Yes, I'm on PS4. I probably won't be able to play until after 8 tonight (US Central time).
My brother-in-law tried to knock it out for me this weekend since he had some free time, but they got stuck on round 4. I've never played past round 3.
Ok, no worries. I told one guy I could help him at 6:30 pm CPT so we could probably do a run after I finish that one.
Vast majority of runs take 60-90 minutes. Slightly longer on average since the 2.0 nerfs.
1. Level 40 with 270 light and Level 40 with 280 light. 280 light is more advantageous but it's more of a min-max than a requirement. In the old system, being level 33 to 34 enemies was a 33% reduction in armor and damage. The new system is more granular, you could be taking a penalty of like, 2%. Not make or break but the hardcore will care.
I'd hold off judgement on the actual numbers being remotely that favorable. I know you were just throwing out hypotheticals but being 5 Light down for Skolas (170 Light when enemies are 175 aka Lv35) is surprisingly close to the full level disadvantage of the previous system.
They wanted to simplify things but at least for now holy cow the new system is more confusing.