the fact that strange coins have been thrown at us in 2.0 makes me wonder 'what else' xur is selling
I might be in the minority but I'm glad it's gone.No Gjallarhorn 2.0...just tears.
Secretly hoping the horn comes back with the next DLC.
Oh I misunderstood, I completely agree.
4 matches into Crucible, I'm at 3% on this TLW bounty. I'm not even doing THAT bad, I'm going like ~0.8 k/d on these matches, how goddamn hard are they penalizing you for dying on this?
Also what are the specifics on the Mercy rule? The last game it loaded me into a Clash match that was 8k to 2k and it didn't end.
the fact that strange coins have been thrown at us in 2.0 makes me wonder 'what else' xur is selling
Can't you also use coins to increase your chance of an exotic drop or something like that?
Anyone want to do some Court of Oryx?
I might be in the minority but I'm glad it's gone.
Im going to kill taken irxori in the cosmodrome sky watch for the Petra bounty.
Join on me if you want to do that too.
There now.
Anyone wants to kill champions on either earth or venus?
Can't you also use coins to increase your chance of an exotic drop or something like that?
Mercy rule triggers with a 5k point lead in clash unless such a lead occurs late in the match, then it just goes on normally. For Control and Rift it's a 10k lead over the losing team.Oh I misunderstood, I completely agree.
4 matches into Crucible, I'm at 3% on this TLW bounty. I'm not even doing THAT bad, I'm going like ~0.8 k/d on these matches, how goddamn hard are they penalizing you for dying on this?
Also what are the specifics on the Mercy rule? The last game it loaded me into a Clash match that was 8k to 2k and it didn't end.
Any Day1 Raid slots open?
Me so far
I might be in the minority but I'm glad it's gone.
I'm picturing the new Strikes and how awesome they are with bosses that actually move around and have cool mechanics.
And then I picture teams dumping 7 rockets, popping a synth, and getting ready to repeat. Specially with Weapons of Light now buffing rockets.
The game is more fun when you don't approach missions as different checkpoints where you unleash the horn and the move on
I still wish I had it when I play with randoms
The point? Even if you hate PvE this game really expects you to play a ton of it. So even a PvP player has to do NF and Weekly once in a while to up his chances of finally getting The Last Word or The Ram or whatever is the hot PvP thing.
Not having an elemental primary is a huge obstacle for people who were less familiar with this content to begin with. Giving them a chance to load up on elemental primaries meant they were on equal footing.
Asking that I kill Skolas 700 times is a far more ridiculous requirement than winning 7 Elimination matches for an elemental primary btw. The problem wasn't that HoW gave PvP players loot too generously. It was that Skolas drop rates were and still are complete dog shit. He drops weapons less than either Raid, which is funny since Skolas weapons are universally the worst of the worst in the Raid tier except maybe the (lol) Auto Rifle.
Sure why not, have been wanting to try it out. I only think I have mats for tier 1 though ( reciprocal runes, right? )
I'm doing the divide and rocket yard ones now if you want, jiza88
i got the feeling that strange coins will not be currency to buy stuff form xur ... we are hoarding them for a long time with zero purpose ... some of us got like 1000+ strange coins
Xur better not sell year one shit.
I just joined deku for the skywatch one, after i get this one i will join you.
Xur better not sell year one shit.
so much wutFor all intent and purpose, rocket launchers are dead in PvE.
Every game needs an OP weapon but it's up to the developers to build their game in a way that the OP weapon does not become a requirement.
Also what's even the point of making Truth a year 2 exotic? No one uses it outside of PvP where the stats don't matter and it wasn't a PS exclusive weapon like Hawkmoon, 4th Horseman, Monte Carlo which meant they pretty much had to upgrade it so that Xbox players could use the weapons without it being useless.
Xur better not sell year one shit.
Your titan looks hot.
Also, send me a FRnoomi85
Lol.Im gonna get my tissue ready for all the tears.
Well it'sIt's all on Bungie for making the weapon what it was (not stat wise but a requirement and essential for everything etc) because of their shit level and encounter design with ad spam and bullet sponge enemies. And now because of that they have completely changed their philosophy instead of fixing it and building around it, it's the reason why you don't have a single exotic rocket launcher...and not even a good legendary rocket launcher. For all intent and purpose, rocket launchers are dead in PvE.
Every game needs an OP weapon but it's up to the developers to build their game in a way that the OP weapon does not become a requirement.
Also what's even the point of making Truth a year 2 exotic? No one uses it outside of PvP where the stats don't matter and it wasn't a PS exclusive weapon like Hawkmoon, 4th Horseman, Monte Carlo which meant they pretty much had to upgrade it so that Xbox players could use the weapons without it being useless.
so much wut
anybody holding off on spending marks to see what exotics slot Xur will have? hahaha
I got Helmet and Gauntlets needed to get Legendary but will wait and see if Xur sells gauntlets or helms tomorrow
I hope it's the Mysterio helmet or Stormcaller gauntlets
Also Lost and Found quest is broken. Just finished it. 100 rep with queen? really?
Where is my damn exotic!?
StahhhhpHawkmoon, Monte Carlo, 4th Horseman, Sunbreakers.
Depends on what OP means in this context. Should a game have stuff that feels really cool? For sure. Should it have a DPS outlier so far removed from the rest of the top tier baseline that using anything else is a handicap? Nah. Remember killing Valus or Skolas in a few seconds with Solar burn? Or doing a Daily Heroic mission where the boss take 4 rockets and dies? That's not fun, it's game breaking.It would be better if you actually explained what you are trying to say.
Are you trying to say that no game should have an OP weapon ? (Which would be contradictory because every game focused around weapons has it since it's fun to play around in the game MGS had things like solar gun, Doom has BFG, R&C games have the Ryno...etc etc)
Are you trying to say Truth is used commonly outside of PvP?
Are you trying to say that there are good rocket launchers?
I don't fuckin know..because all you said was wut?
Your titan looks hot.
Also, send me a FRnoomi85
You might need a Court of Oryx done as well. Do one and you should get a coin.
are Legendary Marks not showing correctly for anyone else on I know I got some last night but the website is showing I have 0.
Well it's
On Bungie the way everything is if you wanna look at it that way
And I think Rocket Launchers were never meant to be instawin solutions the way Horn was. I mean every other RL does the same damage and then you have this crazy outlier. They're still good at what I think their original intent was: quickly cleaning up an area. Places like the final room of Echo Chamber spawn a dozen Goblins who snipe at you with a passion, at the same time. A good Rocket can quickly save you there.
As for Truth going Year 2? They had 3 Launchers. One is dogshit, the other breaks the game. Third is a beautiful compromiseI'm sure it'll be the only Year 2 RL with Tracking + Proximity Det. + Tripod so it'll remain king of PvP.
And as for why upgrade a PvP only weapon? Because a lot of people play more PvP than anything elsesame reason for bringing TLW forward.
I did, i dropped the coin off. Nothing. Got 100 rep and thats it.