Give us damn HUD dimming Bungie.
All these "updates", "fixes", "improvements" and I still can't dim the damn HUD.
My plasma screen is devastated.
Come on, it is 4 lines of C++.
No $20 CE add on pack available in the PSN store yet correct?
Game Tab - Related Items - under your ad on.
Unless you are US, then you have to wait.
Unless you are US, then you have to wait.
Until when? Launch?
Until when? Launch?
It's the final countdown
Where is this new update?
Is your avatar from the One Piece cartoons? Apparently there's a PS4 game coming out? Damn this TGS has been stackedIt's the final countdown
I had the same issue. Had 18 gigs free and it was failing. Deleted Killzone, cause who needs another shooter when you have Destiny, and it freed up 40 gigs and I can't download the update.
Got booted from the game because of the update...but i can see streamers still being active.....weird. Talk about delay
RIPANOTHER POWER OUTTAGE?! Nooooooooooo! This can't be happening![]()'s the final countdown
Don't blame me. Blame MGS5 for having the song in the game. I torment everyone, enemy and ally, with that song.Stuck in my head now. Gonna have to blast it into my Skype call now. Thanks![]()
Yep. Sanji.Is your avatar from the One Piece cartoons? Apparently there's a PS4 game coming out? Damn this TGS has been stacked
I'm doing the hammer dance!
My life is complete!
Don't blame me. Blame MGS5 for having the song in the game. I torment everyone, enemy and ally, with that song.
I did that and now 50% foreverI had the same issue. Had 18 gigs free and it was failing. Deleted Killzone, cause who needs another shooter when you have Destiny, and it freed up 40 gigs and started.
I was doing this with rando's in the tower, like 5 of us lol. Also are you neo on psn?
Whoever placed that second Crota's End ghost is a complete troll, lol. We had to stand back and guide each other in one by one given you're completely blind when you're near the thing and one misstep can permanently warp you away.
I"m gonna be that guy and say that I'm not a fan of this soundtrack. I like the popular ones from TDB and House of Wolves and a few new ones from TTK, but half of the Oryx/Dreadnaught stuff has been either tonally basic or downright annoying. In context I imagine i'll probably tune most of it out.