Unconfirmed Member
Finally passed the magic 280 mark, anyone wanna do the Nightfall? PSN: ultrajari
If you've just completed Wolves on Mars, I believe you need to wait until tomorrow. Petra should give you a new quest rewarding you with the Scout Rifle (it only has 2 or 3 steps).
So who still needs to find a group for the raid?
1. Subtervotion (me)
I'd like to do it as close to launch as possible. Quote me, message me, etc.
If you've just completed Wolves on Mars, I believe you need to wait until tomorrow. Petra should give you a new quest rewarding you with the Scout Rifle (it only has 2 or 3 steps).
doing Heroic Vanguard strikes. anyone interested?
Shotgun next, I just did that part.The last word quest done, sorry to everyone in oarty chat. I got very angry...
Never again!
Yes. The Eris quest where you have to complete 6 tier 1 Court of Oryx events, 3 tier 2, and a tier 3.
Tier 3 can also drop 300 Artifacts if you're lucky. But completing the Eris quest guarantees you one.
So who still needs to find a group for the raid?
1. Subtervotion (me)
I'd like to do it as close to launch as possible. Quote me, message me, etc.
I do.
PSN: Fourbin
Quick question. If I have a 220 Legendary that I like and like three blues that are 245, 250 , 255 respectively, what is my best option for reaching the best light level with the legendary.
1. Infuse the 245, then the 250, then the 255.
2. Just infuse the 255.
It do not want to waste marks this early in the week.
1) You end up with 253 For 9 Marks
2) You end up 248 For 3 Marks
Is the new raid 3 or 6 people max in a fireteam?
Could you guys join our group? We need 2 more. 1 said they wouldn't be ready. We are at:
But we're only going 5 hours (or at least that is as long as I can). Thanks!
Shotgun next, I just did that part.
how do you unlock the wolves on mars quest? I dont have it
Complete all of the Taken War: Petra quests. It's basically killing 2 champions on Earth, Venus and Mars. After that you'll be directed to Variks and he'll give you the Wolves on Mars quest.
I did it in rumble lol wasn't too bad xDYeah thats easy though, nami told me the secrets earlier![]()
Depends on when you plan on going, i can do both.
DB and NLB are dying for updated Y2 versions because they were wasted in Y1. NLB is good now but capped at 170. Dragons Breath has so much potential to be cool.
doing Heroic Vanguard strikes. anyone interested?
Anyone doing the NightFall? I'm a 272 Warlock. Add me PSN Jafku
Anyone want to run the NF? I'm 284 light.
Very pleased it seems Xur will still take coins. Last time I was excited for Xur though was around Christmas when he sold Dragons Breath so I'm not going to get my hopes up.
DB and NLB are dying for updated Y2 versions because they were wasted in Y1. NLB is good now but capped at 170. Dragons Breath has so much potential to be cool.
Dude, nice. Congrats to her.It's been a rough 6 months for my GF but she finally got a new job and hopefully this place treats her better than the last. So happy for her.
ok, Im on the venus step of that. and the wolves of mars gets you an exotic scout rifle right? is that what Im hearing
ok, Im on the venus step of that. and the wolves of mars gets you an exotic scout rifle right? is that what Im hearing
It looks like Xur will still sell one piece of armour for each class.
- Exotics that previously only dropped in POE can drop from Legacy Engrams
- Xûr will continue to sell one piece of Exotic armor per class
- None of the information I am giving is a promise about what will happen tomorrow
I didn't get it and I finished both Taken War: Petra and Wolves of Mars. Still not sure what triggers it, but Queen's wrath level might be the issue. Mine's pretty low.
anyone know a good place to kill 10 hive majors without dying in the dreadnought?
Yes if you'll take me?
I'm #Forever265 because the game won't unlock my Artifact slot for my Hunter.
I'm so salty right now.
It looks like Xur will still sell one piece of armour for each class.
We can give it a shot if we get a 3rd preferably 280+ since I'm not sure how tough it will be with 2 underleveled players. My back ain't strong enough to carry lol.
3rd for NF?
Got 277 junk on the nightfall, the llot system post game is kinda bad