Red Death is GOATYbetter than Red Death and Messenger after patch?
Red Death is GOATYbetter than Red Death and Messenger after patch?
Some of those guys are pretty amazing snipers (Srabh is insanely good with his), I'm not sure it was a matter of confidence. It's just when playing 6v6 against a top level team, and specially without any close quarter primaries worth a damn, a shotgun isn't really optional.I just think none of them were confident enough with the sniper when the shotgun provides such an easy kill instead. And secondly, that's why I always said hand cannons allowed for a very flexible playstyle. That said, we can't make any final calls until playing TTK for a while.
You're not going to do missions for your other classes each day? My plan is to do all bounties for each class each day and then focus on my titan with whatever time I have left to get him to 40. Hate wasting a day of bounties!
Red Death is GOATY
I'm off Wed-Fri this week! I'll see you online for sure. You doing a blind raid when it hits?
I want to get through the main story missions, and do whatever strikes/nightfalls/bounties I can to level up to 40 and finish up the nightstalker subclass. This will be over the course of this entire week though, I just want to be able to get into the raid on the 18th.
After that I'll level my other characters.
I agree, I see you in-game in fireteams all the time and we usually post around the same time, yet we haven't played much together lol. I'll be on a lot over the next few days so if you see me, feel free to hop into our party chat![]()
You just don't know the pure epic-ness that is the Dirty Ape. ;-p
Relaxin? What's that?Not much. Relaxin.
HMMM! Blind raid you say? Of course man! Where's Rene!? Where's Myopic!?
Answered a few posts back. They are converted to commendations to redeem for faction rep.
The nerf really did nothing it seems for PvP. Makes the PvE nerf funny.
Nah. We have adults for that.
Some of those guys are pretty amazing snipers (Srabh is insanely good with his), I'm not sure it was a matter of confidence. It's just when playing 6v6 against a top level team, and specially without any close quarter primaries worth a damn, a shotgun isn't really optional.
Playing 3s there's less frenzied radar bloom from all sides and rushing is a lot more dangerous, making snipers a more viable choice. A good slayer with a bullshit shotty is never a bad thing, but I'm 100% sure you'd have also seen some sniper action had they played 3v3.
Nah. We have adults for that.
What does the system for buying planetary materials become then, since they are tied to vanguard marks?
You can't transfer packages once earned. I'll be transferring my Commendations and cashing them all in on one character so he gets all the packages.
HMMM! Blind raid you say? Of course man! Where's Rene!? Where's Myopic!?
Sweet. Will do!
Haha. Oh man, I can't wait for new trials with you breh!
The band is getting back together...
It depends on how quickly I can get to level 40, right now that's the main goal.
Priority #1: Get Hunter to level 40 and ready to raid.
Priority #2: Get Nightstalker class fully leveled.
After that I'll most likely alternate between each character to get them up as well.
It's very good, I've been loving the Hawkmoon all over again these last few days.
One of us!I'm sure a lot of you are aware of this, but the Destiny demo on PS4 is now the full vanilla game.
No more level caps, you can do everything in the demo.
Because of this I played Destiny for the first time yesterday, and damn this game is awesome!
I'm literally suffering here at work thinking about the game. I just want to go home and do my Guardian stuff![]()
I have to admit, I haven't even looked at any of the new subclasses. Can't imagine anything is more useful for my titan than my bubble, or self rez for my warlock. I'd only switch on my hunter, probably.
Nah. We have adults for that.
I'm sure a lot of you are aware of this, but the Destiny demo on PS4 is now the full vanilla game.
No more level caps, you can do everything in the demo.
Because of this I played Destiny for the first time yesterday, and damn this game is awesome!
I'm literally suffering here at work thinking about the game. I just want to go home and do my Guardian stuff![]()
So the Suros Arsenal package. I saw a ton of people yesterday with that emblem. I still don't have it. It never showed up for me at the postmasters!
I'm sure a lot of you are aware of this, but the Destiny demo on PS4 is now the full vanilla game.
No more level caps, you can do everything in the demo.
Because of this I played Destiny for the first time yesterday, and damn this game is awesome!
I'm literally suffering here at work thinking about the game. I just want to go home and do my Guardian stuff![]()
Yeah, it's a complex system. Shotguns are definitely weaker compared to their past selves, but are actually more effective than they used to be because now there's no close quarters primaries. If we had pre 2.0 Hand Cannons with the current shotguns, shotties would be extremely hard to use. As it is, everyone being gimped with lame Pulses, you're defenseless against a rushing shotty unless you pull out your own or catch him from afar. So even though shotguns are weaker than they were, they are now completely dominant in close quarters where it's ultra hard to counter them with anything other than another shotty. If HCs got their accuracy and stability back, even with the cut range, you'd see the shotgun nerf more clearly.The PVE nerf was horrendous and so far the one thing I truly dislike about 2.0
Do you guys have an exotic sword cake for launch since the Gjally was nerfed?!
I think it's just a testament to how the shotgun nerf didn't do much for PVP. Essentially, hand cannons were traded for pulse rifles.
Yes, all your V/C marks will turn into Commendations automatically.And from where will you get the Commendations? Van/Cruciable marks?
Since the demo is the full game, is there a purchase now button to unlock the rest of the game instead of downloading it again?
The PVE nerf was horrendous and so far the one thing I truly dislike about 2.0
Wait, are we referring to Bad Juju as Hawkmoon now?
Do we know exactly when the TTK CE add-on will be available?
Since the demo is the full game, is there a purchase now button to unlock the rest of the game instead of downloading it again?
I knew this was the case on Xbone, not on PS4 as well. Does this mean I don't need a disc copy of the vanilla game? Or is the demo gimped in someway? It would be nice not to need the disc anymore.
Yeah, it's a complex system. Shotguns are definitely weaker compared to their past selves, but are actually more effective than they used to be because now there's no close quarters primaries. If we had pre 2.0 Hand Cannons with the current shotguns, shotties would be extremely hard to use. As it is, everyone being gimped with lame Pulses, you're defenseless against a rushing shotty unless you pull out your own or catch him from afar. So even though shotguns are weaker than they were, they are now completely dominant in close quarters where it's ultra hard to counter them with anything other than another shotty. If HCs got their accuracy and stability back, even with the cut range, you'd see the shotgun nerf more clearly.
Yes, all your V/C marks will turn into Commendations automatically.
I think the shotgun PvE nerf was too excessive, the 10% would have been fine... but 50%?
C'mon man.....
Not me, Hawkmoon is still Hawkmoon. In the right hands, the thing still kicks ass.
Although the Bad Juju is also very good.
Most likely at some point tomorrow.
Not me, Hawkmoon is still Hawkmoon. In the right hands, the thing still kicks ass.
Although the Bad Juju is also very good.
Sharded almost all my old stuff. Not gonna rush the story and try to pre-bake my character for it. Just gonna enjoy the ride.
There is no purchase now button. But then again, I think the demo is the full game, there's nothing missing except the DLC and the trophies!
Legendary Marks.
It's not garbage, anyone who says so is exaggerating. But it's literally never gonna be your optimal choice. Assuming equal skill, 1v1 at any range your opponent will have the upper hand if he's using a Pulse Rifle or Scout or Shotgun. If you're ultra pro mode like Zoba you can maneuver around the accuracy nerf and remain effective but you're still handicapping yourself vs the effectiveness of Pulse Rifles with their silly range, stagger, and double tap kills.I'm completely unaware of the extent of the Hawkmoon nerf. Although I will say I haven't encountered it once in PvP since 2.0 dropped
Ok, hoping they change the conversion. Pretty lame marks to mats price right now. I was really hoping farming mats was a thing of the past, but unless all the new gear requires far less mats, the grind is still there. I don't know why nodes on the planets just can't give 3-8 each time you harvest. There is even that completely pointless grimore card boost that did absolutely nothing after unlocking it.
Ok, hoping they change the conversion. Pretty lame marks to mats price right now. I was really hoping farming mats was a thing of the past, but unless all the new gear requires far less mats, the grind is still there. I don't know why nodes on the planets just can't give 3-8 each time you harvest. There is even that completely pointless grimore card boost that did absolutely nothing after unlocking it.
So is your progression in the demo going to reset once you buy the game?
Xbox One owner here looking to do crazy things.
Ok, hoping they change the conversion. Pretty lame marks to mats price right now. I was really hoping farming mats was a thing of the past, but unless all the new gear requires far less mats, the grind is still there. I don't know why nodes on the planets just can't give 3-8 each time you harvest. There is even that completely pointless grimore card boost that did absolutely nothing after unlocking it.
So is your progression in the demo going to reset once you buy the game?
Xbox One owner here looking to do crazy things.
There are pieces of gear (Ghosts?) that have perks to boost the number of materials you extract.
Ok, no worries. I told one guy I could help him at 6:30 pm CPT so we could probably do a run after I finish that one.
Vast majority of runs take 60-90 minutes. Slightly longer on average since the 2.0 nerfs.
Starting with HoW it was like 5 mats per tree, so at most you'll need like 15-20 mats per armor/weapon. It's not as bad as it used to be. I loaded up on them though, each of my characters has 200 of each mat and then I have 200 of each mat in the vault. Also if you get your PoE rank up Variks gives a pretty badass package to Level 3. 1000 Glimmer and 20 of each mat each week.
There are pieces of gear (Ghosts?) that have perks to boost the number of materials you extract.
It's only about 5 planetary materials per upgrade.
You probably missed my question (or I missed your answer)
You said earlier you thought not having faction alignment was a good thing until level 40, but I didn't understand why. It seems to me getting faction allegiance right away helps get packages from them faster.
Did I misunderstand you or can you explain what you meant?
Only applies to those who have edged their rep. My reasoning was that if the package rewards were appropriate for your current level then it'd be best to wait until 40 to rank up.
If it's not level based then it doesn't matter.