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Destiny |OT33| Hey Luke, What's the Theme for King's Fall? (Unmarked Spoilers)


Does it have to be with the specific hand cannon? I thought it was like the chaperone where you just have to have it equipped?

Apparently that specific gun, was talking about it with Xo, we might be wrong, seems a bit excessive to me, i would understand headshot kills but sprees? come on!!!


Apparently that specific gun, was talking about it with Xo, we might be wrong, seems a bit excessive to me, i would understand headshot kills but sprees? come on!!!

someone should already be at that step.

we must hunt them down and find out.

for science.
So many afk people in heroic strikes today. Don't think I've ever seen so many. In one strike the two blueberries seemed to be taking turns going afk. I don't care about my streak that, you stupid wankers.


FYI, if you turned in the repaired Core today, the quest should be available tomorrow. I'm reading that Banshee won't offer it until the next day for whenever you turned it in. no worries.

Well that's somewhat of a relief. I'm still kicking myself in the ass though, all I had to do was repair it and I'd have it. Now I'm going to have to listen to all my friends gush over this gun I won't be able to get until tomorrow :\


Does anyone have the First Curse Handcannon Yet?

Was wondering if its any good in PVP. I hate Auto,pulse,scout rifles...I want my damn HC back dammit

Someone got to rank 5 with banshee last week so this person should be on the pvp part right now, last step is apparently another wait till the arms day reset, so earliest someone will get it on wednesday.
FYI, if you turned in the repaired Core today, the quest should be available tomorrow. I'm reading that Banshee won't offer it until the next day for whenever you turned it in. no worries.

Perfect I will just do it tomorrow and make sure to turn it in today.


Sleeper is finished, so now the hunt should be for this abomination, right?


This will probably come across as whiny, so forgive me. Yes, I'm lamenting but I figured I'd post about it anyway since I've gotten some interesting, insightful responses before. My thoughts are kind of scattered at the moment, so excuse me for that as well - I'm at work and managed to find a break to write this post.

Yesterday was the first day in a while I remotely enjoyed PvP. I was on my level 26 Titan and figured I'd begin to hit the Crucible bounties for XP. Whatever I can do to hit 40 faster? I'll do it.

I was having fun despite losing all my matches because of shenanigans I got in. Seeing folks run around with Year 1 primaries was funny and I consider this to be on one of the higher rungs of being a 'tryhard', but this perhaps comes from how I view the weapons as being outdated from playing so much PvE stuff in this game. I ended up turning in a few completed bounties, but regardless of having slight enjoyment from being a Defender Titan in PvP, I found myself bitter about the rounds I played afterward.

I find PvP in this game to be soulless shit with corridors and random futuristic shit splattered everywhere to the point nothing feels recognizable. It's like the artists were told to make things as confusing as possible, and they did. The level designers were probably laid off from Bungie. No clue. Setpieces and rooms are sort of there just to be there in a sense, as if someone figured why not have this hallway here with this fork?

The lack of soul can't be saved by Shaxx either, despite him being an awesome announcer. Another problem is that I see PvP as a chore I can avoid at times, which I guess is what Bungie intended and aims for (but hugely failed at back in HoW if one got to Mercury by going on a 9-streak win in Trials. Mercury had cool lore related stuff there apparently and for it to be gated without an equivalent for PvE is problematic, but that's another discussion in itself). This, plus the fact I can't make custom matches to fuck around in, adds weight to how PvP is like a job or a bad tasting medicine. I'm subject to whatever Bungie brings to the table. Woe is me who wants to run around a map for a bit without getting shot at so I can learn where all the ammo drops are, or wants to find good vantage points, or perhaps want to get a group of friends together to do a 12 man free for all rocket-only fight.

Finally, playing PvP alone is awful. Perhaps it's who I am as a person, and perhaps I could play with more GAFfers in PvP, but going solo in this game is like I'm scratching my eyes out. Not having anyone to talk is a quick avenue to frustration, and dealing with the digital ass Bungie has made and consider to be suitable enough to ship in a AAA game as a multiplayer shooter is utterly grating.

To that, I ask what are GAF trains for? Fun? Or for carrying? Because I'm all for fun times, but being who I am and where I'm at in TTK currently, I don't need or want to be carried, nor do I want to deal with the unpleasantries of try-hard fucks whose armpits sweat the very mountain dew they chug between sniper headshots and hammer kills.

The most fun I had in games I got good at were with friends, and I dunno, I find it quite hard to have that in Destiny. I don't know if I make myself distant or what, but it sucks.

/end rantish-like post.

Sleeper is finished, so now the hunt should be for this abomination, right?

I welcome I microphone/metal q-tip new gjallarhorn


Yeah hopefully. Spent about 2 hours trying to get a Mars Warsat with no luck. Such bullshit

the public event tracking site wasnt accurate tbh. I bumped into 1 warsat on mars that wasn't even listed as an ongoing or upcoming event on destinypublicevents
I've beat Warpreist at least 5 times now and never received any heavy weapons. Really really want that machine gun.

I need to hurry up and level up my 2nd alt so I can increase my chances.
Damn you guys weren't kidding about the Suros Ari-45. Just tried it in the daily crucible match. Really good gun.

Plus Suros guns just sound and feel so damn awesome. Suros >>>>

Agreed on both accounts. Love the look, feel and sound of the Suros guns plus the Ari-45 is a beast. Prior to using it I was using the Righteous VII from NM and it's just as awesome in the hrof archetype.


FYI, if you turned in the repaired Core today, the quest should be available tomorrow. I'm reading that Banshee won't offer it until the next day for whenever you turned it in. no worries.

Awesome! Can't wait to spend another 2 hours on Mars. Friday night SABER strike .. book it.


via reddit.

7th column crucible meaning:

this is announcement when you get a ton of kills back to back in crucible. never really understood the reference until i stumbled upon this:

The seventh column in the Periodic Table of Elements are "Halogens". - bungie wiki

The name 'halogen' means 'salt-producing'. - wikipedia.org
Got SS. It's really cool, but it's really only for really tough bosses, like some of the raid ones or Nightfall, bosses too strong to get in sword/shotgun range.
Otherwise swords are still the most useful heavy in the game.

SS is going in the vault with the ToM.
I agree. But one can always hope


Also, there is no room for the 2 other flavors shown of thunderlord, so... we just don't know.

there was no spot for the SS either

at least thats what I though. I count 5 but there is

- Thunderlord
- Truth
- 3 exotic swords

So i wouldnt trust the "slots"


Got SS. It's really cool, but it's really only for really tough bosses, like some of the raid ones or Nightfall, bosses too strong to get in sword/shotgun range.
Otherwise swords are still the most useful heavy in the game.

SS is going in the vault with the ToM.

I think people give too much credit to power of swords, especially Sol one. I so often see over confident people rushing at bosses with it to only get rolfstomped hard. What is point to deliver one large-ish strike if it results you being dead under the boss for next 30 seconds?


I think people give too much credit to power of swords, especially Sol one. I so often see over confident people rushing at bosses with it to only get rolfstomped hard. What is point to deliver one large-ish strike if it results you being dead under the boss for next 30 seconds?

the answer to your question is exotic arc blade.

so fucking good.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Crap, I'm afraid I might have screwed myself out of SS today. I did Firewall, did the warsat's and everything else.. the only problem is I fell asleep before I could repair the core and turn it into the gunsmith. I just turned it in now, but no quest has popped up for me.

Does that mean I won't be able to get SS until Firewall pops up again?
I assume we'll be able to get it after the reset tomorrow, nobody knows for sure yet obviously.
the answer to your question is exotic arc blade.

so fucking good.

I cant see myself every transforming my sword into an exotic personally...

For me, the sword is used to clear medium to heavy adds...

HMG/RL/SS are used for boss tier individuals that can one hit/stomp.
I think people give too much credit to power of swords, especially Sol one. I so often see over confident people rushing at bosses with it to only get rolfstomped hard. What is point to deliver one large-ish strike if it results you being dead under the boss for next 30 seconds?

Arc Sword. Plus swords are better than anything to take majors down fast. Especially the knight at Oryx.
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