I'm curious. If you have two Guardians and have this happen, can you put the armor in the vault and come back to it as the right Guardian to wear it?
Vault is open to all Guardians in your account so yes.
I'm curious. If you have two Guardians and have this happen, can you put the armor in the vault and come back to it as the right Guardian to wear it?
I just finished the 25 strike thing. Boring as fuark, managed to get default version of the moon strike down to around 10-12 minutes a run.
Omg. I almost never drop my jaw, but this. I need this.Man... I found a video of the MG exotic bounty I am working on right now...
friday pls
pls hurry
Ive got 26 strange coins and 30 motes of light with his name on them.
I have no idea what I'm doing on this game.
Just reached Level 20 Warlock.
What's the point in those crappy Bonds? Why do one earn me FWC marks and the other earns me Vanguard marks? What's the difference?
How come my levelling up bar has vanished yet I've seen people at 21 and 24 and 26?
I have no idea what I'm doing on this game.
Just reached Level 20 Warlock.
What's the point in those crappy Bonds? Why do one earn me FWC marks and the other earns me Vanguard marks? What's the difference?
How come my levelling up bar has vanished yet I've seen people at 21 and 24 and 26?
That Wildstar thread got me thinking. Destiny isn't being pushed as an MMO but it still have conventions common to MMOs such as raids and loot while not being completely open world or supporting hundreds of people within the same instance.
Considering how fast it is to get to level 20 and hit 'endgame', what do you folks think about Destiny's longetivity? Right now the game is going strong, but do you think the game will retain its playerbase? I remember talk about how Destiny is being pushed to console shooter fans and how once the next big thing comes out (this being Advanced Warfare), that Destiny will lose its playerbase.
I have no idea what I'm doing on this game.
Just reached Level 20 Warlock.
What's the point in those crappy Bonds? Why do one earn me FWC marks and the other earns me Vanguard marks? What's the difference?
How come my levelling up bar has vanished yet I've seen people at 21 and 24 and 26?
Vault is open to all Guardians in your account so yes.
Each faction (like FWC) sells gear with different attributes (discipline, strength and intelligence). You need to build up reputation with each faction before you can buy their stuff though.I have no idea what I'm doing on this game.
Just reached Level 20 Warlock.
What's the point in those crappy Bonds? Why do one earn me FWC marks and the other earns me Vanguard marks? What's the difference?
How come my levelling up bar has vanished yet I've seen people at 21 and 24 and 26?
I'm trying to see what they're doing with the queen thing soon, but I don't think the game has nearly enough content for actual longevity currently. And asking to pay more for later expansions already is a pretty big turn off when I feel the content already here(like strike bosses, some REALLY iffy crucible maps) isn't really helping.
I'd be down to try, lvl 27 titan (can go defender or striker). My psn is Daraman
Alright, just give me a second or two.I'd also be down to giving it a go. Level 26 Warlock. PSN: MiniMe637
Read this to gain +9 Knowledge:I have no idea what I'm doing on this game.
Just reached Level 20 Warlock.
What's the point in those crappy Bonds? Why do one earn me FWC marks and the other earns me Vanguard marks? What's the difference?
How come my levelling up bar has vanished yet I've seen people at 21 and 24 and 26?
My first purple engram drops last night in a level 24 mission. I tried not hyping myself up after reading all these horror stories, and, sure enough, it decrypts into a level 16 rare...
Then 10 minutes later a blue engram decrypts into a legendary rocket launcher, Steel Oracle. Rockets detonate into cluster bombs on impact. Pretty sweet.
So those loyalty gifts I've been reading about.
Do you get them for getting to vanguard/crucible rank 3 too? Or is it just the factions?
Holy shit! Forgot about that. Damn, I'll do the nightfall strike first before weekly strike for strange coins.It's thursday! Tomorrow Xur will tease us with his exotic wares.
I need Strange coins! Hit a_javierp on PS4 if you're up for a Weekly Strike.
Every morning, do 5 Vanguard bounties for easy rep, camp out Devil Walker PE on Earth for marks and a mote of light, turn the game off.
This has become my Destiny routine on days when I don't have much time to play. 150 points away from Vanguard Rank 2.
Using my PS Vita play Destiny from work and just stand by fools farming the Cave. 10 blue engrams and one legendary (eventual blue, obviously) so far. Battery is half-dead so will stop soon, though. On the bright side, it's leveling my defender Titan skills for me.
I'm of half a mind to make an alt class tonight and level him to 4, then walk his happy ass over here tomorrow during work to let others level him.
The cluster explosions are rather arse, at least they are on my blue i've been using for a while now.
24 hours and 1 legendary, but I am starting to feel the drop rate is just fine. It is not near as bad as Diablo was (put near 200 hours before my first legendary) I can sort of see what they are trying to do with gear in this game.
cool, guess I'll keep doing bounties them afterallI think you get rewards for everything after 3.
So what class has a one hit kill grenade that I keep dying by?
So what class has a one hit kill grenade that I keep dying by?
Hawkian posted a good guide that you should take a look at. It focuses on earning gear rather than farming/RNG.
I have no idea what I'm doing on this game.
Just reached Level 20 Warlock.
What's the point in those crappy Bonds? Why do one earn me FWC marks and the other earns me Vanguard marks? What's the difference?
How come my levelling up bar has vanished yet I've seen people at 21 and 24 and 26?
I'm a scrub at Diablo since I've only played D3, but you're not talking about D3:RoS are you?
So what class has a one hit kill grenade that I keep dying by?
Every morning, do 5 Vanguard bounties for easy rep, camp out Devil Walker PE on Earth for marks and a mote of light, turn the game off.
This has become my Destiny routine on days when I don't have much time to play. 150 points away from Vanguard Rank 2.
And now I half-heartedly contributed to a Defend the Warsat to get my 100th Vanguard mark for the week.
PS Vita is amazing.
How do they do in PvP?
Looking to up my Vanguard rep ASAP. Best way to do that is? Bounties? Strikes?