Anyone on Xbox having trouble logging in? I clicked on my character and it's been loading for the past 2 minutes
I tried to join heroic strikes but matchmaking failed. So there could be an issue
Anyone on Xbox having trouble logging in? I clicked on my character and it's been loading for the past 2 minutes
So I'm at 205 light level and finished the story. What should I be doing now to progress? Doing the other quests I have or what? I'm not high enough to do any strikes or anything yet.
Why?I don't know how you can say that until Xur comes. I have a feeling that there will be a lot of upset people when Xur comes tomorrow.
I have a strong suspicion that Xur's economy is changing in a way detrimental to the player. Either the good stuff will require legendary marks, or we won't be able to buy multiple exotic items, or they will be very low defense/attack exotics.
I can't see Bungie being as generous with Xur as they used to be.
That's just it- can an engram or item drop from it? Then it can help you. You could theoretically go back and do a level 5 story mission, have a blue engram drop, decrypt it and progress forward. Cray cray!Oh yeah I guess I can do that. I just assumed that something that low-leveled wouldn't help me.
Yeah it's $40 if you have the other DLCs. It also makes the other DLCs look like a joke.
You'll get the go ahead from this thread, but yeah $40 is your option. The game has much more unique content then vanilla Destiny and you can progress for a good 20-30 hours playing ANY of the content unique content (after that it'll probably have to be Raid drops to progress a character). You aren't pigeonholed into one method of progressing like vanilla's loot cave. I'm still unlocking missions 20 hours in. It's a solid $40 purchase if you liked the gunplay of Vanilla but were irked by the progression system and sponge-like bosses.
Anyone on Xbox having trouble logging in? I clicked on my character and it's been loading for the past 2 minutes
Edit: and there was no error code at the end! Just a message saying I've been disconnected from the Destiny servers
I don't know how you can say that until Xur comes. I have a feeling that there will be a lot of upset people when Xur comes tomorrow.
I have a strong suspicion that Xur's economy is changing in a way detrimental to the player. Either the good stuff will require legendary marks, or we won't be able to buy multiple exotic items, or they will be very low defense/attack exotics.
I can't see Bungie being as generous with Xur as they used to be.
Yeah I doubt we can buy anything good with strange coins since the game gives them out way more generously now (even without getting them from weeklies anymore)
That's the part. It's a 290 version of the strike though. Thus why I'm looking for gaffers instead of going on ahead with randoms. For the second part, do Regicide, kill the Tortured Knight that spawns on the bridge 17 times. Just wipe after each kill. Made that part easy. You don't lose points for dying.
I'll wait. Maybe we will have a third by then as well.
Yeah, there's a few quests that give you 20+ legendary marks.
I know Fear's Embrace gives you 20 for completing it.
They give them out more generously now because there is no weekly anymore. It's there to off set the lack of guaranteed coins you used to get from weeklies.
Here's a tweet from Mark Noseworthy a while back that explains it:
I don't know how you can say that until Xur comes. I have a feeling that there will be a lot of upset people when Xur comes tomorrow.
I have a strong suspicion that Xur's economy is changing in a way detrimental to the player. Either the good stuff will require legendary marks, or we won't be able to buy multiple exotic items, or they will be very low defense/attack exotics.
I can't see Bungie being as generous with Xur as they used to be.
I'm hearing we all have to do the taken king quests to unlock the raid... Is this confirmed or no?
I have the same suspicion. I can just see him selling blueprints instead of the actual item. Then you have to spend the marks to have pull it from a blueprint.
I'm hearing we all have to do the taken king quests to unlock the raid... Is this confirmed or no?
Curse you blue!
I'm hearing we all have to do the taken king quests to unlock the raid... Is this confirmed or no?
I have the same suspicion. I can just see him selling blueprints instead of the actual item. Then you have to spend the marks to have pull it from a blueprint.
Do you think we can still do the raid even if we don't have it, but the party leader does?Yes. And probably quite a few quests after to reach the light level required, though we don't yet know what that is.
Can't infuse exotics, eh?
I don't think it's confirmed you HAVE to have this quest to unlock the raid is it? I'm at that step as well and while completing the raid would complete this quest, I think you could still do the raid without having this quest available. Have I missed a confirmation that states otherwise?Yes. And probably quite a few quests after to reach the light level required, though we don't yet know what that is.
Curse you blue!
I'm hearing we all have to do the taken king quests to unlock the raid... Is this confirmed or no?
Can you infuse it? I think this is a time that calls for it.
Do legendary class items, ghosts, and artifacts shard into legendary marks?
And yeah no way Xur just keeps taking coins for new exotics. I'd be pleasantly surprised.
oh crap, I didnt even think about the raid being locked behind a quest chain. isnt there a quest chain that has teh raid at the end? thought I heard that.
No you 100% can and I did. I just thought it was hilarious that this random blue pulse rifle is better then an exotic.
Past experience and knowing that Bungie doesn't like things that allow players to "game" the system.
I know there is no hard data on this, but from folks experience so far: Does the actual difficulty of what you are doing effect the quality of the engrams you receive? I don't necessarily mean the color/type of engram, but what the engram turns into. Is a blue engram found in a heroic strike more likely to be higher armor/atk/light than a blue engram found in the level 36 strike playlist, everything else being equal?
Anyone on Xbox having trouble logging in? I clicked on my character and it's been loading for the past 2 minutes
Edit: and there was no error code at the end! Just a message saying I've been disconnected from the Destiny servers
Anyone on Xbox having trouble logging in? I clicked on my character and it's been loading for the past 2 minutes
Edit: and there was no error code at the end! Just a message saying I've been disconnected from the Destiny servers
ive been doing nothing but infusion. been spending my marks solely on infusion. am I doing it wrong?
I'm hearing we all have to do the taken king quests to unlock the raid... Is this confirmed or no?
Yes. And probably quite a few quests after to reach the light level required, though we don't yet know what that is.
Prediction: he sells his usual exotics, but not very high light; you have to infuse them to make them very high level.
10 more strange coins than they used to cost to buy a Year 1 item that can't even be upgraded...?god I hope it wont be all bad. im banking on xur to save me here. also there still handing out strange coins and no one takes them for any reason. So I assume Xur will have them. worst it will be im guess
23 strange coins
25 legendary marks
23 strange coins for a 170 piece and you have to get the upgraded version with 125 marks at the koisk.
I just hope it will be the same as it ever was. but as disappointed as ive been with some of the new changes. I doubt it greatly.
Could you clarify how buying items from Xur is remotely "gaming the system"?Past experience and knowing that Bungie doesn't like things that allow players to "game" the system.
Yep.You still looking for someone for the 290 shield bros?
I have the same suspicion. I can just see him selling blueprints instead of the actual item. Then you have to spend the marks to pull it from a blueprint.
I currently have a quest calledoh crap, I didnt even think about the raid being locked behind a quest chain. isnt there a quest chain that has teh raid at the end? thought I heard that.
can you get legendary marks for dismantling the following?
-legendary ghosts (brave shell ect.)
-legendary class items (the subclass specific quest ones)
The Road to King's Fall, nobody knows if you have to unlock it though to participate.
Infuse it. Mine is 297 because of infusing a blue Handcannon with 299Curse you blue!