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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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I really cannot stand the melee enemies in this game, especially with the light switch modifier.

Yes Bungie, fighting through a shit ton of enemies flawlessly only to be hit from behind by a stealth vandal and having to restart the entire encounter is fun. So fun.
I have no idea what I'm doing on this game.

Just reached Level 20 Warlock.

What's the point in those crappy Bonds? Why do one earn me FWC marks and the other earns me Vanguard marks? What's the difference?

How come my levelling up bar has vanished yet I've seen people at 21 and 24 and 26?

Light from your blue (and up) armor, NOT weapons, gets you leveled up to 21+. Hawkian's guide goes more in depth. Check that out.

FWC vs. Vanguard vs. Crucible vs. other factions... your rep and marks with that specific faction gets you access to that gear. When you equip a particular faction's bond, you ONLY earn rep for that faction.


Randomly won an exotic shotgun (that can be used in the primary weapon slot) called the Universal Remote, in Crucible last night. Came in last place that game too. My friends, rightfully, gave me a lot of shit for it.

Loving the game, but I am starting to wonder how much I'll want to play it another couple weeks from now given how quickly I've chewed through the content.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
That Wildstar thread got me thinking. Destiny isn't being pushed as an MMO but it still have conventions common to MMOs such as raids and loot while not being completely open world or supporting hundreds of people within the same instance.

Considering how fast it is to get to level 20 and hit 'endgame', what do you folks think about Destiny's longetivity? Right now the game is going strong, but do you think the game will retain its playerbase? I remember talk about how Destiny is being pushed to console shooter fans and how once the next big thing comes out (this being Advanced Warfare), that Destiny will lose its playerbase.


I'm trying to see what they're doing with the queen thing soon, but I don't think the game has nearly enough content for actual longevity currently. And asking to pay more for later expansions already is a pretty big turn off when I feel the content already here has issues(like strike bosses, some REALLY iffy crucible maps) isn't really helping.
I have no idea what I'm doing on this game.

Just reached Level 20 Warlock.

What's the point in those crappy Bonds? Why do one earn me FWC marks and the other earns me Vanguard marks? What's the difference?

How come my levelling up bar has vanished yet I've seen people at 21 and 24 and 26?

20 is the hard cap for levels. To get past that, you need to equip armor that has the Light stat on it.


I have no idea what I'm doing on this game.

Just reached Level 20 Warlock.

What's the point in those crappy Bonds? Why do one earn me FWC marks and the other earns me Vanguard marks? What's the difference?

How come my levelling up bar has vanished yet I've seen people at 21 and 24 and 26?
Each faction (like FWC) sells gear with different attributes (discipline, strength and intelligence). You need to build up reputation with each faction before you can buy their stuff though.

As for leveling past 20, you do it by equipping gear with a Light stat. The more light your gear has, the higher your level will be.

Starting at level 20, rare (blue) armor will always have Light. If you upgrade their defense that light stat will increase further.

If you want to hit 25+ you'll need Legendary or Exotic gear. It may come as a random drop but that's unlikely. Save up marks to buy Legendary gear at a vendor.


love on your sleeve
Every morning, do 5 Vanguard bounties for easy rep, camp out Devil Walker PE on Earth for marks and a mote of light, turn the game off.

This has become my Destiny routine on days when I don't have much time to play. 150 points away from Vanguard Rank 2.
My first purple engram drops last night in a level 24 mission. I tried not hyping myself up after reading all these horror stories, and, sure enough, it decrypts into a level 16 rare...

Then 10 minutes later a blue engram decrypts into a legendary rocket launcher, Steel Oracle. Rockets detonate into cluster bombs on impact. Pretty sweet.


I'm trying to see what they're doing with the queen thing soon, but I don't think the game has nearly enough content for actual longevity currently. And asking to pay more for later expansions already is a pretty big turn off when I feel the content already here(like strike bosses, some REALLY iffy crucible maps) isn't really helping.

I'm hoping that Queen content coming up, opens up The Reef to explore permanently.


if a legendary drops from an enemy will it have the same or different perks compared to the same weapon in the vanguard armory? Looking at a gun like Zombie Apocalypse and whether you can have two different versions. not sure if perks stop being random after rare items.
My first purple engram drops last night in a level 24 mission. I tried not hyping myself up after reading all these horror stories, and, sure enough, it decrypts into a level 16 rare...

Then 10 minutes later a blue engram decrypts into a legendary rocket launcher, Steel Oracle. Rockets detonate into cluster bombs on impact. Pretty sweet.

The cluster explosions are rather arse, at least they are on my blue i've been using for a while now.


It's thursday! Tomorrow Xur will tease us with his exotic wares.

I need Strange coins! Hit a_javierp on PS4 if you're up for a Weekly Strike.
I can't help but feel that the sky watch farming is a bad thing to do. I checked it out for a few minutes last night while waiting for my daily event, and just felt dirty. There were a couple of 4's running around trying to play the game, and we were breaking it for them. I won't do that again.


It's thursday! Tomorrow Xur will tease us with his exotic wares.

I need Strange coins! Hit a_javierp on PS4 if you're up for a Weekly Strike.
Holy shit! Forgot about that. Damn, I'll do the nightfall strike first before weekly strike for strange coins.


Finally found some level 18 boots which pushed my level to 22. Tantalizingly close to Vanguard rank 2 and being able to buy my first legendary.


Every morning, do 5 Vanguard bounties for easy rep, camp out Devil Walker PE on Earth for marks and a mote of light, turn the game off.

This has become my Destiny routine on days when I don't have much time to play. 150 points away from Vanguard Rank 2.

I'm finding my own routines as well. I'm wondering if this sort of play is what Bungie intended since you don't get heavy into the systems, patterns, routines, and strategies until you pass level 20.

I think it helps the controls are good and intuitive, and unlike a MMO, you're not having to travel for a long time to complete a simple quest.


Using my PS Vita play Destiny from work and just stand by fools farming the Cave. 10 blue engrams and one legendary (eventual blue, obviously) so far. Battery is half-dead so will stop soon, though. On the bright side, it's leveling my defender Titan skills for me.

I'm of half a mind to make an alt class tonight and level him to 4, then walk his happy ass over here tomorrow during work to let others level him.

And now I half-heartedly contributed to a Defend the Warsat to get my 100th Vanguard mark for the week.

PS Vita is amazing.

The cluster explosions are rather arse, at least they are on my blue i've been using for a while now.

How do they do in PvP?


24 hours and 1 legendary, but I am starting to feel the drop rate is just fine. It is not near as bad as Diablo was (put near 200 hours before my first legendary) I can sort of see what they are trying to do with gear in this game.


24 hours and 1 legendary, but I am starting to feel the drop rate is just fine. It is not near as bad as Diablo was (put near 200 hours before my first legendary) I can sort of see what they are trying to do with gear in this game.

I'm a scrub at Diablo since I've only played D3, but you're not talking about D3:RoS are you?


formerly Oynox Slider
Hawkian posted a good guide that you should take a look at. It focuses on earning gear rather than farming/RNG.

I have no idea what I'm doing on this game.

Just reached Level 20 Warlock.

What's the point in those crappy Bonds? Why do one earn me FWC marks and the other earns me Vanguard marks? What's the difference?

How come my levelling up bar has vanished yet I've seen people at 21 and 24 and 26?

You need to equip armour with light. High level armour has a light statistic which can be increased as you upgrade it.

Your total light will increase your level above 20.

To do this, you could either go farming and hope that decent enough loot drops for you (although be warned the random gods could hate you) or you increase your rep and marks.

Rep is a bit like endgame XP. There are different people in the tower you need rep with. Once you get to rep 2 (either with the vanguard, the Crucible or a faction) you can then start buying legendary equipment which has high light.

Marks are like the main currency of the endgame. You earn vanguard marks by doing tougher pve tasks eg weekly strikes, heroic story missions.

You earn crucible marks by playing in the Crucible.

I'm definitely team rep and marks, I think farming is dull and kills the game for me (ie what's the point of playing it? The whole idea is to git gud) but I hate the game not the player so to speak. You wanna farm, have fun.

Bonds are cosmetic items but certain bonds also tie you to a faction. If you have a faction bond all rep you earn will go to that faction. In theory this could help you rep up quicker, but the factions only have a limited selection of goodies.

Hope that helps. It's a pretty clever system imo, just a shame it's not explained clearly. You have to hover over things on menus and read them. There are no tutorials.

Destiny is a game for the patient. All the design decisions are geared towards finding things out yourself and progressing slowly.

I think most fps/console players prefer to whizz through and get everything quick sharp. So it's a funny old hybrid.


What's the best way to get spinmetal guys? Found a couple of plants in old Russia, but is there a mission that gives it at all?


Every morning, do 5 Vanguard bounties for easy rep, camp out Devil Walker PE on Earth for marks and a mote of light, turn the game off.

This has become my Destiny routine on days when I don't have much time to play. 150 points away from Vanguard Rank 2.

This is my daily routine during the week too, but I also do the Daily Heroic Story mission for the Ascendant material.
And now I half-heartedly contributed to a Defend the Warsat to get my 100th Vanguard mark for the week.

PS Vita is amazing.

How do they do in PvP?

I have killed with clusters before but it's nothing brilliant, their splash is tiny despite their explosive graphics.

They do sound like thunder in the distance when they go off, so there is that sound of terror.


Looking to up my Vanguard rep ASAP. Best way to do that is? Bounties? Strikes?

After you use up all the bounties your best bet is to pick a planet and do patrol missions. You get 10 points per mission, so it will take 100 missions to get 1000 rep...some patrol missions are assassinate targets, these give 25. Really though after you use up your bounties is slows down big time until the next day.
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