it's one of the new versions of the hopscotch/allfate archetype, which is IMO the best weapon in pvp right now.
i've been using red death in iron banner and it just feels a lot worse than one of the legendary variants that can max out the stability.
Off-topic, but I have two extra codes for the 3DS Zelda: Tri Force Heroes Demo if anyone on DGAF is interested before I go to the thread for the demo and give them away there. Send me a PM if you are.
it's one of the new versions of the hopscotch/allfate archetype, which is IMO the best weapon in pvp right now.
i've been using red death in iron banner and it just feels a lot worse than one of the legendary variants that can max out the stability.
Try stability Juju
Also Bungie stop teasing me and GIVE ME IT
Gimmeee i wanna pretend to be Dark Soools
Titans and Hunters get OP glitches. Warlocks be like
Yeah it looks just really good and the roll straight off the vendor is promising.
Gonna have to grind out those ranks. How much does the rep requirement change per rank, or is it always the same?
it's one of the new versions of the hopscotch/allfate archetype, which is IMO the best weapon in pvp right now.
i've been using red death in iron banner and it just feels a lot worse than one of the legendary variants that can max out the stability.
That's gotta be movie of the week.
That's gotta be movie of the week.
While this is true, the 2.0 hopscotch is still easily one if the best, if not, flat out best gun in regular crucible.The 2.0 Hopscotch was nowhere near the previous one.
While this is true, the 2.0 hopscotch is still easily one if the best, if not, flat out best gun in regular crucible.
Mercy ends match for the team I was on dominating, breaks up groups throws me in game where the enemy team has double our score and about 1,000 points away for victory... -_-
The messenger does not have perfect stability and you cannot reroll it.There's the Messenger which was almost on par with pre 2.0 that statement does not compute.
The best primary in the game would be a toss between Red Death and Messenger.
Nice. That's incredibly useful. Is the buff gone now though, or just automatically applied?
And what may I ask is "strength of the wolf"? I seem to randomly get it in IB matches.
My favorite medal. 10 kills for a team without anyone on that team dying.Nice. That's incredibly useful. Is the buff gone now though, or just automatically applied?
And what may I ask is "strength of the wolf"? I seem to randomly get it in IB matches.
Actually Hopscotch is a bad gun to compare it to, since the pre nerf Hopscotch was a different gun and that was the one which was a king in PvP as it matched the Messenger archetype. The 2.0 Hopscotch was nowhere near the previous one.
Buff is always active, its a passive
And Strength of the Wolf is a Crucible Medal. To earn the medal, players and their team must get 10 kills without any deaths in the Crucible.
My favorite medal. 10 kills for a team without anyone on that team dying.
I'm straight giving up with IB for now, I'm just not having fun playing it and don't want to force myself to just for the Hunter cloak.
Control just isn't fun anymore with the new supers. Far too much insta-death stuff that throws strategy and skill out of the window. The last three games boiled down to the team with most Titans :/
I gotta do solar, would you want to trade helpskipotatoes maybe?Looking for some help doing Heroic Sunless Cell to finish off my void sword.
PS4: Ayjis, 295 light
What is your IB rank?Yes! Got the Warlock Bond drop! And it has Pulse rifle focus, very, very cool.
I gotta do solar, would you want to trade helpskipotatoes maybe?
I think you're forgetting about Super trains. One guy supers, creates orbs, next guy supers, creating more orbs, etc etc...I would understand this complaint in Mayhem, but supers really aren't that common in IB. The best player I've encountered so far was a hunter. For like 5 games in a row whatever team he was on won. Finally the last game I was matched against him and we won,'it was 20000 to 19980 or something.
Rank 2.What is your IB rank?
The messenger does not have perfect stability and you cannot reroll it.
Hopscotch with outlaw, hand laid stock and reactive reload grants easy 3 burst kills and a quicker 2 burst kill than messenger. You can also take the lowest magnification sights for increased mobility and awareness without a hit to stability.
I think you're forgetting about Super trains. One guy supers, creates orbs, next guy supers, creating more orbs, etc etc...
If the other team is coordinated it happens quite often.
Rank 2.
send hawkian a FR
The messenger does not have perfect stability and you cannot reroll it.
Hopscotch with outlaw, hand laid stock and reactive reload grants easy 3 burst kills and a quicker 2 burst kill than messenger. You can also take the lowest magnification sights for increased mobility and awareness without a hit to stability.
Who is Volcynika?