the Bladedancer subclass later today: Reputation/Marks are shared across subclasses, right?
With Skywatch, you don't have to die at all. No waiting.
Ive got 26 strange coins and 30 motes of light with his name on them.So Xur is gonna show up tomorrow right? My coins are ready.
I wonder how may players get to level 20ish and are not into PVP, go to the Vanguard vendor, sees the grind and thinks fuck that!
Invisibility is useless in pvp, but its great during pve for reviving teammates. You'll probably need to use increased duration.
Invisibility is king.
Okay, quick question before I finally start leveling up the Bladedancer subclass later today: Reputation/Marks are shared across subclasses, right?
Bungie is so going to patch that Skywatch farming spot. It's just a matter of time...
Subclasses are like any other item. (Yes)
When I did it only 3 spawned at a time and there was about a 10 second pause between spawns. Was definitely not worth it. Am I missing something??
Anyone level 26 able to do the weekly heroic story or strike at level 28 hard? Like is it doable, not if anyone wants to do it right now.
I have the chest Armor. Bad thing is that I'm a hunter and it's for a titan.
So, like the moon one "We've woken the hive!"? The moon one seems to be pretty awesome for drops and there are what, about 20 hive per round plus when you die you immediately respawn right in the same spot.
Well, I read that invisibility takes you off the radar - that's a strong plus. And good point about reviving!
Hmm, so the fast recharge isn't worth it at all? It's super fast haha.
Do you mean for the blink strike? It's nice if you have the armor set up for intellect and discipline so you have fast recharging on everything, but blink strike isn't so obscenely good that you need it all the time. The range increase is okay. I'd say it's strength is your ability to melee while airborne. Still, this game with its low ttk favors getting the drop on someone, which invisibility helps with.Well, I read that invisibility takes you off the radar - that's a strong plus. And good point about reviving!
Hmm, so the fast recharge isn't worth it at all? It's super fast haha.
When I did it only 3 spawned at a time and there was about a 10 second pause between spawns. Was definitely not worth it. Am I missing something??
When I did it only 3 spawned at a time and there was about a 10 second pause between spawns. Was definitely not worth it. Am I missing something??
Nightfall strike (in 30 minutes) anyone?
Nightfall strike (in 30 minutes) anyone?
Ok this is not funny anymore.
I've been struggling to get Light Armor for three days now (still lvl 20) and so far all I've gotten is Light Boots.
No other armor engram wants to drop for me((
Man... I found a video of the MG exotic bounty I am working on right now...
friday pls
pls hurry
With Skywatch, you don't have to die at all. No waiting.
This game hates me. My three other friends who are roughly the same time played as me (25-35hrs) are all complaining about the number of blues they are getting from legendary engrams.
"Woe is me, for I have gotten 7 purples and they have only decrypted to 1 exotic and 2 purples! Woe! And my exotic bounty quest is sooo hard. Woe! "
I haven't even seen a purple drop. I get excited over purple ammo. I've farmed the cave, done pvp, ran strikes over and over.... And nothing.... I'm beginning to think the RNG is based off your PS4 and I got a bad roll. Someone please tell me I am not alone.
You wait for the respawn. In my opinion, that's longer than you respawning after you die. Also, you should pick up about 18 kills for every one death on the moon.
Those shaders are use once and they are gone? or you can use them as you please once you get one of them?
Man... I found a video of the MG exotic bounty I am working on right now...
friday pls
pls hurry
You wait for the respawn. In my opinion, that's longer than you respawning after you die. Also, you should pick up about 18 kills for every one death on the moon.
This game hates me. My three other friends who are roughly the same time played as me (25-35hrs) are all complaining about the number of blues they are getting from legendary engrams.
"Woe is me, for I have gotten 7 purples and they have only decrypted to 1 exotic and 2 purples! Woe! And my exotic bounty quest is sooo hard. Woe! "
I haven't even seen a purple drop. I get excited over purple ammo. I've farmed the cave, done pvp, ran strikes over and over.... And nothing.... I'm beginning to think the RNG is based off your PS4 and I got a bad roll. Someone please tell me I am not alone.
If you don't mind pvp try crucible. When you get to rank 2 in crucible you can buy legendary gear. You might get stuff at the end of the matches too.Ok this is not funny anymore.
I've been struggling to get Light Armor for three days now (still lvl 20) and so far all I've gotten is Light Boots.
No other armor engram wants to drop for me((
Did not know it takes you off the radar thanks. Gotta try using it to flank teams in PvP.
Do you mean for the blink strike? It's nice if you have the armor set up for intellect and discipline so you have fast recharging on everything, but blink strike isn't so obscenely good that you need it all the time. The range increase is okay. I'd say it's strength is your ability to melee while airborne. Still, this game with its low ttk favors getting the drop on someone, which invisibility helps with.
That Wildstar thread got me thinking. Destiny isn't being pushed as an MMO but it still have conventions common to MMOs such as raids and loot while not being completely open world or supporting hundreds of people within the same instance.
Considering how fast it is to get to level 20 and hit 'endgame', what do you folks think about Destiny's longetivity? Right now the game is going strong, but do you think the game will retain its playerbase? I remember talk about how Destiny is being pushed to console shooter fans and how once the next big thing comes out (this being Advanced Warfare), that Destiny will lose its playerbase.
Yeah, I might give the crucible a try next. I'm not really a PvP kind of person though, so I've been holding that off as a last resort.Lately I have found playing in Skirmish gives me the best rewards, not sure if you are playing in Crucible or not?
This game hates me. My three other friends who are roughly the same time played as me (25-35hrs) are all complaining about the number of blues they are getting from legendary engrams.
"Woe is me, for I have gotten 7 purples and they have only decrypted to 1 exotic and 2 purples! Woe! And my exotic bounty quest is sooo hard. Woe! "
I haven't even seen a purple drop. I get excited over purple ammo. I've farmed the cave, done pvp, ran strikes over and over.... And nothing.... I'm beginning to think the RNG is based off your PS4 and I got a bad roll. Someone please tell me I am not alone.
Got my first piece of Legendary gear (for the wrong class, natch)!
Man... I found a video of the MG exotic bounty I am working on right now...
friday pls
pls hurry
You wait for the respawn. In my opinion, that's longer than you respawning after you die. Also, you should pick up about 18 kills for every one death on the moon.
I have no idea what I'm doing on this game.
Just reached Level 20 Warlock.
What's the point in those crappy Bonds? Why do one earn me FWC marks and the other earns me Vanguard marks? What's the difference?
How come my levelling up bar has vanished yet I've seen people at 21 and 24 and 26?