The VoG quest at 240 is a ton of fun.
That mission was soooo good.
The VoG quest at 240 is a ton of fun.
Then there is a chance of it randomly dropping! Unless that was from your green engram Rahool gave you?I had hawkmoon show up at the postmaster. No idea how I got it.
Playing on Xbox One.
I figure that's a definite, have no want to grind the old raids however D:Tell me everything you know about it pretty please! What have you done and how much did it cost and how much of an impact did it have?
I'd bet anything they drop in the old raids.
I can get SO CLOSE to getting this solo, but I always run out of time while opening the chest :/
No idea if leveling it up matters..... I will lean towards no
Exotics break down into Exotic shards as far as i know
No way to game the system man
Two thoughts on marks I'm hoping to have answered, otherwise I'll test later:(... in 8 long hours)
Does ranking up a legendary before dismantling it give more marks?
Does buying a Y1 exotic from the wall, and dismantling it, give legendary marks?
I had hawkmoon show up at the postmaster. No idea how I got it.
Playing on Xbox One.
I took a little time from work today, and just wrapped up mission 3, and the before that the subclass quest.
Um. Wow.
I am trying to learn all I can about how it works. But as food for thought, at least consider having two items of identical attack or defense, you can consume one to boost the other.Then why are people saying that their are infusing their armor to boost up the defense? Why wouldn't they just use the higher defense armor instead?
Two thoughts on marks I'm hoping to have answered, otherwise I'll test later:(... in 8 long hours)
Does ranking up a legendary before dismantling it give more marks?
Does buying a Y1 exotic from the wall, and dismantling it, give legendary marks?
I took a little time from work today, and just wrapped up mission 3, and the before that the subclass quest.
Um. Wow.
I am trying to learn all I can about how it works. But as food for thought, at least consider having two items of identical attack or defense, you can consume one to boost the other.
Interesting. What about across class, like a warlock helm to infuse a titan chest?From what I have seen the item you are consuming needs to be higher then the original item, meaning if they both have identical values you cannot infuse.
How many of you crazies have burned through all the content already?
I took a little time from work today, and just wrapped up mission 3, and the before that the subclass quest.
Um. Wow.
The Vanguard sidearm looks like the shit!I am a believer in side arms.
So I just did the somewhat challenging VoG mission and got a legendary chest engram. It turned into a blue worse then the one I was already wearing. Fucking bullshit.
I am a believer in side arms.
Interesting. What about across class, like a warlock helm to infuse a titan chest?
Hand cannon is love Handcannon is life
Hand cannon is love Handcannon is life
I am trying to learn all I can about how it works. But as food for thought, at least consider having two items of identical attack or defense, you can consume one to boost the other.
Anyone wants to team up for weekly? I'm light level 232.
Seems like vendor gear is the best way to level up?
You're boring. Plus fatebringer didn't have Litc.Lol
Are they seriously just going to put Litc and outlaw on every hand cannon now to appease the fatebringer whiners?
how boring
You're boring. Plus fatebringer didn't have Litc.
I've given up trying to get past 233 light. Am going to work on my hunter
Thanks for the info.Here is some info on infusing based off the Bungie livestream. It seems things did not change between the stream and today.
You have to have a higher weapon or armor to boost the lower one. In the video they infuse a 280 attack weapon with a 290 attack one and it results in a boost to 288 attack. It costs glimmer, weapons parts, 1 mote of light and 3 legendary marks to infuse. You lose the sacrificial weapon/armor obviously. Perks stay the same, and it seems you do not lose the rank progress of the target weapon. The Reddit post was unclear and it seems he sacrificed a leveled ghost to an unlevled one and it did not "infuse the XP" but if you decide to infuse an already maxed weapon (which makes sense, how else would you know you love the weapon and want to level it) it does not reset progress. This is all piecing info together. I do not have the resources or time to thoroughly test this myself yet, so take it with a grain. You basically spend 6 marks to infuse since it costs 3 and you are giving up a weapon/armor that would be worth 3 if sharded.
Bold- this is how Light level actually worked from something like 20-24 at launch to 20-28 as of HoW. The higher your light level, the higher the average light of your rare drops. It was subtle, and no one really cared because basically buying your first legendary boosted you past a threshold by which you could control Light progression all the way to at least the "gel cap," a level or two under requiring raid-tier gear to hit max, which was obviously limited to a single source.I am beginning to think the theory that the quality of dropped and package legendaries are slowly going to increase in attack as you play is correct. Otherwise, you would never be able to infuse above 280 and you would have to start buying 280 vendor weapons/armor just to infuse items, which Bungie wanted to avoid.
Hand cannon is love Handcannon is life