What is the light level for Tier 3 again?
I wonder if we can do the Vault of Glass trick when the raids opens and form a group of 6 to beat that tier
What is the light level for Tier 3 again?
No idea but hears a picture of it =DHow does one acquire this quest?
Have a quest with Banshee where I need to, hmm now where have I done this before.dismantle rare or legendary fusion rifles
Of course the game drops anything but them.
Found these on the Hall of Souls, do they have any purpose? Don't remember seeing them before
lol this Chaperone quest. Well there is one exotic I will not be getting. This is not fun in the slightest. Done.
Is it aafe to shard all old legendary armour and weaponds (except a few i want for pvp)? Do they have no use at all?
And is there a way to buy/trade for weapond parts yet? Im still suffering from the re rolling addiction
Don't you dare.got the stillpiercer hunter exclusive quest weapon from the gunsmith
is it any good?
How does one acquire this quest?
Keep doing Petra Quest, you will eventually get it to where you have to beat "Tier 1" 6 times and then "Tier 2" 3 times and then "Tier 3" 1 time. I juat need 1 more Tier 2 win and then get better gear to tackle Tier 3
Turns out these runes are tied to an event that rewards you with a relic, which in turn allows you to go open the Taken Consumption chest in Hall of Souls.
All I want to do is kill Stirok. I am hanging out at the Rocketyard, the Taken have so far shown up 3 times. No Stirok in sight. WTF? I already killed the other 2 on Earth which was no issue at all.
You only need to have it equipped. Easiest way is to not equip at all until you have super or heavy/are in a dominating position/map you're good at, then equip it and go to town with your secondary, super or heavy.
you get one or more quests to dismantle rares or legendaries so you can still use them for something, but if you need space..
You guys need to get to the rocketyard so we can finish this quest.
Make sure you're killing all the Taken Lieutenants quickly. I believe 3 spawn in that area.
I know you can get some from Eris.I need to get more runes nami. Where can i get them?
The last one for me was the Skywatch boss. Did we do them out of order?
I already killed him while you guys were at the rocketyard. Then I went back there and killed the one there too.
7 more light and I'll be good for heroic weekly. Then I could farm heroic strikes to get to NF. A little at a time.
I know you can get some from Eris.
I know you can get some from Eris.
There's this thing in the Dreadnaught that requires two people. Want to go do that?Alright im gonna do the strikes quest then, court of oryx is fun though.
Would make absolutely no sense at all, in more than the standard way262. I can finally do Heroic Strikes and get some better stuff.
I had to spend some marks to get here, so I hope Xur doesn't require them in any capacity. I keep seeing that tossed around by the zeitgeist, but just as horrified speculation with no concrete info.
I really, really hope we don't need marks for him.
Man, there is so much stuff to do, no idea what any of this is haha