You need to finish the main Taken King storyline, yes.
The TLW quest has to be bugged in how it's counting kills from other sources. I just went into a match at 17%, I had a 1.31 k/d and came out at 14%. Seriously fuck this.
Also practically every person in every game is using TLW, pretty obvious what people are doing lol
How do you do the first part? I had 4 kills and 1 death but it only counted as 1%?
Mine too! Woot
LiK me you and Hawkian can go all 3 amigos tonight but he has the noob raid..
So if you're free later on let me know!
You could perhaps criticize that decision? It doesn't make sense to have 2 light level systems running in the same game.
I've finished the main quest but noomi mentioned another quest, which I haven't finished yet. I'm still looking for Champions on Venus and then Mars. Do I need to finish that Quest too?
Nightfall anyone?
1. traveler (psn: grayfour)
If we don't have a fresh OT by tonight, I will be disappointed.
I'm amazed it made it this far.
It's either bugged or the scoring is something like -2 for a death, +1 for a kill, +2 for a precision kill, and some bonus points for multi-kills.I just ended a match positive again but dropped 8%. I don't....I don't understand lol.
Wow, Court of Oryx is super fun once other players start showing up. We had 5 people doing the second tier (240 light) and it was frantic and a good challenge. Can't imagine how hard the higher tiers are.
Join up on us.
- Nightfall is per character, works the same way it did before, you do not get a xp buff anymore though.
Too many people too busy playing the game. Bungie's has done a fine job this time around.
Too many people too busy playing the game. Bungie's has done a fine job this time around.
Arach Jalaal had a present for me.
Would love to. Just got the exotic scout rifle and am at 283. PSN: MiniMe637
I need to do some housekeeping tonight...What do I do with my Etheric Light, Tokens of Crap, and Weapon/Armor Cores?
Am I right in thinking the Gunsmith just gave me the Black Hammer 2.0?
Whats the heroic strike Light Level, again? At work, lol.![]()
I'll join. darkisthewayAt Echo chamber strike boss.
Randoms quit.
Light 260.
Anyone want to help?
Room for two.
Just join.
Someone has already solo'd tier 3, its insane how good he is though
I was tempted to use this as an opportunity to make a clean break from the game
The first time you do it on a character you are guaranteed a legendary engram.
In an attempt to clear out my vault, what are the HoW weapons worth keeping, if any? I may keep the queen / PoE gear for now, otherwise is any of the regular vendor gear worth hanging onto?
I think a big part of the problem is people are forgetting they have 3 subclasses. That Warsat is a perfect place for a Titan bubble or Invisible Bladedancer for ex. That, and randoms suckTried a heroic strike for the first time at 258, Luke lied about a couple of levels. It was the sabre one and we wiped god knows how many times just defending the warsat
Picked up this sweet looking pulse with full auto and army of one;15.2,8:3,0:5,1
I think someone said it's +1 for body kill, +2 headshots and -1 for every death.This has to be bugged. I had 53%. I went on a killing spree, died, and I was at 50%. And yes TLW was equipped. Also I went up over 35% that one game despite only having 22 kills in that match (and even ignoring my 9 deaths). Goddamn this is infuriating.