Bummer. Weapons too, only scouts can go into scouts?from what I have seen its item for item, no cross class. So only helm for helm, arm for arm etc all from the same class.
Bummer. Weapons too, only scouts can go into scouts?from what I have seen its item for item, no cross class. So only helm for helm, arm for arm etc all from the same class.
Thanks for the info.
Questions remaining for me:
So much to learn!
- Do target and sacrifice have to be the same type? Helm/helm and sniper/sniper? Or just armor/armor and weapon/weapon? Or can you in fact infuse an armor piece into a weapon?
- Class restrictions- sacrifice Hunter armor to Warlock armor? Class items?
- If the item you're sacrificing to infuse always has to be higher light, doesn't this (via Xeno's paradox) imply that you can NEVER reach max light by infusion?
Bold- this is how Light level actually worked from something like 20-24 at launch to 20-28 as of HoW. The higher your light level, the higher the average light of your rare drops. It was subtle, and no one really cared because basically buying your first legendary boosted you past a threshold by which you could control Light progression all the way to at least the "gel cap," a level or two under requiring raid-tier gear to hit max, which was obviously limited to a single source.
It would definitely make sense to me if it were the case that the higher your light level rose, the better stuff that dropped for you over time.
It cost 150 Marks to "obtain" the wall exotic, so you definitely be at a loss
Messing tolol
i was just messing around bro
Gun looks awesome
Year One's cost 150 marks? I thought they just cost glimmer.
anyone?Leveled my Warlock to 34 over the weekend, I think I'm sitting at around 150 light. I'm at work now and am trying to figure out what my best course of action is when I get home. Do I even bother to upgrade my old exotics/rare weapons? Or should I just be looking for quest rewards/drops? I saw they added a new type of item to upgrade the old items to their max strength at the end of year 1, should I bother with that at all?
"You may infuse this gear by imbuing it with another gear's power, dismantling other gear in the process. The dismantled gear must be unlocked, not currently equipped, and of the same Year and gear slot, and a similar quality, and a higher level than the current gear."
Guys concerning the daily story/crucible missions now...
They are account wide right? So if I do it once on my hunter, and don't need to on my Titan or Warlock?
Do I do it three times on my hunter to get rewards x3?
And now the grind for marks begins. How are people wearing full legendary gear already? I am wearing all blue gear minus one level 40 sidearm, 209 light.
Any word on when the $20 package?
Messing to![]()
Bummer. Weapons too, only scouts can go into scouts?
The infusion description is,
Ok this is shit. The 15 VIP bounty quest gave me a 240 rocket launcher.
goddamnit that's coolSword bros!
Fascinating. Sacrificing legendaries to make stronger rares. Mass hysteria!hmmm I may be totally wrong. I just watched on stream that you CAN infuse different weapons. i.e. sidearm to assault rifle... so maybe the same is true for armor lol.
Also you can infuse a blue item that has a higher def with a legendary, so quality doesn't matter only def amount
I am a believer in side arms.
What the crap?!?
I just got an Auto Rifle from my Dead Orbit package (TTK gear) that is 240 damage.
The guns you can purchase from the vendors are 280.
Does the weapon level up and damage increases?
I just got to 235 from two blues that dropped from the Shield Brothers.i'm at 235 still have 3 blues
What the crap?!?
I just got an Auto Rifle from my Dead Orbit package (TTK gear) that is 240 damage.
The guns you can purchase from the vendors are 280.
Does the weapon level up and damage increases?
Year One's cost 150 marks? I thought they just cost glimmer.
Sword bros!
Weapons do level up, and their damage with them, is that what you're asking?
Yes that is exactly what I am wondering.
Is 280 the top end damage?
I also got a chest piece from Dead Orbit that started with 240 defense where as the one they are selling is 280.
Yeah. My confusion was always about the "higher level" portion. I wanted to specifically know if that meant item level (ie. Level 38 item) or stats (higher attack).
Howd you guys get the mats so quickly? I've gotten 1 of those flakes
Just going post a reminder here because we need two more Guardians!
Friday, 9/18 09:00 PM King's Fall - Normal Mode - Blind raid!
So far it's:
Primary weapons to primary weapons.Bummer. Weapons too, only scouts can go into scouts?
Doesn't look like "the same" attack/defense will work, and same slot but NOT the same type. Primary, Secondary, and Heavy for weapons, each armor slot, ghost, artifact, class item.1. Yes, Same Type and rarity. The difference being that the gun you are infusing has to be the same or weaker than its sacrifice
2. Doesnt look like it. Needs to be in the same SLOT
That's confusing and possibly contradictory, lol. I'm asking- how do you bring an item to max light if you must always use an item with higher light to infuse it, but it doesn't actually reach the higher light level as a result (i.e. 200+210=208)? Maybe if you get within a certain range of a few light points it does max it out...3. Yes exactly. Infusion is meant to promote BUILD variety. Bringing lower light gear UP to Max light. Its not meant to REACH max light.
goddamnit goddamn you![]()