I will be looking to do weekly heroics strikes shortlyReposting since I got stuck at the bottom of the page:
I've been meaning to look into this. Thanks!Just in case anyone is still wondering, those late game missions do give marks on multiple characters
If you place an order with the gunsmith, do you have to hold on to that little package until next Wednesday?
Which part of the dreadnought is the wormsinger rune in again? Know I saw it somewhere. Also what do I with sky burner command Cofer?
If you place an order with the gunsmith, do you have to hold on to that little package until next Wednesday?
Apparently so. Not sure if anyone has been brave enough to dismantle it and see if you can automatically get it again from the Gunsmith.
We did it. Being 260 for me makes a difference. I don't get killed in one or two shots and it doesn't take me 20 hits to kill minotaurs.
loving this gun right now
Got this from the Crucible. Haven't played enough Destiny to know whether its any good
So Ace of Spades is hunter only, which means that Fabian Strategy is the Titan exotic. Shit.
I suppose you have to buy it again, like if you change your mind about which weapon to choose?Apparently so. Not sure if anyone has been brave enough to dismantle it and see if you can automatically get it again from the Gunsmith.
Just tested, yes you can!
so all three characters get a class specific legendary and later a class specific exotic?
We were 278 and 288
I need this as well, I'll be home in a hour in you're still looking
I will be looking to do weekly heroics strikes shortly
Is there still room in the group raiding tonight?Welcome! Hang out here, don't hesitate to ask questions and look for groups!
If you're interested in raiding (you're almost ready for the first one already), I do weekly newbie raids. Watch for a link to signups here when it gets closer to time.
Got a quest from him at rank 2 for my hunter, but it's about a sniper rifle...So Ace of Spades is hunter only, which means that Fabian Strategy is the Titan exotic. Shit.
Yeah you can just takes an awful long time. Think you get like 6% for that mini boss at the portal in yesterdays Heroic Story so maybe worth just killing that a few times.
Which part of the dreadnought is the wormsinger rune in again? Know I saw it somewhere. Also what do I with sky burner command Cofer?
Worth it, haha. Anything to save me from more forced Crucible playstyles I don't enjoy. The Gunsmith test weapons are bad enough, bleh.
I want that sword, but I don't want to run around the dreadnaught looking for random chests
If you guys still want to run strikes I'm up for it. Things should be alright now that I can handle it without being nerfed.
are the strikes giving out marks?
Got a quest from him at rank 2 for my hunter, but it's about a sniper rifle...
No but they give you better gear as drops and stuff.
Has anyone already sharded all their Year 1 gear as long as it's not PvP useful?
Meaning, Raid Gear or PvE weapons?
Nice, thanks for that.Rank 2:
The warlock's fusion rifle https://www.bungie.net/en/Armory/Detail?type=item&item=4257542172&itemname=Susanoo
The titan's shotgun https://www.bungie.net/en/Armory/Detail?type=item&item=2008951974&itemname=Immobius
The hunter's sniper rifle https://www.bungie.net/en/Armory/Detail?type=item&item=1742712674&itemname=Stillpiercer
Rank 3:
Warlock-specific exotic scout: https://www.bungie.net/en/Armory/Detail?type=item&item=803312564&itemname=Tlaloc
Hunter-specific hand cannon: https://www.bungie.net/en/Armory/Detail?type=item&item=552354419&itemname=Ace of Spades
Titan-specific auto rifle: https://www.bungie.net/en/Armory/Detail?type=item&item=2748609458&itemname=Fabian Strategy
Has anyone already sharded all their Year 1 gear as long as it's not PvP useful?
Meaning, Raid Gear or PvE weapons?
yes, I'm afraid so.
Well that's unfortunate...Apparently so. Not sure if anyone has been brave enough to dismantle it and see if you can automatically get it again from the Gunsmith.
...but that's good to knowJust tested, yes you can!
Rank 2:
The warlock's fusion rifle https://www.bungie.net/en/Armory/Detail?type=item&item=4257542172&itemname=Susanoo
The titan's shotgun https://www.bungie.net/en/Armory/Detail?type=item&item=2008951974&itemname=Immobius
The hunter's sniper rifle https://www.bungie.net/en/Armory/Detail?type=item&item=1742712674&itemname=Stillpiercer
Rank 3:
Warlock-specific exotic scout: https://www.bungie.net/en/Armory/Detail?type=item&item=803312564&itemname=Tlaloc
Hunter-specific hand cannon: https://www.bungie.net/en/Armory/Detail?type=item&item=552354419&itemname=Ace of Spades
Titan-specific auto rifle: https://www.bungie.net/en/Armory/Detail?type=item&item=2748609458&itemname=Fabian Strategy
Thread gets titled with raid reference. Won't last until the raid is released.
Out of curiosity, has anyone found any legendaries worth a damn for crucible use? I know it's early, but my killfeed is full of the exact same perfectly rolled / broken house of wolves stuff that dominated the crucible pre-ttk. Kind of depressing that I've needed to go back to my party crasher just to compete.
Just PM youI meant to post here but did it in the gaming OT...
Need 3 brave souls to join us on Friday night at 1030 PM pacific. PM or add me on PSN with the blind raid as the subject.
Worth doing all the quests for Petra and Variks!
Destiny |OT 31| May the regent not die for a good while!We will just have to make it the same title with a slight change for next ot