Tears is using the Alchemist Cast emblem, which is a pretty rare emblem that Eva Levante sold yesterday
It kinda looks like the Triumphs one.
Yep dug through the list and saw it
Tears is using the Alchemist Cast emblem, which is a pretty rare emblem that Eva Levante sold yesterday
It kinda looks like the Triumphs one.
Weapons won't come until TTK actually starts.
Will be available tomorrow after the weekly reset, when the TTK goes live.
I just photoshoped it.
Watch out for spoilers everyone. All the grimoires are up now.
Sunrise (Ft. Lauderdale area)
Bounties all done, rep all ready to go, factions are teetered to be leveled up in the next 14 hours time to watch some Old Godzilla films in the meantime.
What's the deal with the auto levelling item? Is it simply taking you to level 25, or giving you armor as well?
My old Emblem
Oh no, might have to abandon thread soon.
What's the deal with the auto levelling item? Is it simply taking you to level 25, or giving you armor as well?
What's the deal with the auto levelling item? Is it simply taking you to level 25, or giving you armor as well?
What's the deal with the auto levelling item? Is it simply taking you to level 25, or giving you armor as well?
anything after todays maintenance?
Grand commander just means you were fire team leader a lot.
Yeah, Oryx is dead. Dreadnaught blew up during it's interstellar jump. Bungie is pissed. They canceled the DLC.
I'm tempering my expectations of being able to play at 5am because I know there's gonna be server issues.
The japanese ones? Oh man great choice.
Yeah, Oryx is dead. Dreadnaught blew up during it's interstellar jump. Bungie is pissed. They canceled the DLC.
Anyone else here get grand commander? No? OK 😎
Pick up your emblem at the Emblem Kiosk in the Tower. Bonus: What day might you parrot Long John Silver, and what code might you enter then?
there has never been big server issues with Destiny as far as i remember
Oh yeah. I'm a huge Gojira fan. Starting off with Ghidorah, The Three-headed Monster.![]()
holy shit at the new grimoire
Spoilers Ahead! Click at your own risk: http://destinystatus.com/psn/noomi85/grimoire
New cap is4805
How spoilery?
Interesting. When claiming the new CE Emblem through bungie.net, it says the following after successfully applying to my account:
Interesting. When claiming the new CE Emblem through bungie.net, it says the following after successfully applying to my account:
How spoilery?
It was Destiny at it's purist. Paused it a few times too. Impressed that Lumi didn't complain once about it. He simply said "I missed a point blank shotgun" I would've been pissed haha
We need 1 person to join us for Crota hard. Just made it to the bridge.
Tonight, I'm going to kiss my wife, hug my kids and tell them "Your dad is going away for a while. To fight the darkness and reclaim the Galaxy, so you can live on a better Earth."
I'm tempering my expectations of being able to play at 5am because I know there's gonna be server issues.
Tonight, I'm going to kiss my wife, hug my kids and tell them "Your dad is going away for a while. To fight the darkness and reclaim the Galaxy, so you can live on a better Earth."
Tell them you'll bring them back a hat.Tonight, I'm going to kiss my wife, hug my kids and tell them "Your dad is going away for a while. To fight the darkness and reclaim the Galaxy, so you can live on a better Earth."
redeemed, what does it do?