How are people with mostly blues at a higher light level than me?
i'm light level 250.
need to get 40 points tomorrow.
this...this is not possible.
i'm light level 250.
need to get 40 points tomorrow.
this...this is not possible.
"rarity" is more how many perks the gun/armor has than it's max attack now
So some blues have higher light than purples, but the purples have more perks, and you can infuse those rares into the purple to increase it's light
Exotic scout is mine! *tear*
My very first ttk exotic weapon
Once you get to the point where you can chain heroic strikes you'll backflip into the 280 range
Biggest issue with CE was you literally can't do it if the Swordbearer isn't 31+.Vault of Glass and Scrota were both 'overkill' at release though.
Templar was pounding people into the dirt and Deathsinger was legit offended that people considered her to be a miniboss at first.
I think the community as a whole has a short memory on how new raids typically go lol
What? Da faq blues.
Exotic scout is mine! *tear*
My very first ttk exotic weapon
Dat helmi'm light level 250.
need to get 40 points tomorrow.
this...this is not possible.
Vault of Glass and Scrota were both 'overkill' at release though.
Templar was pounding people into the dirt and Deathsinger was legit offended that people considered her to be a miniboss at first.
I think the community as a whole has a short memory on how new raids typically go lol
Nah only infusing with a higher light itemDoes unlocking perks on armor upgrade the light?
how'd you get that one?
i did all the petra and variks quest today but never got it
Handed in the Lost and Found quest at Petra and didn't get the exotic scout rifle
I guess it's because I didn't finish the Variks quests?
Blues seem to go up to 300. Found a few 295 heavys that I used to upgrade my sword and the one rocket launcher with tracking I found. Both are in the 290s now.
The only downside about infusing which only pertains to armour; a low light legendary will have a lower stat cap than a high light armour that naturally rolled with a high light level
She bugged out on me and friend too :/ Hopefully that exotic isn't RIP.
Nah only infusing with a higher light item
did you get a Petra quest relating to the dreadnought ?
I never did but the thread on reddit I saw says that's the last part
i'm light level 250.
need to get 40 points tomorrow.
this...this is not possible.
Nope, hmm... I wonder what triggers it then. Did everything else Queen's Wrath already. Well time to clear metric ton of other quests and see if some are chained into Queen's stuff.
how'd you get that one?
i did all the petra and variks quest today but never got it
Pics or it didn´t happen.
i'm light level 250.
need to get 40 points tomorrow.
this...this is not possible.
So my friend used a Red Bull code which a GAFfer graciously gave us a couple days ago.
The Red Bull website said "yo code accepted, all good brah!" but he never got anything from it. No focused light and now no Holliday quest.
Anyone know what could be up?
I did the Variks quest after i finished Petra's and I didn't get it as well. Same with a friend.
It is soooo possible if you have a few hours!
Go to court of Orix > farm the tier 1 and tier 2 > equip the new items each time you get a better one > Go to tower and decrypt each engram at a time > equip the new gear from the engram if its better and you will be 290 in a blink of an eye.
Side questing: Finish the Petra quest for a 290 exotic and do the dailies
Dat helm
You have 1 mission Twilight, 1 alone. Find a damn blue helmthat alone will take you to 260, at which point you can play Heroic Strikes for great chances at purple/numerous blue drops. This, coupled with quests, should have you going up in time.
The rest of your gear is in a good spot right now. But dat helm.
they're broken, i've had 3 given to me which have not come though
What I missed or from where people are getting raid requiring 290 light?